Private Preschools with Two or More Capital-Contributing Members Must Have a Board of Directors

This noteworthy content is mentioned in Circular 13/2015/TT-BGDDT issued by the Minister of Education and Training, stipulating the regulations on the organization and operation of private preschools.

from August 14, 2015, private kindergartens, preschools (hereinafter referred to as schools), daycares, independent kindergarten groups, and classes of the private sector with two or more capital-contributing members are required to have a Board of Management.

private kindergarten, Circular 13/2015/TT-BGDDT

Additionally, Circular 13/2015/TT-BGDDT also prescribes several important contents related to the Board of Management of private schools and daycares as follows:

- The Board of Management is the management body and the sole representative organization for the ownership rights of the school and daycare, responsible for organizing the implementation of the resolutions of the General Meeting of capital-contributing members and has the authority to decide on matters of organization, personnel, finance, assets, planning, plans, and investment direction for the development of the school and daycare in accordance with legal regulations.- The Board of Management comprises 02 (two) to 11 (eleven) members elected by the General Meeting of capital-contributing members and recognized by the competent state management agency. The term of the Board of Management is 5 (five) years.- Participants in the Board of Management are those who have contributed capital to build the school, daycare, or representatives of organizations or individuals with capital contributions as specified in the Organizational and Operational Regulations of the school and daycare.- The first term Board of Management is nominated by the organization or individual proposing to establish the school and daycare. From the second term onwards, the establishment of the Board of Management is carried out by secret ballot at the General Meeting of capital-contributing members.

More details can be found in Circular 13/2015/TT-BGDDT which took effect from August 14, 2015.

Thu Ba


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