Modification of the Principles for Awarding the Ho Chi Minh Prize in Science and Technology

Recently, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree 60/2019/ND-CP amending and supplementing several articles of Decree 78/2014/ND-CP on Ho Chi Minh Awards, State Awards, and other awards in science and technology.

At Clause 1 Article 1 of Decree 60/2019/ND-CP, several principles concerning works proposed for consideration for the Ho Chi Minh Prize and the State Prize for science and technology have been amended, specifically the new regulations are as follows:

Changes in principles for considering Ho Chi Minh Prize for science and technology, Decree 60/2019/ND-CP

Illustration (source: Internet)

- Each work can only be proposed for consideration for one prize in one award period.- Works that have been awarded the Ho Chi Minh Prize cannot be proposed for the State Prize; works that have been awarded the State Prize cannot be proposed for the Ho Chi Minh Prize.

Apart from the above principle, the consideration for awarding prizes for science and technology also must comply with the principles stipulated in Decree 78/2014/ND-CP as follows:

- The registration for proposing the consideration for awarding prizes for science and technology is based on voluntariness;- The consideration for awarding prizes is carried out objectively, publicly, fairly, and accurately;

Regarding the conditions for awarding the Ho Chi Minh Prize and the State Prize for science and technology stipulated in Decree 78, Decree 60 supplements as follows:

- The work proposed for consideration for the prize must have a valid dossier, published according to regulations (except for works with content related to state secrets), and applied in Vietnam.- The time the work has been published or applied in practice is at least 03 years or the work has been applied innovatively and effectively for at least 01 year up to the point when the presiding organization receives the dossier of the work proposed for consideration.- Until the time of considering for the prize, the author of the work must not violate the provisions of Article 8 of the Law on Science and Technology.- Works proposed for the prize that are the results of science and technology tasks using or receiving financial support from the state budget must be registered and preserved according to the legal provisions.

See the full text of the regulation in Decree 60/2019/ND-CP, effective from September 16, 2019.

Thu Ba


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