Summary of Forms Used in Residence Registration and Management

This is a noteworthy content stipulated in Circular 36/2014/TT-BCA promulgated by the Minister of Public Security, which sets forth regulations on the forms used in residence registration and management.

Circular 36/2014/TT-BCA has consolidated the forms used in residence registration and management (hereinafter referred to as the forms) with the designation HK, including:

forms, temporary residence registration, residence

- Personal Declaration Form (designated as HK01) used by citizens aged 14 and above in the following cases:- When completing the procedures for permanent residence registration and temporary residence registration;- Already registered for permanent residence and temporary residence but have not yet filled out the Personal Declaration Form;- Notification of Household, Personal Changes Form (designated as HK02) used to notify changes in household registration, such as: Permanent residence registration, temporary residence registration; adjustments of changes in the household registration book, temporary residence book;... When there are changes in the information in the personal declaration form, citizens must supplement the information using form HK02 and submit it to the residence registration and management authority.- Household, Personal Verification Form (designated as HK03) used to verify households and individuals with unclear or inconsistent information.- Information Change Notification Form for Household, Personal (designated as HK04) used by residence registration and management authorities and units to exchange information when there are changes in household registration, personal information.- Temporary Absence Declaration Form (designated as HK05) used by individuals required to declare temporary absence to the commune-level police at their residence.- Household Record Tracking Form (designated as HK06) maintained by district-level police, district-level town, and city under provincial authority to track and search household records.- Household Transfer Certificate (designated as HK07) issued for cases of transferring permanent residence.- Household Registration Book (designated as HK08) issued to families or individuals who have registered permanent residence.- Temporary Residence Book (designated as HK09A and HK09B) issued to families or individuals who have registered temporary residence with a maximum duration of 24 (twenty-four) months. Form HK09A is issued to families, form HK09B is issued to individuals.- Household Registration Resolution Tracking Book (designated as HK10) used by residence registration and management authorities to track and record information during the process of resolving permanent residence registration, temporary residence registration, changes in registered permanent or temporary residence, and adjustments of changes in household registration book, temporary residence book.- ...

See the full text of the regulation at Circular 36/2014/TT-BCA, effective from October 28, 2014.

Thu Ba


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