Vietnam: What is the atmosphere? What is the grade at which students are required to master the knowledge of the atmosphere in the History and Geography curriculum?

What is the atmosphere? In Vietnam, what is the grade at which students are required to master the knowledge of the atmosphere in the History and Geography curriculum?

What is the Atmosphere?

Students can refer to what the atmosphere is below:

What is the atmosphere?

The atmosphere is the layer of gases surrounding the Earth, keeping our planet warm and protecting us from harmful cosmic influences. You can imagine it as a blanket wrapping around the Earth, helping to sustain life.

*Roles of the atmosphere:

Protecting the Earth: The atmosphere helps block harmful solar radiation, such as ultraviolet rays, thereby protecting living organisms.

Regulating climate: The atmosphere retains heat from the Sun during the day and prevents heat from escaping at night, helping to maintain stable temperatures on Earth.

Supporting life: The atmosphere provides oxygen necessary for the respiration of humans and animals, and contains the gases needed for the photosynthesis of plants.

Creating weather phenomena: Weather phenomena such as rain, wind, and storms all occur in the atmosphere.

*Structure of the atmosphere:

The atmosphere is divided into several layers, each with different characteristics and roles. The main layers include:

Troposphere: The closest layer to the ground, where most weather phenomena occur.

Stratosphere: Contains the ozone layer, which helps absorb ultraviolet rays.

Mesosphere: Temperature decreases with altitude.

Thermosphere: Temperature increases significantly due to solar radiation absorption.

Exosphere: The outer layer where the atmosphere gradually thins and merges into outer space.

*Human impact on the atmosphere:

Human activities such as burning fossil fuels and industrial production have released many greenhouse gases, causing global warming and affecting global climate.

Therefore, protecting the atmosphere is very important. We need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect forests, and ecosystems to maintain a healthy living environment for future generations.

*Thickness of the atmosphere:

In fact, there is no exact figure to determine the thickness of the atmosphere because it lacks a clear boundary. The atmosphere gradually thins as we ascend and eventually merges into outer space. However, for research purposes, the atmosphere is often divided into layers, each with different characteristics and heights.

Troposphere: This closest layer to the Earth's surface is where most weather phenomena occur. The thickness of the troposphere varies by latitude, averaging about 12km at the equator and 8km at the poles.

Upper layers: The upper layers such as the stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere have much greater heights compared to the troposphere. However, the air in these layers is very thin and has a very low gas molecule density.

*Composition of the atmosphere:

The primary composition of the atmosphere includes:

Nitrogen (N₂): Accounts for about 78% of the atmospheric volume.

Oxygen (O₂): Accounts for about 21% of the atmospheric volume. This gas is crucial for life.

Argon (Ar): Accounts for about 0.9% of the atmospheric volume.

Carbon dioxide (CO₂): Although it only occupies a very small amount, CO₂ plays an important role in the greenhouse effect.

Water vapor: The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere varies depending on weather and geographical conditions, but it plays an important role in cloud and rain formation.

Other gases: Additionally, there is a small amount of other gases such as neon, helium, methane, ozone,... in the atmosphere.

Note: The composition of the atmosphere can change over time and space due to human activities and natural phenomena.

*Note: Information about the definition of Atmosphere is for reference only./.

What is the atmosphere? Understanding the atmosphere is a content requirement in which grade's program?

What is the atmosphere? In Vietnam, what is the grade at which students are required to master the knowledge of the atmosphere in the History and Geography curriculum? (Image from Internet)

In Vietnam, what is the grade at which students are required to master the knowledge of the atmosphere in the History and Geography curriculum?

Under Section 5 of the General Education Program for History and Geography issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT on the 6th-grade History and Geography curriculum:

Content in the section: CLIMATE AND CLIMATE CHANGE

- Atmospheric layers. Air composition

- Air masses. Pressure and wind

- Temperature and rain. Weather, climate

Expected outcomes:

- Describe the atmospheric layers, key features of the troposphere and stratosphere; understand the role of oxygen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide.

- Name and state the characteristics of temperature, humidity of some air masses.

- Present the distribution of pressure belts and the types of winds that blow regularly on Earth.

- Present the change in Earth’s surface temperature according to latitude.

- Describe the phenomenon of cloud and rain formation.

- Know how to use thermometers, hygrometers, and barometers.

- Differentiate between weather and climate.

- Present the general characteristics of one of the climate zones.

- Analyze temperature and rainfall charts; identify characteristics of temperature and rainfall of some locations on the world's climate map.

- State some manifestations of climate change.

- Present some measures to prevent natural disasters and respond to climate change.

Thus, according to the above regulations, 6th-grade students are required to master the knowledge of the atmosphere in the History and Geography curriculum.

How many lessons are there in the 6th-grade History and Geography curriculum in Vietnam?

In the General Education Program for History and Geography issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the time allocated for History and Geography is 105 lessons/class/year. The percentage of lessons allocated for content strands is shown in the table below:

Content Strand Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Total
Geography 45 42 41 40 42
General Physical Geography 45       11
Geography of Continents   42     11
Physical Geography of Vietnam     41   10
Economic - Social Geography of Vietnam       40 10
History 45 42 41 40 42
World 22 20 20 19 20
Vietnam 23 22 21 21 22
Common Topic   6 8 10 6
Periodic Assessment 10 10 10 10 10

Thus, the 6th-grade History and Geography curriculum has 90 lessons, including 0 lesson for common topic and 10 lessons for periodic assessment.

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