To strengthen the application of science and technology in crime prevention and control in Vietnam

Under the current law in Vietnam, are there any proposals for strengthening the application of science and technology in crime prevention and control? - Kim Ngan (Quang Ngai)

To strengthen the application of science and technology in crime prevention and control in Vietnam

To strengthen the application of science and technology in crime prevention and control in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On March 20, 2024, the Ministry of Health of Vietnam issued Plan 331/KH-BYT to implement crime prevention and control and prevention and control of human trafficking in 2024.

To strengthen the application of science and technology in crime prevention and control in Vietnam

According to Plan 331/KH-BYT issued on March 20, 2024, the tasks and solutions are defined as follows:

- Strengthen the leadership and direction of party organizations at all levels, improve the effectiveness of state management in the health sector, and harness the comprehensive strength of the political system and the entire health workforce in crime prevention and control and anti-human trafficking. Clearly define the responsibilities of leaders, party committees, authorities, and specialized agencies in crime prevention and control and prevention and control of human trafficking.

Strictly implement the Party's regulations on the responsibility of setting an example, upholding public ethics and social responsibilities, and tightening discipline and regulations in directing and implementing the work of ensuring security, order, and social safety at units and locations. Identify crime prevention and control and prevention and control of human trafficking as important, urgent, and long-term tasks that must be carried out everywhere, at all times, in all areas and sectors, with a focus on early and proactive prevention, with the grassroots as the focal point, and with measures to prevent and control crime and human trafficking.

Closely combine proactive prevention with active detection, combat, and strict and timely handling, with no prohibited areas and no exceptions for criminal acts.

- Focus on improving the effectiveness of crime prevention work; strengthen and maintain the "People Protecting the Homeland Security" movement; discover and resolve social conflicts; mediate internal conflicts among healthcare workers; and effectively manage individuals at risk of committing crimes or violating laws within the units. Enhance the role of public information agencies and continue to strengthen information dissemination through various diverse forms to objectively and comprehensively reflect the work of crime prevention and control and the prevention and control of human trafficking.

- Monitor and implement the recommendations and complaints of healthcare workers, patients, and their families at healthcare facilities, contributing to preventing and minimizing factors that lead to crime.

- Properly implement the work of capturing, analyzing, evaluating, and forecasting situations and timely propose suitable solutions to meet immediate and long-term requirements, ensuring security and order in line with the reality of crime prevention and control in units.

- Continue to promote administrative procedure reforms. Implement legal regulations on receiving and resolving reports, information on crimes, and recommendations for prosecution; have effective measures to protect those who detect and report criminal acts, especially corruption.

- Implement coordinated plans and measures to ensure social order and safety, fire and explosion prevention, enhance and expand international cooperation in the fight against crime and the prevention and control of human trafficking, and manage healthcare facilities with foreign elements.

- Strengthen the application of science and technology in crime prevention and control. Invest in funding, equipment, and technical means to enhance capacity to meet the requirements and practicality of crime prevention and control and the prevention and control of human trafficking in the new situation.

- Strictly implement the Party's regulations on handling party organizations and members who violate rules. Carry out well the work of inspection, examination, and supervision, timely detect signs of crime in the health sector, and take measures to prevent and combat violations by healthcare officials, party members, and workers. Persistently and determinedly prevent, detect, and combat negative corruption with high political determination and strong and effective actions.

Proactively prevent, detect, and strictly handle acts of corruption, negative actions, cover-ups, collusion, and facilitation of crime and violations of laws, and prevent situations where crimes are covered up.

- Launch a movement for civil servants, officials, and workers to raise revolutionary vigilance and implement the "People's Movement in Crime Prevention and Control" within the unit and the community; participate in timely detection and denunciation of various crimes, moral education and rehabilitation of offenders in the community, participate in mobilizing offenders to surrender and capture wanted criminals; organize dissemination and thorough implementation of the Law on Officials 2019, Law on Public employees 2010, Anti-Corruption Law 2018, Law on Handling of Administrative Violations 2012, and related documents related to crime prevention and control, drug prevention and control, and prevention and control of human trafficking for civil servants, officials, and workers to know and implement, contributing to limiting the occurrence of legal violations among civil servants, officials, and timely preventing cases of violations that can lead to crimes.

- Direct and educate civil servants, officials, and workers to do well in mass work, especially for ethnic minority compatriots and those who follow religions, in order to clarify the dark intentions of various criminals, not allow compatriots to be incited, and listen to propagandistic, distorted, anti-state, harmful to the people, and provocative activities that negatively affect the political situation and social order and safety by hostile forces.

- Strengthen and consolidate the functional forces serving crime prevention and control:

Reinforce and consolidate self-defense forces, standing guard forces protecting agencies; organize well the standing guard work to protect agencies, security, fire prevention, and control; prevent and combat theft of state property and citizens' property; be vigilant against the crime of human trafficking and the increasingly sophisticated activities involving human body parts.

Build and consolidate the organization and activities of the people's inspection organization to enhance the role of workers in supervising and inspecting the activities of agencies and units.

- Organize the establishment of reception rooms - develop specific reception regulations in accordance with the provisions of the Law; promptly resolve citizens' letters of complaint and denunciation, including letters from civil servants, officials, and workers; do not allow the situation of lingering and unresolved letters of complaint and denunciation; strictly handle negative and corrupt cases.

Please refer to Plan 331/KH-BYT issued on March 20, 2024, for more information.


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