In 2023, will the form of request for social insurance benefits when the beneficiary dies be officially revised in Vietnam?

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Question date: 04/12/2023

In 2023, will the form of request for social insurance benefits when the beneficiary dies be officially revised in Vietnam? What is method of preparing a request to receive social insurance benefits when the beneficiary dies in Vietnam?

    • In 2023, will the form of request for social insurance benefits when the beneficiary dies be officially revised in Vietnam?

      On March 31, 2023, the General Director of Vietnam Social Insurance issued Decision 523/QD-BHXH in 2023 amending the Application for receiving social insurance benefits when the beneficiary dies (form No. 3- CBH) in the Appendix attached to Decision 166/QD-BHXH Procedures for handling social insurance benefits, payment of social insurance and unemployment insurance benefits.

      FORM NO. 3-CBH issued with Decision 523/QD-BHXH in 2023 is as follows:

      Independence - Freedom - Happiness


      To: Social Insurance ………..…………………………

      My name is: ……………..………………… Born on …….month …….year …...Relationship to the deceased:……………

      Citizen identification card number/ID card/Personal identification number…………….…Date of issue:………….Place of issue:.........

      Place of residence (specify: house number, street, group/commune/ward):…………………………………………

      Contact phone number:………………………………………………………………………………

      Are you a relative of Mr/Mrs: …………………………………..

      Social insurance book number/Social insurance code: ……………………………….

      Citizen identification card number/ID card/Personal identification number…………...Date of issue……………Place of issue:................

      Mr./Mrs. ………………died on ………...month………..year ……….(Excerpt from death declaration…; date…...month…..year….due to accident agency/unit…..level).

      Place to receive pension and social insurance benefits before death:……………………………………..

      With the consent of family members, I would like to represent the following relatives to receive the social insurance benefits of the deceased person who is receiving social insurance benefits:

      1. Mr. (Mrs.):…………………………Born on………month……..year……………………

      Citizen identification card number/ID card/Personal identification number………….Date of issue:…….Place of issue:…………

      Phone number:…………………………………………………………………………………...


      Relationship to the deceased:……………………………………………………………….

      2. Mr. (Mrs.):…………………………….Born on………month……..year…………………

      Citizen identification card number/ID card/Personal identification number …………..Date of issue:……..Place of issue:…………….

      Phone number:……………………………………………………………………………………

      Residence: ………………………………………………………………………………………

      Relationship with the deceased: ………………………………………………………………..

      3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..


      We request the social insurance agency to consider and resolve the social insurance regime for our family according to regulations.

      4. Commitment of relatives: We are relatives of Mr./Mrs.:…………… Agree to appoint Mr./Mrs.…………as the family representative to prepare a Request for Social Insurance benefits when deceased beneficiary. We commit that the information declared above is complete and true and is responsible before the law for the declared content as well as in case of any dispute regarding receipt of pensions or social insurance benefits according to the regime. degree of the deceased beneficiary.

      5. Commitment of the declarant: I commit that I am the person authorized by the relatives to make a request according to form No. 3-CBH. I hereby declare that the declared content is true and will be responsible before the law if any dispute arises./.

      Confirmation from relatives about appointing a representative to request to receive social insurance benefits when the beneficiary passes away

      First person: ..............................................

      (Sign or fingerprint, write full name)

      Second people: …………………………….

      (Sign or fingerprint, write full name)

      Third wheel: ……………………………..

      (Sign or fingerprint, write full name)

      Person (n): …………………………….

      (Sign or fingerprint, write full name)

      ……..., day month Year….
      Certification of the applicant's signature or fingerprint

      ……..., day month Year….
      (Sign or fingerprint, write full name)

      Approval by the social insurance agency

      - Total number of months of back pay: …….months

      From month…..year… month….year…..

