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/ Ngân Hàng Pháp Luật
/ Ngân Hàng Pháp Luật 24/7
Ngân Hàng Pháp Luật 24/7
09:29 | 19/02/2025
What is the sample script for the program celebrating Vietnamese Doctors' Day (February 27, 2025)?
What is the sample script for the program celebrating Vietnamese Doctors' Day (February 27, 2025)? What are conditions for issuance of a pharmacy practice certificate in Vietnam? What are prohibited advertising cases in pharmacy in Vietnam?
Ngày Thầy thuốc Việt Nam
10:30 | 18/02/2025
What are differences between 10-digit and 13-digit tax identification numbers in Vietnam? Which entities are eligible for those tax identification numbers in Vietnam?
What are differences between 10-digit and 13-digit tax identification numbers in Vietnam? Which entities are eligible for those tax identification numbers in Vietnam? When does a tax identification number in Vietnam cease to be effective? How many tax identification numbers can a taxpayer in Vietnam be issued?
Mã số thuế
10:25 | 18/02/2025
Which types of cancer are not required a referral letter in Vietnam in 2025?
Which types of cancer are not required a referral letter in Vietnam in 2025? What are prohibited acts in health insurance in Vietnam from July 1, 2025?
Bảo hiểm y tế
10:15 | 18/02/2025
Which province in Vietnam has the license plate number 24? What are regulations on dimensions, position of letters, numbers, and symbols of automobile license plates in Vietnam?
Which province in Vietnam has the license plate number 24? What are regulations on dimensions, position of letters, numbers, and symbols of automobile license plates in Vietnam? Which license plates in Vietnam are not managed by identification code?
Biển số xe
10:07 | 18/02/2025
What is significance of February 21? What is the lunar date of February 21, 2025?
What is significance of February 21? What is the lunar date of February 21, 2025? What is the official language used in educational institutions in Vietnam? To whom is the certificate of the national education system in Vietnam issued?
Tìm hiểu pháp luật
10:05 | 18/02/2025
Guidelines on implementing the principles of self-criticism and criticism for members of Vietnam Communist Party according to Regulation 232 in 2025
What are guidelines on implementing the principles of self-criticism and criticism for members of Vietnam Communist Party according to Regulation 232 in 2025? Who is required to perform self-criticism and criticism according to the Charter of the Vietnam Communist Party?
Đảng viên Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam
09:58 | 18/02/2025
In 2025, is national defense and security land available for lease in Vietnam?
In 2025, is national defense and security land available for lease in Vietnam? What are purposes for using national defense and security land in Vietnam? In 2025, can national defense and security land in Vietnam be leased?
Đất quốc phòng an ninh
09:55 | 18/02/2025
What are penalties for disclosing state secrets in Vietnam?
What are penalties for disclosing state secrets in Vietnam? What is the duration for protecting state secrets in Vietnam? Who is responsible for compiling the list of state secrets in Vietnam?
Bí mật nhà nước
11:19 | 17/02/2025
Can a member be expelled from the Union for not paying union dues in Vietnam?
Can a member be expelled from the Union for not paying union dues in Vietnam? Are trade union members in Vietnam entitled to request the Union to represent and protect their legitimate rights and interests when their rights are violated?
Đoàn viên công đoàn
11:16 | 17/02/2025
What are penalties for conceling license plates of motorcycles in Vietnam in 2025?
What are penalties for conceling license plates of motorcycles in Vietnam in 2025? What are remedial measures for administrative violations concerning traffic order and safety in Vietnam?
Biển số xe
11:10 | 17/02/2025
Guidelines on checking tax identification numbers of business households in Vietnam in 2025
What are guidelines on checking tax identification numbers of business households in Vietnam in 2025? Are business households in Vietnam allowed to conduct business at multiple locations?
Hộ kinh doanh
10:46 | 17/02/2025
Guidelines on naming a private tutoring business households in Vietnam in 2025
What are guidelines on naming a private tutoring business households in Vietnam in 2025? What documents are included in the Application for business registration in Vietnam? Are public school teachers allowed to tutoring outside of schools in Vietnam?
Dạy thêm học thêm
10:26 | 17/02/2025
Which province in Vietnam has the license plate number 23?
Which province in Vietnam has the license plate number 23? What is the deadline for issuing a identification license plate in Vietnam?
Biển số xe
10:21 | 17/02/2025
What is bidding in advance according to the law in Vietnam? Which packages can be subjected to bidding in advance in Vietnam?
What is bidding in advance according to the law in Vietnam? Which packages can be subjected to bidding in advance in Vietnam? What is the time to prepare a contractor selection plan for an bidding in advance package in Vietnam?
Đấu thầu trước
10:16 | 17/02/2025
What are forms and methods for selecting investors in Vietnam in 2025?
What are forms for selecting investors in Vietnam in 2025? What are methods for selecting investors in Vietnam in 2025? What information is the project owner responsible for publishing regarding bidding in Vietnam?
