Can pregnant women use specific drugs to treat dermatitis caused by hookworm larvae of dogs and cats in Vietnam?

Hi Lawnet, I have the following question: I am taking medicine to treat dermatitis caused by hookworm larvae of dogs and cats in Vietnam, but now I find out that I am pregnant. Can I continue to use the medication?

Can human cat and dog hookworm larval dermatitis be transmitted by skin contact?

Pursuant to Section 1 of the Guidelines promulgated together with Decision 1803/QD-BYT in 2022 stipulates as follows:

Cutaneous Larva migrans, also known as larval dermatitis (Code B 65.3 - ICD 10 Ministry of Health) is a disease caused by larvae of dog/cat hookworms. Ancylostoma braziliense, Ancylostoma caninum causes the appearance of one or more zigzag lines moving under the skin in humans. The disease is distributed in many parts of the world but is common in tropical and subtropical countries such as Southeast Asia, Africa, South America... and is also very common in Vietnam.
1.1. Agent
The causative agent of the disease is mainly hookworm in dogs (Ancylostoma caninum) or hookworm in dogs and cats (Ancylostoma braziliense).
1.2. Inoculum
Dogs and cats are the main hosts
1.3. Mode of transmission
Dermatitis caused by larvae of dog/cat hookworms in humans is transmitted through the skin and mucous membranes.
1.4. Infectiousness and immunity
- Everyone is at risk of infection when they have contact with soil, sand with larvae of dog / cat hookworm.
- Immunity: There is no long-term immunity so it is easy to re-infect.

Accordingly, dermatitis caused by hookworm larvae of dogs and cats in Vietnam in humans is transmitted through the skin and mucous membranes. Regardless of adult or child, male or female gender, there is a risk of infection when in contact with soil, sand with larvae of dog / cat hookworm.

Can pregnant women use specific drugs to treat dermatitis caused by hookworm larvae of dogs and cats in Vietnam?

Can pregnant women use specific drugs to treat dermatitis caused by hookworm larvae of dogs and cats in Vietnam?

What are the symptoms to recognize dermatitis caused by hookworm larvae of dogs and cats in Vietnam in humans?

Pursuant to Section 2 of the Guidelines promulgated together with Decision 1803/QD-BYT in 2022, the following symptoms will appear when contracting dermatitis caused by the larvae of dog/cat hookworms in humans:

- Symptoms manifest at the place where larvae penetrate in open skin areas that are easy to contact with soil and sand such as hands, feet, buttocks...:
There are red, itchy papules.
+ Manifestations of larval migration: after a few days appear one or more zigzag tunnels higher than the surrounding skin, 10-20 mm longer per day.
+ There may be vesicular lesions, blisters, red swelling, local edema.
There may be local infection.
- Larvae can survive in the affected area for about 5-6 weeks.
The body has a reaction to hookworm larvae of dogs and cats depending on the number of infected worm larvae more or less and the response of each person.

Thus, when infected with dermatitis caused by hookworm larvae of dogs / cats in humans, symptoms will appear according to the content of the instructions mentioned above.

Pregnant women should not use specific drugs to treat dermatitis caused by hookworm larvae of dogs and cats in Vietnam in humans?

Pursuant to Section 5 of the Guidelines promulgated together with Decision 1803/QD-BYT in 2022, there are guidelines on the treatment methods for dermatitis caused by the larvae of dog/cat hookworm in humans as follows:

5.1. The principles of treatment
- Treatment with specific drugs such as: ivermectin, albendazole, thiabendazole.
- Treat symptoms with antibiotics when there is superinfection, antihistamines...
- Improve physical condition, treat comorbidities.
5.2. Specific treatment
5.2.1. Regimen 1: albendazol tablets 400mg.
a) Dosage
- Children over 2 years old: 400mg/day x 3 days, taken after meals.
- Adults: 400mg/day x 3 to 7 days, taken after meals.
b) Contraindications
- There is a history of hypersensitivity to benzimidazole-type compounds or components of the drug.
Patients with a history of bone marrow toxicity.
- Pregnant or lactating women.
5.2.2. Regimen 2: ivermectin tablets 3mg, 6mg.
a) Dosage: Children over 15 kg and adults dose 0.2 mg/kg. Take a single dose in the morning before or after eating within 2 hours.
b) Contraindications:
- Children under 15kg
- Women who are pregnant in the first 3 months or are breastfeeding.
- Patients with hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
- Patients with diseases associated with blood-brain barrier disorders.
5.2.3. Regimen 3: Thiabendazol tablets 500 mg
a) Dosage: 2 times/day x 2 days according to patient weight (see table) or dose 25 mg/kg/day x 2 days (maximum 3g/day). After 2 days, if symptoms and lesions are still present, continue the second course of treatment with the above dose, taking the drug after eating.
b) Contraindications
- For cases of sensitivity to any of the ingredients of the drug.
- Pregnant and lactating women.
- Pediatric patients weighing < 13.6 kg.
* Some topical medications
- Thiabendazole 15% solution: applied topically for 2 - 5 days.
- 10% cream albendazole: applied topically twice a day for 10 days.
- Antibiotic cream if there is superinfection.
5.3. Symptomatic treatment
- Depending on clinical symptoms to use appropriate combination drugs such as antibiotics, antihistamines, corticosteroids, anti-edema...
- Keep the affected area clean.
5.4. Follow-up after treatment
- Clinical: at the site of injury
- Laboratory tests: after 1 month of treatment with specific drugs, the patient is re-evaluated blood count (BCAT), liver and kidney function.

Accordingly, the treatment of dermatitis caused by hookworm larvae of dogs and cats in Vietnam in humans will be treated according to the content of the 3 regimens guided above. However, in all 3 regimens, there are guidelines for contraindications for pregnant women.

Therefore, the use of drugs to treat dermatitis caused by dog/cat hookworm larvae in humans for pregnant women needs to consult with the treating doctor.


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