Which Agency Has the Authority to Permit Printing, Copying, and Photographing Confidential Documents?

Circular 19/2017/TT-BTTTT was issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications on September 12, 2017, to specifically regulate the authorities authorized to print, copy, and photograph confidential documents.

Accordingly, Circular 19 stipulates the authorities authorized to print, copy, and photograph confidential documents:

- The Minister of Information and Communications has the authority to permit the printing and copying of documents and items containing state secrets classified as “Top Secret”, “Confidential”, and “Secret”;- The Chief of Office of the Ministry, Chief Inspector of the Ministry, Directorate General, Director General (or equivalent) have the authority to permit the printing and copying of documents and items containing state secrets classified as “Confidential” and “Secret”;- The Chief of Office of the Ministry, Chief Inspector of the Ministry, Directorate General, Director General (or equivalent) are authorized to delegate the approval of printing and copying documents and items containing state secrets classified as “Secret” to the Chief of Office or department heads of specialized professional affairs;- The Minister of Information and Communications is authorized to delegate the approval of printing and copying documents containing state secrets classified as “Top Secret” to the Chief of Office of the Ministry and heads of affiliated agencies and units.

See details Circular 19/2017/TT-BTTTT, effective from November 1, 2017.

-Thao Uyen-


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