Promulgation of the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024 in Vietnam

Has the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024 in Vietnam been issued yet? When is a health insurance card invalid for use in Vietnam? Which subjects are covered by the state budget for health insurance contributions in Vietnam?

Promulgation of the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024 Vietnam

On November 27, 2024, the National Assembly passed the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024, amending and supplementing several articles of the Health Insurance Law.

Additionally, the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024 repeals Clause 2 of Article 32 of the Law on Forces Participating in Security and Order Protection at the grasshoots level in 2023.

The amended Health Insurance Law in 2024 takes effect from July 1, 2025, except for the following cases:

- Regulations related to the technical expertise level in medical examination and treatment, initial health insurance medical examination registration, transfer of patients between health insurance medical facilities, and health insurance medical procedures in Clauses 3, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, and 28 of Article 1 of the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024 take effect from January 1, 2025.

- Regulations on the scope of benefits in Clause 16 of Article 1 of the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024, except for regulations on telemedicine, support for telemedicine, family medicine, in-home medical examinations, and the principle of establishing equipment lists and technical services within the benefits scope of health insurance participants, and regulations on the benefit level in Clause 17 of Article 1 of the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024 are applied to the following cases, effective from January 1, 2025:

+ Subjects stipulated in Clause 10 of Article 1 of the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024 already defined in Article 12 of the Health Insurance Law 2008 as amended and supplemented by Law No. 32/2013/QH13, Law No. 46/2014/QH13, Law No. 97/2015/QH13, Law No. 35/2018/QH14, Law No. 68/2020/QH14, and Law No. 30/2023/QH15,

+ Subjects defined at Point a of this clause seeking medical examination and treatment at a medical facility before January 1, 2025, and completing the treatment course from January 1, 2025.

Promulgation  of  the  Revised  Health  Insurance  Law  2024?

Promulgation of the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024 in Vietnam​ (Image from the Internet)

Who is covered by state budget health insurance in Vietnam?

Based on Article 12 of the Health Insurance Law 2008 (amended by Clause 10 of Article 1 of the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024), groups covered by the state budget include:

- Active-duty officers of the People's Army, professional soldiers; active-duty officers, non-commissioned officers in the People's Public Security force; cipher workers receiving salaries equivalent to armed forces personnel

- Active-duty non-commissioned officers, soldiers in the People's Army; non-commissioned officers, conscripted soldiers in the People's Public Security; military, public security, and cipher learners receiving living expenses as Vietnamese citizens

- Foreign learners pursuing military, public security, and cipher training who receive living expenses

- Trainees undergoing reserve officer training for 03 months or more who have not joined social or health insurance

- Regular militia

- Persons with meritorious contributions to the revolution as stipulated by the Ordinance on Preferential Treatment for People with Meritorious Contributions to the Revolution; veterans

- Incumbent Members of the National Assembly and Members of People's Councils at all levels

- Children under 6 years old

- Relatives of martyrs, persons who foster martyrs as stipulated by the Ordinance on Preferential Treatment for Persons with Meritorious Contributions to the Revolution

- Relatives of persons with meritorious contributions to the revolution, spouses of martyrs who have remarried but continue receiving monthly survivor’s benefits, and other individuals related under the Ordinance on Preferential Treatment for Persons with Meritorious Contributions to the Revolution

- Relatives of the following individuals:

+ Active-duty officers of the People's Army, professional soldiers; active-duty officers, non-commissioned officers in the People's Public Security force; cipher workers receiving salaries equivalent to armed forces personnel

+ Active-duty non-commissioned officers, soldiers in the People's Army; non-commissioned officers, conscripted soldiers in the People's Public Security; military, public security, and cipher learners receiving living expenses as Vietnamese citizens

- Persons who have donated human organs as per legal provisions

- Foreigners studying in Vietnam under scholarships from the Vietnamese State budget

- Individuals from poor households; ethnic minorities from near-poor households residing in ethnic minority and mountainous areas; ethnic minorities residing in economically disadvantaged areas; individuals residing in areas with especially difficult socio-economic conditions; individuals living on island communes or districts

- Commune-level officials who have retired and are receiving monthly allowances from the state budget

- Persons who have ceased receiving occupational loss benefits but are receiving monthly allowances from the state budget

- Persons receiving monthly social welfare benefits; individuals receiving monthly care allowances as per relevant legal provisions; persons receiving monthly survivor’s benefits who fall under groups entitled to social welfare

- Persons aged 75 years or older receiving monthly survivor's benefits, persons aged 70 to under 75 years from near-poor households receiving monthly survivor’s benefits

- Individuals receiving monthly social pension benefits as per social insurance legislation

- Workers not eligible for a pension and not of retirement age who are receiving monthly allowances under social insurance legislation.

When is a health insurance card in vietnam invalid?

Based on Article 16 of the Health Insurance Law 2008 (amended by Clauses 10, 14 of Article 1 of the amended Health Insurance Law in 2024), the health insurance card is stipulated as follows:

Article 16. Health Insurance Card


  1. The health insurance card is invalid in the following cases:

a) The card has expired;

b) The card is altered or erased;

c) The individual named on the card no longer participates in health insurance.

  1. Vietnam Social Security issues the health insurance card model after gaining unified opinion from the Ministry of Health.

A health insurance card is invalid when:

- The card has expired

- The card is altered or erased

- The individual named on the card no longer participates in health insurance.

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