What are the details of Decision 2495/QD-BYT on the Plan to implement the measles vaccination campaign in Vietnam in 2024?

What are the details of Decision 2495/QD-BYT on the Plan to implement the measles vaccination campaign in Vietnam in 2024?

What are the details of Decision 2495/QD-BYT on the Plan to implement the measles vaccination campaign in Vietnam in 2024?

On August 22, 2024, the Minister of Health of Vietnam issued Decision 2495/QD-BYT in 2024 regarding the Plan for the Implementation of the Measles Vaccination Campaign in 2024. To be specific:

(1) Timeframe: Q3-Q4 of 2024 (to be implemented as soon as the vaccine is supplied).

(2) Target Group: Children aged 1-10 years in high-risk areas; healthcare workers at medical facilities treating measles patients who have not been fully vaccinated with a measles-containing vaccine as required.

Priority is given to vaccinating the 1-5 year age group first. The specific age group for vaccination is determined by the provinces and cities based on the local epidemic situation, vaccine supply conditions, local resources, and in consultation with regional Sanitation and Epidemiological Institutes and Pasteur Institutes.

(3) Scope of Implementation

- Phase 1: 135 districts in 18 provinces and cities of Vietnam(list of provinces and cities as per Appendix)

Table 1. Scope of Implementation of the Measles-Rubella Vaccine Campaign in 2024

No. Region Number of Provinces Implemented Estimated Number of Districts Implemented
1 Northern 6 17
2 Central Highlands 1 17
3 Southern 11 101
  Total 18 135

The regional Sanitation and Epidemiological Institutes, Pasteur Institutes, and provinces and cities will review and adjust the number of implementing provinces and districts based on the local epidemic situation, vaccine supply conditions, and local resources to ensure appropriateness.

- Phase 2: Expanding implementation areas based on the results of reviews, statistics from provinces and cities, and recommendations from regional Sanitation and Epidemiological Institutes and Pasteur Institutes based on the measles situation at the review time to add provinces, districts, and communes for implementation.

Appendix List of Provinces and Cities Planned for Implementation:

No. Province/City Estimated Number of Districts Implemented
1 Ha Giang 4
2 Ha Noi 2
3 Ha Tinh 2
4 Hai Duong 2
4 Nam Dinh 2
6 Nghe An 5
7 Gia Lai 17
8 Ho Chi Minh City 22
9 Dong Nai 7
10 Long An 15
11 Tay Ninh 9
12 Soc Trang 11
13 Ben Tre 2
14 Tra Vinh 2
15 Dong Thap 1
16 Binh Duong 9
17 Binh Phuoc 8
18 Kien Giang 15
  Northern Region 17
  Central Highlands 17
  Southern Region 101
  Nationwide 135

Decision 2495/QD-BYT on the Implementation Plan for the Measles Vaccination Campaign in 2024

What are the details of Decision 2495/QD-BYT on the Plan to implement the measles vaccination campaign in Vietnam in 2024? (Internet image)

What are details of the vaccine supply for the Measles Vaccination Campaign in Vietnam in 2024?

According to Subsection 3, Section IV of the Plan issued with Decision 2495/QD-BYT in 2024, the vaccine supply is regulated as follows:

(1) Type of Vaccine:

- MR vaccines produced by the Center for Research and Production of Vaccines and Biologicals, 10-dose vials, freeze-dried form with diluent provided by WHO.

- Vaccines from other legitimate support sources.

- Vaccines procured by provinces and cities based on local demand and resources in accordance with regulations, including WHO-supported vaccines.

(2) Reception, Storage, and Transportation of WHO-donated Vaccines.

- The Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology: completes the procedures for receiving the MR vaccines donated by the World Health Organization; coordinates with regional Sanitation and Epidemiological Institutes and Pasteur Institutes to propose principles and criteria for allocating vaccines to provinces and cities, reports to the Ministry of Health (Department of Preventive Medicine) for approval, prioritizing provinces and cities with measles outbreaks and high-risk areas based on risk assessments and the current measles epidemic situation.

- The Center for Research and Production of Vaccines and Biologicals coordinates with the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, and regional Pasteur Institutes to receive, transport, and store Measles-Rubella vaccines to provincial Centers for Disease Control.

- The regional Sanitation and Epidemiological Institutes and Pasteur Institutes distribute vaccines to provincial Centers for Disease Control before organizing vaccinations based on the specific implementation plans of each province and city.

- Provincial Centers for Disease Control receive and store Measles-Rubella vaccines and distribute them to district health centers at least one week before the vaccination campaign.

- District health centers receive vaccines from provincial warehouses to district warehouses for storage and distribution to communes 1-2 days before the vaccination or on the vaccination day.

- Commune/ward level receives vaccines from district health centers, stores, and transports vaccines to vaccination points.

- Vaccine storage must comply with current regulations.

How is the vaccine vaccination organized in Vietnam?

According to Subsection 4, Section IV of the Plan issued with Decision 2495/QD-BYT in 2024, the organization of the measles vaccination campaign in 2024 is regulated as follows:

(1) Implementation Form:

- Organize Measles-Rubella vaccine campaigns at medical facilities, commune health stations, and primary schools, kindergartens, and nurseries in one or more rounds according to district/commune clusters depending on local conditions.

- Implement at points outside the commune health station: for deep, remote, and difficult-to-access areas.

- Implement catch-up vaccinations for missed children immediately after each round or during routine immunizations.

(2) Organizing the Vaccination Session

- Commune health stations organize vaccination sessions, and supplementary MR vaccine campaigns at commune health stations or coordinate with educational institutions to arrange vaccination points as per regulations.

- The vaccination session is organized according to regulations compatible with Decree 104/2016/ND-CP and Circular 34/2018/TT-BYT.

- The number of vaccination sessions at each point depends on the number of subjects in the area, not exceeding 100 subjects/table/1 vaccination session for the MR vaccine alone or not exceeding 50 subjects/table/session if vaccinated with other vaccines.

- Review and catch up on vaccinations for registered or unregistered children present in the area at the time of implementation to minimize missed vaccinations.

- For postponed cases: have a plan for catch-up vaccinations immediately after each round or during routine monthly vaccinations.

Note: The campaign does NOT vaccinate MR for individuals who have received a measles-containing vaccine or MR vaccine or a vaccine containing measles and/or rubella components within 1 month prior to the vaccination campaign; NOT vaccinate MR for those who have been fully vaccinated with a measles-containing vaccine.

After the campaign, if a child aged 01 year old or older has received 02 doses of measles vaccine including 01 dose of MR vaccine, when the child is 18 months old, MR vaccine is not administered during routine immunization.

(3) Plan for Ensuring Vaccine Safety and Post-vaccination Reaction Management.

- Shock prevention: Arrange equipment and personnel on site, support and participation in shock prevention by treatment systems (assign emergency teams/mobile emergency units for each district/commune).

- Arrange mobile emergency teams at vaccination points to promptly handle severe post-vaccination reactions if any.

- Monitor and report post-vaccination reactions: During implementation, monitor and report severe reaction cases; cluster reactions according to regulations.


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