08:42 | 03/03/2025

From March 25, 2025, how many members does the Management Council in the public service provider within the education and training sector in Vietnam have?

From March 25, 2025, how many members does the Management Council in the public service provider within the education and training sector in Vietnam have?

From March 25, 2025, how many members does the Management Council in the public service provider within the education and training sector in Vietnam have?

Under Clause 1, Article 4 of Circular 03/2025/TT-BGDDT (effective from March 25, 2025) on the number and structure of members of the Management Council as follows:

Number and Structure of Members of the Management Council

1. The number of members of the Management Council must be an odd number, with the quantity as regulated in Clause 4, Article 7 of Decree No. 120/2020/ND-CP, including the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson (if any), Secretary, and other members of the Management Council. The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson (if any), Secretary, and other members of the Management Council are appointed by the head of the competent authority approving the autonomy scheme of the public service provider.


Clause 4, Article 7 of Decree 120/2020/ND-CP regulates:

Management Council


4. The Management Council consists of 05 to 11 members; the Chairperson and other members of the Management Council are appointed by the head of the competent authority approving the autonomy scheme of the public service provider. The term of office for members of the Management Council is not more than 05 years. The structure and number of members of the Management Council in a public service provider within the sector or field shall comply with specialized legal regulations and guidance from the ministry managing the sector or field.

Representatives from the supervisory agency of the public service provider in the Management Council include representatives from ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government of Vietnam, organizations established by the Government of Vietnam, the Prime Minister of Vietnam that are not public service providers, provincial People’s Committees, and supervisory agencies (if any); they work according to a part-time policy.


From the above two provisions, the number of members of the Management Council in the public service provider within the education and training sector (abbreviated as the Management Council) must be odd, ranging from 05 to 11 members, including the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson (if any), Secretary, and other members of the Management Council.

Note: The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson (if any), Secretary, and other members of the Management Council are appointed by the head of the competent authority approving the autonomy scheme of the public service provider.

From March 25, 2025, How many members are there on the Management Council of a public service provider in the field of education and training?

From March 25, 2025, how many members does the Management Council in the public service provider within the education and training sector in Vietnam have? (Image from the Internet)

What are the operational regulations of the Management Council in the public service provider within the education and training sector in Vietnam?

Under Article 5 of Circular 03/2025/TT-BGDDT (effective from March 25, 2025), the operational regulations of the Management Council in the public service provider within the education and training sector are as follows:

- The Management Council operates according to the operational regulations approved by the competent authority that established the Management Council. The operational regulations of the Management Council include the following main contents:

+ General provisions;

+ Functions, duties, and powers of the Management Council;

+ Quantity, organizational structure of the Management Council;

+ Duties, powers, and tenure of the Chairman, Vice Chairman (if any), Secretary, and members of the Management Council; criteria and conditions for the appointment and dismissal of the Chairman, Vice Chairman (if any), Secretary, and members of the Management Council;

+ Principles and policies for the work of the Management Council;

+ Working relationship between the Management Council with the head of the public service provider and the supervisory agency; working relationships with other agencies, organizations, and individuals (if any);

+ Working conditions and operating budget of the Management Council according to legal regulations.

- Where it is necessary to amend or supplement the operational regulations, the Management Council will pass the operational regulations and submit them to the competent authority that established the Management Council for approval, as stipulated in Clause 7, Article 7 of Decree 120/2020/ND-CP.

From March 25, 2025, what are the working principles and policies of the Management Council in the public service provider within the education and training sector in Vietnam?

Under Article 6 of Circular 03/2025/TT-BGDDT (effective from March 25, 2025), the working principles and policies of the Management Council in the public service provider within the education and training sector in Vietnam are regulated as follows:

- The Management Council operates based on collective principles, and decisions are made by majority vote, except where the Management Council's operational regulations require a higher voting ratio. Decisions of the Management Council are expressed in the form of a Resolution.

- Representatives of the higher management body of the public service provider in the Management Council work under concurrent policies.

Members of the Management Council who are officials and public employees from other agencies or units work under concurrent policies; members of the Management Council who are public employees or employees of the public service provider with a Management Council may work under dedicated or concurrent policies as determined in the Scheme for the establishment of the Management Council.

- The Management Council organizes meetings according to the working requirements of the Management Council and as determined in the Operational Regulation of the Management Council. Meetings of the Management Council are considered valid when more than two-thirds of the members participate, including the Council Chairman or one delegated or authorized member presiding over the meeting.

The authority to convene and preside over Management Council meetings and the delegation of managing the Council when the Council Chairman is unable to work for a specific period is specified in the Operational Regulation of the Management Council.

- The Management Council may use the seal and organizational structure of the public service provider to carry out the work of the Management Council.

- Periodically every three months or unexpectedly upon request, the Chairman of the Management Council reports to the competent authority on the public service provider's operation results.

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