What are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Vừa nhắm mắt vừa mở cửa sổ" for students in Vietnam? What are the required language proficiency competencies for grade 7 students in Vietnam?

Below are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Vừa nhắm mắt vừa mở cửa sổ" for students in Vietnam.

What are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Vừa nhắm mắt vừa mở cửa sổ" for students in Vietnam?

"Vừa nhắm mắt vừa mở cửa sổ" is one of the pieces that students will study in the grade 7 literature curriculum.

Students can refer to the following guidelines on preparing the lesson "Vừa nhắm mắt vừa mở cửa sổ":

guidelines on preparing the lesson "Vừa nhắm mắt vừa mở cửa sổ"


The story is about a boy and his father exploring their home garden. The father teaches the boy to recognize different kinds of flowers by closing his eyes and using touch and smell. From this, the boy not only distinguishes between various flowers but also develops a more refined sense of perception about the surrounding world. The boy can even gauge the distance of others by sound and uses this ability to help save a drowning child.


Family love: The story illustrates deep affection between father and son through games, shared moments, and exploration together.

Exploring the world: The boy not only explores the plant world but also discovers himself. By training his senses, he enhances his observation, listening, and more sensitive perception abilities.

Rich imagination: The story encourages children to cultivate imagination, creativity, and find joy in small things around them.

The value of nature: The garden becomes a magical world where the boy explores and learns. The author wants to affirm the value of nature to human life.


The story seeks to convey the message that everyone has hidden abilities. If we are willing to observe, explore, and practice, we will discover wonderful things around us. At the same time, family love is a significant motivation that helps children develop comprehensively.


"Vừa nhắm mắt vừa mở cửa sổ" is a beautiful story, bringing readers a lot of emotions and reflections. The story is not just for children but also for adults, reminding us to cherish simple moments with family and explore the world around us with enthusiasm.

*Note: The information is for reference only./.

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What are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Vừa nhắm mắt vừa mở cửa sổ" for students in Vietnam? What are the required language proficiency competencies for grade 7 students in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are the required language proficiency competencies for grade 7 students in Vietnam?​

According to Section IV of the Appendix of the General Education Curriculum for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the language skills requirements for grade 7 students are as follows:

- Language skills

Knowledge of Vietnamese along with personal experiences and reasoning abilities to understand texts; know how to read texts according to type and kind; understand explicit and implicit content of texts.

Recognize and initially analyze and evaluate the content and prominent expressive features of texts; compare one text with another, relate to personal life experiences; thereby have personal perspectives, thoughts, and feelings about life, enriching spiritual life.

In grades 6 and 7: able to write narrative, descriptive, and expressive essays; initially know how to write argumentative, expository, and practical essays. In grades 8 and 9: able to write complete narrative, argumentative, and expository essays, following the appropriate steps and incorporating various expressive methods.

Writing narrative texts focusing on creatively recounting stories read, witnessed, or imagined stories incorporating descriptive, expressive elements; descriptive texts with a focus on describing activities (describing operations);

Expressive texts concerning scenery, people, and reflecting on literary works; know how to write poems or recognize characteristics of familiar poetic forms; write argumentative texts on issues requiring personal thoughts and viewpoints, demanding relatively simple argumentative procedures with easily obtainable evidence;

Able to write expository texts on issues close to students' lives and understanding with conventional structures; fill out certain forms, compose some practical texts like memos, emails, reports, advertisements, and interviews.

Write following the process; know how to find materials fulfilling text-writing requirements; understand intellectual property rights and citation methods.

Clearly present ideas and emotions; confident attitude when speaking in public; use appropriate language, gestures when speaking; coherently recount read or heard stories; share feelings, attitudes, experiences, ideas on discussed issues; discuss opinions on read or heard issues; explain a subject or process; know appropriate ways to speak with purpose, audience, and communication context; use images, symbols, charts,... to effectively present an issue.

Listen with an appropriate attitude and summarize the content; identify and initially evaluate the reasoning and evidence used by the speaker; recognize the speaker's emotions; effectively respond to what has been heard.

What is the core content for grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?

According to Section I of the Appendix of the General Education Curriculum for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the characteristics of the subject at all levels in general, and grade 7 in particular, are as follows:

- Literature is a subject within the field of Language and Literature Education, taught from grade 1 to grade 12. At the primary level, it is called Vietnamese; at the lower and upper secondary levels, it is called Literature.

- Literature is a subject with both instrumental and aesthetic-humanistic nature; it provides students with communication tools, serving as a basis for learning all other subjects and educational activities in school; additionally, it is a critical tool for educating students about noble values of culture, literature, and national language; developing in students healthy emotions, humanistic love, compassionate and altruistic living,...

- Through verbal texts and vivid artistic images in literary works, by reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities, Literature plays a significant role in helping students form and develop beautiful qualities and core capacities for effective living and working, fostering lifelong learning.

- The content of Literature is comprehensive, encompassing knowledge about culture, ethics, philosophy,... relating to many other subjects and educational activities such as History, Geography, Arts, Civic Education, Foreign Languages, Natural and Social Sciences, Experiential Activities, Career Orientation,... Literature is also closely related to life; it helps students to care for, and bond with everyday life, and provides skills to address practical issues arising in reality.

- The core content of Literature includes basic, essential knowledge and skills about Vietnamese language and literature, meeting students' quality and capacity requirements at each educational stage; it is divided into two phases: the basic education phase and the career orientation education phase.

- Basic education phase: The curriculum is designed around the main strands corresponding to reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Vietnamese language and literature knowledge is integrated into the teaching of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The materials are selected and arranged according to students' reception capabilities at each educational level.

The goal of this phase is to help students use Vietnamese proficiently to communicate effectively in life and learn other subjects and educational activities; form and develop literary capacity, as an expression of aesthetic capacity; simultaneously nurture thoughts and feelings for students to develop in soul and character.

- Career orientation education phase: The curriculum strengthens and extends the results of the basic education phase; it helps enhance students’ language and literary capacity, particularly in literary text reception; it increases skills in producing more complex argumentative and informational texts in content and writing techniques; it equips some literary history and theory knowledge useful for reading and writing about literature;

Continuing to nurture thoughts, feelings, soul, and character to become responsible citizens. Additionally, annually, students inclined towards social sciences and humanities can choose to learn some thematic studies.

These thematic studies aim to enhance knowledge about literature and language, applying knowledge practically, catering to students' interests, needs, and career orientation.

Thus, the core content for grade 7 Literature includes basic, essential knowledge and skills in Vietnamese language and literature, meeting quality and capacity requirements for students at each educational level; it is divided into two phases: the basic education phase and the career orientation education phase.

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