What are 7 notable algebraic identities according to educational curriculum in Vietnam? When do students in Vietnam learn 7 notable algebraic identities?

According to current regulations, what are 7 notable algebraic identities according to educational curriculum in Vietnam? When do students in Vietnam learn 7 notable algebraic identities?

What are 7 notable algebraic identities according to educational curriculum in Vietnam?

The seven notable algebraic identities are basic yet extremely important mathematical formulas, especially in converting algebraic expressions.

7 Algebraic Identities

*These are the 7 formulas you need to remember:

Square of a Sum: (A + B)² = A² + 2AB + B²

Square of a Difference: (A - B)² = A² - 2AB + B²

Difference of Squares: A² - B² = (A + B)(A - B)

Cube of a Sum: (A + B)³ = A³ + 3A²B + 3AB² + B³

Cube of a Difference: (A - B)³ = A³ - 3A²B + 3AB² - B³

Sum of Cubes: A³ + B³ = (A + B)(A² - AB + B²)

Difference of Cubes: A³ - B³ = (A - B)(A² + AB + B²)

*Reasons to rememeber

- Simplifying expressions: Helps convert complex expressions into a simpler form.

- Polynomial expansion: Quickly calculates the product of polynomials with special forms.

- Solving equations: Applies to convert equations into product form, thereby finding the roots.

- Polynomial factorization: Writes polynomials in the form of the product of lower degree polynomials.

*Application Example

Suppose we have the expression: (x + 2)²

Applying the first identity (square of a sum), we get:

(x + 2)² = x² + 2x2 + 2² = x² + 4x + 4

Thus, with just one step, we have expanded the complex expression into a quadratic polynomial.

*Effective Ways to Remember

- Understand the essence: Don’t just memorize the formulas; try to understand why they exist.

- Practice: Apply the identities in various exercises.

- Discover patterns: Seek connections between the identities to remember them more easily.

- Use diagrams: Draw diagrams or tables to memorize the formulas.

*Note: Information is for reference only.

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7 notable algebraic identities? In which grade is the 7 notable algebraic identities taught in the math program?

What are 7 notable algebraic identities according to educational curriculum in Vietnam? When do students in Vietnam learn 7 notable algebraic identities?​ (Image from Internet)

When do students in Vietnam learn 7 notable algebraic identities?

Based on Section V of the Appendix to the General Education Program in Mathematics issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT on the requirements for grade 8 math, the 7 notable algebraic identities are taught in the math program as follows:

Notable algebraic identities are part of algebra in grade 8.

In the algebraic expression section, the lesson on notable algebraic identities must cover the following content:

- Recognize the concepts of identity and algebraic identities.

- Describe the algebraic identities: squares of sums and differences; difference of squares; cubes of sums and differences; sums and differences of cubes.

- Apply the algebraic identities to factorize polynomials directly using the algebraic identities or by grouping terms and factoring out common factors.

Thus, the 7 notable algebraic identities are taught in the grade 8 math program.

What are the educational methods for the grade 8 math program in Vietnam?

Based on Section VI of the General Education Program in Mathematics issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the general and specific educational methods for the grade 8 math program are as follows:

- Teaching methods in the math program meet the following basic requirements:

+ Suitable for the cognitive process of students (from concrete to abstract, from easy to difficult); not only focus on the logical nature of mathematical science but also pay attention to the approach based on students' experience and learning.

+ Embrace the spirit of “learner-centered,” promoting activeness, self-awareness, and considering the different needs, cognitive abilities, and learning styles of each student; organize the teaching process in a constructive direction, where students are involved in exploring, discovering, reasoning, and solving problems.

+ Be flexible in applying positive teaching methods and techniques; skillfully and creatively combine traditional teaching methods and techniques; combine classroom learning activities with practical experience activities, applying mathematical knowledge to reality. Ensure balanced structure in the lesson between core knowledge, application knowledge, and other components.

+ Use enough and effectively the minimum teaching means and equipment according to the math subject requirements; use self-made teaching tools suitable for the content and the students; enhance the use of information technology and modern teaching equipment effectively and appropriately.

- Orientation methods to form and develop essential qualities and general capacities

+ Methods to form and develop key qualities

Through organizing learning activities, math contributes along with other subjects and educational activities to help students practice honesty, love for labor, a sense of responsibility, and the consciousness of completing study tasks; cultivate self-confidence, interest in learning, and habits of reading and exploring science.

+ Methods to form and develop general capacities

++ Math contributes to forming and developing self-study and autonomy by training learners to select goals, make study plans, self-study, draw experiences, and make adjustments for application in other situations when learning mathematical concepts, knowledge, and skills, as well as during practice, exercises, or independently solving mathematical problems.

++ Math contributes to forming and developing communication and cooperation capacity through understanding, reading, noting, and expressing necessary mathematical information in mathematical texts; effectively using mathematical language in combination with ordinary language to exchange, present mathematical content, ideas, or solutions when interacting with others, displaying confidence and respect for the interlocutor when describing and explaining mathematical content and ideas.

++ Math contributes to forming and developing problem-solving and creativity capacity through helping students recognize problem situations, share understanding of problems, propose and select methods and processes to solve problems, and present solutions; evaluate implemented solutions and generalize for similar problems.

- Teaching methods in math help form and develop computational capacity, language capacity, and other special capacities. To be specific::

+ Math, with outstanding advantages, has many opportunities to develop computational capacity by providing mathematical knowledge, training computational skills, and estimation; helping form and develop mathematical competencies (thinking and reasoning capacity, modeling capacity; problem-solving capacity; communication capacity, and the ability to use tools and means to study math).

+ Math contributes to developing language capacity through practicing reading comprehension, analysis, and evaluation of mathematically meaningful situations, using mathematical language effectively combined with ordinary language to present and describe mathematical content, ideas, and solutions.

+ Math contributes to developing computer capacity by using information technology and communication tools effectively as a support in learning and self-study, creating an experiential learning environment.

+ Math contributes to aesthetic capacity by familiarizing students with the history of mathematics, biographical sketches of mathematicians, and recognizing the beauty of mathematics in the natural world.

>>> Download for detailed view of the General Education Program in Mathematics issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT.

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