Lựa chọn nhà đầu tư
10:12 | 17/02/2025
Guidelines on checking personal tax identification numbers in Vietnam in 2025
What are guidelines on checking personal tax identification numbers in Vietnam in 2025? Do dependents in Vietnam have tax identification numbers? Who are the dependents of taxpayers in Vietnam in 2025?
Mã số thuế
11:26 | 15/02/2025
From January 20, 2025, what is the time for the official recognition for Vietnam Communist Party members?
From January 20, 2025, what is the time for the official recognition for Vietnam Communist Party members? How many official party members does the branch under the grassroots Party Committee in Vietnam have?
Đảng viên chính thức
11:23 | 15/02/2025
From January 20, 2025, what are cases of removal of members of Vietnam Communist Party?
From January 20, 2025, what are cases of removal of members of Vietnam Communist Party? Who is a provisional member of Vietnam Communist Party? What are the duties of a member of Vietnam Communist Party?
Điều lệ Đảng
11:19 | 15/02/2025
What are sample farewell speeches for new recruits departing for military service in 2025 in Vietnamese?
What are sample farewell speeches for new recruits departing for military service in 2025 in Vietnamese? What are the regulations for the first-time military service registration in Vietnam?
Nghĩa vụ quân sự
11:14 | 15/02/2025
Answers for week 3 of the Competition on the History of the Vietnam Communist Party, History of Thai Binh Province in 2025
What are answers for week 3 of the Competition on the History of the Vietnam Communist Party, History of Thai Binh Province in 2025? When is the time to convene the provincial party congress in Vietnam?
Tìm hiểu pháp luật
11:10 | 15/02/2025
Who are the dependents of taxpayers in Vietnam in 2025? What is the family circumstance deduction for each dependent in Vietnam in 2025?
Who are the dependents of taxpayers in Vietnam in 2025? What is the family circumstance deduction for each dependent in Vietnam in 2025?
Người phụ thuộc
11:08 | 15/02/2025
What documents are included in the Application for dependent deductions for taxpayers in 2025 in Vietnam?
What documents are included in the Application for dependent deductions for taxpayers in 2025 in Vietnam? Do dependents in Vietnam have tax identification numbers?
Giảm trừ gia cảnh
11:04 | 15/02/2025
When does the tax authority in Vietnam publicly disclose taxpayer registration information on the electronic information portal?
When does the tax authority in Vietnam publicly disclose taxpayer registration information on the electronic information portal? Who are the subjects of taxpayer registration in Vietnam?
Đăng ký thuế
11:00 | 15/02/2025
Profile of applicant for joining the Vietnam Communist Party in 2025
What is the latest Profile of applicant for joining the Vietnam Communist Party in 2025? What contents must be included in the Profile of applicant for joining the Vietnam Communist Party?
Điều lệ Đảng
10:54 | 15/02/2025
Application form for joining the Vietnam Communist Party in 2025
What is the legal Application form for joining the Vietnam Communist Party in 2025? What documents are included in the profile of a member of Vietnam Communist Party? Are members of the Communist Party of Vietnam allowed to question the organization's activities?
Đảng viên Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam
10:48 | 15/02/2025
Directive 42-CT/TW in 2025 on strengthening the leadership of the Vietnam Communist Party in education on diligence, frugality, integrity, righteousness, and impartiality
What are details of the Directive 42-CT/TW in 2025 on strengthening the leadership of the Vietnam Communist Party in education on diligence, frugality, integrity, righteousness, and impartiality?
Đảng viên Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam
10:45 | 15/02/2025
Regulation 262-QD/TW in 2025 amending Regulation 22-QD/TW on inspection, monitoring, and discipline of the Vietnam Communist Party
What are details of the Regulation 262-QD/TW in 2025 amending Regulation 22-QD/TW on inspection, monitoring, and discipline of the Vietnam Communist Party? How do the party executive committee and party organizations at various levels with the authority discipline members of Vietnam Communist Party who violate the Regulation?
Kỷ luật Đảng viên
10:39 | 15/02/2025
What is the eligible monthly income for purchasing social housing in Vietnam?
What are types of social housing in Vietnam? Who is eligible for social housing support policies in Vietnam? What is the eligible monthly income for purchasing social housing in Vietnam?
Nhà ở xã hội
10:35 | 15/02/2025
Guidelines for supplementation of the tax declaration dossier in 2025 in Vietnam
What are guidelines for supplementation of the tax declaration dossier in 2025 in Vietnam? What are the rights of taxpayers in Vietnam? What are details of the Form 01/KHBS - Declaration of supplementary tax dossier in Vietnam?
Hồ sơ khai thuế
10:26 | 15/02/2025
Which province in Vietnam has license plate number 22? Where is the auctioned license plate issued in Vietnam?
Which province in Vietnam has license plate number 22? Where is the auctioned license plate issued in Vietnam?
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