Sports - Health laws In Vietnam

Pháp luật Shall a medical establishment in Vietnam transfer a patient to another medical establishment if such transfer is demanded by the patient or his/her representative? 02:20 20/06/2024
Shall a medical establishment in Vietnam transfer a patient to another medical establishment if such transfer is demanded by the patient or his/her representative? Who has the power to sign the slip of transfer at a medical facility in Vietnam? What are the regulations on the transport of patients for emergency cases and non-emergency cases during the transfer of patient in Vietnam?
Pháp luật May foreigners register to donate their tissues and organs at medical facilities in Vietnam? 13:18 18/06/2024
May the Law on donation, removal and Transplantation of human tissues and organs and donation and recovery of cadavers of Vietnam apply to foreign individuals? May foreigners register to donate their tissues and organs at medical facilities in Vietnam? What are the procedures for registration of donation of living donor tissues and organs for foreigners? What are the procedures for modification or cancellation of written registrations of donation of living donor tissues or organs for foreigners?
Pháp luật Shall human tissues and organs be removed only from living donors who have made donation registration? What are the conditions for medical establishments removing and transplanting human tissues in Vietnam? 10:18 18/06/2024
Who has the right to donate tissues? What are the principles in the donation of human tissues? Shall human tissues and organs be removed only from living donors who have made donation registration? What are the conditions for medical establishments removing and transplanting human tissues in Vietnam?
Pháp luật May patients refuse medical care in Vietnam in all cases? Do patients have the obligations to observe medical examination and treatment regulations in Vietnam? 06:18 18/06/2024
May patients refuse medical care in Vietnam in all cases? Do patients have the obligations to observe medical examination and treatment regulations? Do patients have the obligations to respect practitioners and other persons on duty at medical establishments? Do patients holding health insurance policies have the obligations to pay healthcare bills?