      - Total amount of back pay: ……VND


      ….., day month Year…….
      Director of Social Insurance
      (Signed and stamped)

      In 2023, will the form of request for social insurance benefits when the beneficiary dies be officially revised in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

      What is method of preparing a request to receive social insurance benefits when the beneficiary dies in Vietnam?

      In the content of Form No. 3-CBH issued with Decision 523/QD-BHXH in 2023 on the purpose of the Application for receiving social insurance benefits when the beneficiary dies as follows:

      a) Purpose: So that the beneficiary's relatives can receive pension or social insurance benefits in case the beneficiary dies but has not yet received pension or social insurance benefits.

      b) Establishment unit: Relatives, representative of the beneficiary's relatives who receive pension or social insurance benefits in case the beneficiary dies.

      c) Method of preparation: This paper is prepared by the beneficiary's relatives and sent to the social insurance agency to receive pensions and social insurance benefits of the deceased beneficiary whose social insurance benefits have not been received. Only declare for relatives who are biological father, biological mother, spouse, and children.

      Thus, the preparation method of the Request to receive social insurance benefits when the beneficiary dies is made by the beneficiary's relatives and sent to the social insurance agency to receive the pension and social insurance benefits of the deceased beneficiary with Social insurance benefits has not been received yet.

      Only declare for relatives who are biological father, biological mother, spouse, and children.

      In 2023, will the form of request for social insurance benefits when the beneficiary dies be officially revised in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

      When someone dies, the funeral director will receive a funeral allowance in Vietnam?

      In Article 66 of the Law on Social Insurance 2014, there are regulations on funeral allowance as follows:

      Funeral allowance

      1. When the following persons die, the persons who take charge of their funeral are entitled to a lump-sum funeral allowance:

      a/ Employees defined in Clause 1, Article 2 of this Law who are paying social insurance premiums or employees who have their period of social insurance premium payment reserved and have paid social insurance premium payment for at least full 12 months;

      b/ Employees who die of a occupational accident or an occupational disease or die during treatment due to a occupational accident or an occupational disease;

      c/ Persons who are on pension or monthly occupational accident or occupational disease allowance and have ceased working.

      2. The funeral allowance must equal 10 times the statutory pay rate of the month when the persons defined in Clause 1 of this Article die.

      3. When the persons defined in Clause 1 of this Article are declared dead by the court, their relatives are entitled to the funeral allowance specified in Clause 2 of this Article.

      Thus, when the subject dies, the person in charge of the funeral will receive a one-time funeral allowance including:

      - Employees who are Vietnamese citizens subject to compulsory social insurance and are currently paying social insurance or employees who are reserving their social insurance payment period and have paid for the full 12 months above;

      - The employee dies due to a labor accident or occupational disease or dies during treatment due to a labor accident or occupational disease;

      - People receiving pension; receive monthly labor accident and occupational disease benefits for those who have quit their job.

      In addition, for people in the above cases who are declared dead by the Court, their relatives are entitled to a funeral allowance equal to 10 times the base salary for the month.

      Who are relatives of a person who dies and receives a monthly survivorship allowance in Vietnam?

      Clause 2, Article 67 of the Law on Social Insurance 2014 stipulates that relatives of the persons defined in Clause 1 of this Article who are entitled to a monthly survivorship allowance include:

      a/ Children aged under 18 years; children aged full 18 years or older who suffer a working capacity decrease of 81% or more; or children whose father died while they are in the womb.

      b/ Wives aged full 55 years or older or husbands aged full 60 years or older; wives aged under 55 years or husbands aged under 60 years who suffer a working capacity decrease of 81% or more;

      c/ Natural fathers, natural mothers, fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, or other family members whom the insured are obliged to nurture in accordance with the law on marriage and family, who are full 60 years or older, for men, or full 55 years or older, for women;

      d/ Natural fathers, natural mothers, fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, or other family members whom the insured are obliged to nurture in accordance with the law on marriage and family, who are under 60 years old, for men, or under 55 years old, for women, and suffer a working capacity decrease of 81% or more.

      Best regards!

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    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

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