13:52 | 25/09/2024

What are guidelines on telling a creative story about flower fields in Vietnamese for grade 5 students? What is the allocation of reading teaching time in grade 5 Literature in Vietnam?

What are some samplescreative stories about flower fields in Vietnamese? What is the allocation of reading teaching time in grade 5 Literature in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on telling a creative story about flower fields in Vietnamese for grade 5 students?

Some examples of creative storytelling about flower fields in Vietnamese for grade 5 students:

Telling a creative story about flower fields in Vietnamese for grade 5 students

The Magical Flower Field

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a lush green meadow. The children Ja Ka, Mu Hoa, Ja Prok, and Mu Nho often came here to play. Ja Ka, with his little drum, always brought lively melodies that made everyone forget the way home.

Then, one day, a large landfill appeared, gradually taking over the green land. The whole group sadly watched the field become uglier by the day. Mu Hoa, the dreamy girl, suddenly came up with an idea: “Why don't we turn this place into a beautiful flower garden? Surely, people wouldn't have the heart to throw trash here then.”

The group enthusiastically supported Mu Hoa's idea. They collected trash, tilled the soil, and sowed seeds. Every afternoon, they would come to water and care for the young sprouts. One day, when the sun was setting, a miracle happened. The flowers started to bloom, not just the familiar kinds but also ones that glowed brightly.

The news about the magical flower field spread quickly everywhere. The villagers and people from nearby areas flocked to admire it. They were not only amazed by the beauty of the flowers but also felt a positive energy radiating from the place.

An old lady in the village said that on full moon nights, the flower field would become the most dazzling. The flowers would emit a mystical light, attracting insects and birds to frolic. She also said that if someone made a heartfelt wish while standing in the middle of the flower field, that wish would come true.

Since then, the flower field has not only been a playground for the children but also a famous tourist destination. People come here to admire the beauty of nature, to relax, and to wish for good things. The flower field has become a symbol of unity, creativity, and love for nature among the villagers.

A Flower's Tale

I am a small yellow daisy, born in a lush green field. At first, I was just a tiny seed, deep in the soil. Thanks to the cool raindrops and warm sunlight, I gradually germinated and grew.

In the early days, I was very small, only daring to peek out of the ground to see the world above. I saw birds chirping joyfully in the trees, butterflies fluttering from flower to flower. I wished I could fly like them.

Then one day, I heard cheerful chatter. I looked up and saw a group of children playing in the field. They were very happy, laughing heartily. I wanted to befriend them, but I was too small.

One day, I heard them talking about transforming the field. They said they would turn it into a beautiful flower garden. I was eagerly waiting for that day to come. And then, a miracle happened. The children, together, cleaned up the trash, tilled the soil, and sowed seeds. Thanks to their caring hands, I and other flowers grew quickly.

Now, I have become a splendid yellow daisy. I am very happy to see other flowers showing off their colors. Together, we create a beautiful picture. The bees visit us to collect nectar. I feel that my life is very meaningful.

*Note: The information is for reference only./.

Creative Storytelling Flower Field

What are guidelines on telling a creative story about flower fields in Vietnamese for grade 5 students? What is the allocation of reading teaching time in grade 5 Literature in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are regulations on evaluation of primary school students in Vietnam?

Based on Article 3 of Circular 27/2020/TT-BGDDT, the synthesis of evaluating educational results is as follows:

- The purpose of assessment is to provide accurate and prompt information, determining achievements in learning and training according to the level of response required by the primary education curriculum and the progress of students to guide learning activities, adjust teaching activities to improve the quality of education. To be specific:

+ Help teachers adjust and innovate the forms of organization and methods of education during teaching, promptly discover students' efforts, and progress to motivate and detect difficulties that students cannot overcome on their own to guide and assist, enhancing the quality and efficiency of students' learning activities and practice, contributing to achieving the goals of primary education.

+ Help students self-reflect, participate in feedback; self-study and adjust their learning methods; communicate and cooperate; have enthusiasm for learning and training to improve.

- Assist parents or guardians (hereinafter referred to as parents) in participating in evaluating the learning and training process, the process of forming and developing students’ qualities, and abilities; actively cooperate with the school in educational activities.

- Help educational managers at all levels promptly direct educational activities, innovate teaching methods, and evaluation methods to achieve educational effectiveness.

- Help social organizations accurately and objectively understand information, enhancing the mobilization of social resources to invest in educational development.

What is the allocation of reading teaching time in grade 5 Literature in Vietnam?

According to Section 8 of the General Education Curriculum for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the time allocation for implementing the Literature program at each educational level is as follows:

[1] Time Allocation by Class (in terms of periods)

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
420 350 245 245 245 140 140 140 140 105 105 105

In high school, each grade has an additional 35 periods for elective study topics.

[2] Time Allocation for Educational Content

The time allocation for educational content is arranged by textbook authors and teachers based on the requirements at each grade level and the actual teaching situation. However, it should ensure a reasonable proportion of the following components:

- Between providing knowledge and practicing skills (focusing on practical skills and application).

- Between different types of reading, writing, speaking, and listening texts (allocating more time for reading literary texts).

- Between reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills (allocating more time for reading practice); specifically, the proportion of time allocated to each skill at each grade level is as follows:

Grade Group Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Periodic Assessment
From Grade 1 to Grade 3 about 60% about 25% about 10% about 5%
From Grade 4 to Grade 5 about 63% about 22% about 10% about 5%
From Grade 6 to Grade 9 about 63% about 22% about 10% about 5%
From Grade 10 to Grade 12 about 60% about 25% about 10% about 5%

In addition, periods are allocated for elective study topics at each grade as follows:

Elective Study Topics Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Topic 10.1: Study and report on a folk literature issue 10    
Topic 10.2: Transpose a literary work into a play 15    
Topic 10.3: Read, write, and introduce a collection of poems, short stories, or a novel 10    
Topic 11.1: Study and report on a medieval literature issue   10  
Topic 11.2: Explore language in modern society   15  
Topic 11.3: Read, write, and introduce a literary author   10  
Topic 12.1: Study and report on a modern and postmodern literature issue     10
Topic 12.2: Explore an artwork adapted from literature     15
Topic 12.3: Explore the creative style of a literary school: Classical, realistic, or romanticism     10

>>> Download General Education Curriculum for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT

Hence, the allocated teaching time for reading in grade 5 Literature is about 63%.

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