To amend Decree 58/2018/ND-CP on agricultural insurance in Vietnam

To amend Decree 58/2018/ND-CP on agricultural insurance in Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

Has the Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Finance to consider amending Decree 58/2018/ND-CP on agricultural insurance in Vietnam? – Thuy Binh (Binh Thuan)

To amend Decree 58/2018/ND-CP on agricultural insurance in Vietnam

To amend Decree 58/2018/ND-CP on agricultural insurance in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On January 17, 2024, the Office of the Government issued Official Dispatch 381/VPCP-NN on implementing measures to support farmers and develop sustainable agriculture and rural economy.

To amend Decree 58/2018/ND-CP on agricultural insurance in Vietnam

In order to promptly address difficulties and obstacles in supporting farmers, restoring agricultural development, and promoting sustainable rural areas, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has requested the Ministry of Finance to study and consider amending and supplementing certain provisions of Decree 58/2018/ND-CP on agricultural insurance to ensure its practicality. Additionally, arrangements and balance of budget sources for vocational training of rural labor will be made.

For other relevant ministries and agencies, the following tasks will be focused on:

(1) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

- Instructing localities to build concentrated areas for raw materials production, large-scale production of goods according to market standards and requirements; strongly innovating the forms of production and business organization based on value chains and promoting close cooperation and linkages between localities within each region and between regions, connecting global value chains.

- Researching policies to support farmers in specialized cultivation areas to participate in certified training programs in order to produce products that meet quality standards and new market requirements.

- Implementing pilot projects and scaling up models of green agriculture, organic agriculture, circular agriculture, smart agriculture, high technology agriculture, combined with services and rural tourism that are suitable for the conditions and advantages of each locality and region.

(2) Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs

- Completing and submitting to the Prime Minister for consideration and approval the Project on innovation and improvement of vocational training quality for rural labor. Prioritizing the improvement of training quality, training, and knowledge enhancement for farmers in ecological, organic, circular, smart agriculture, as well as in science, technology, economics, markets, laws, digital transformation, and digital economy; enhancing the economic management capacity of households, farms, and cooperatives.

- Innovating and improving the quality and effectiveness of vocational training for farmers, supporting farmers in accessing scientific and technical knowledge, entrepreneurial innovation; building and transferring advanced production and business models, integrating vocational training with job creation, livelihoods, and income generation for farmers.

(3) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Urgently developing Decrees and Circulars to guide the implementation when the Land Law is passed by the National Assembly, especially focusing on policies to concentrate and accumulate agricultural land; ensuring legitimate rights and interests and sustainable livelihoods for farmers, especially ethnic minority people.

(4) State Bank of Vietnam

Researching and reviewing credit policies to serve the development of agriculture and rural areas that are appropriate to the actual situation, meeting the requirements of sustainable agricultural and rural development.

(5) Vietnam Farmers' Union

- At all levels, the Union needs to regularly strengthen and improve its organizational structure to ensure efficiency, creativity, with a focus on perfecting the unified organization and operation mechanism of the farmer support center system; further innovating the content and methods of operation, with a strong focus on grassroots level.

- Promoting agricultural promotion activities, forestry promotion, and fisheries promotion; organizing the supply of agricultural equipment, supplies, and providing some public services to members and farmers; developing evaluation indicators and organizing evaluations of the quality of input services and supplies in agricultural production by members, farmers.

(6) People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities

Based on their functions, tasks, and authorized advisory capacity, localities will issue mechanisms, support policies, and promote specific, practical, and effective agricultural, farmer, and rural development. They will also participate responsibly in agricultural and rural development communication work, propose incentive mechanisms and policies to encourage and support organizations and individuals to invest and participate in agricultural, farmer, and rural development.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 381/VPCP-NN dated July 17, 2024.


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