Guidelines for organizing staff meeting in public schools in HCMC for the school year 2024-2025

Guidelines for organizing staff meeting in public schools in HCMC for the school year 2024-2025
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

On September 04, 2024, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training and the Ho Chi Minh City Education Sector Trade Union issued Official Dispatch 185/SGDDT-CDGD, providing Guidelines for organizing staff meeting in public schools in HCMC for the school year 2024-2025

Guidelines  for  Organizing  Workers’  Conferences  in  Public  Schools  in <label class='loivt' style='background:yellow'> HCMC </label> for  the  Academic  Year  2024-2025

Guidelines for organizing staff meeting in public schools in HCMC for the school year 2024-2025​ (Image from the internet)

Guidelines for organizing staff meeting in public schools in HCMC for the school year 2024-2025

(1) Form of the meeting

- Regular meeting: Organized once every school year/year

+ For educational institutions, the meeting is organized at the beginning of the new school year and must conclude before November 30.

+ For administrative units, the meeting is organized at the end of the old year, the beginning of the new calendar year but not later than 3 months into the next working year, decided by the head of the agency/unit after consulting the agency/unit’s union. (new compared to ND 04.2015).

- The meeting of Officials, Public employees, and Workers is organized extraordinarily when proposed by subjects specified in Clause 1 Article 50 of the Law on Implementing Democracy at the Grassroots Level.

(2) Participants in the meeting

- Plenary meeting:

+ For agencies/units with fewer than 100 officials, educators, and workers;

+ For agencies/units with more than 100 officials, educators, and workers, but according to the collective's petition, and with the approval of the unit's leadership, the plenary meeting is still organized.

- Delegate meeting:

For agencies/units with more than 100 officials, educators, and workers; or fewer than 100 people working scattered over a wide area or because of operational reasons cannot leave the workplace: The head of the agency/unit, in consultation with the unit’s union and after consulting the leadership (if any), decides on the appropriate form of the meeting, whether it’s a plenary meeting or a delegates’ meeting.

(3) Ex-officio delegates and elected delegates to the delegates’ meeting

Ex-officio delegates represent the level organizing the meeting and include: the head, the deputy head, the Party Secretary, the union president, the Head of the People's Inspection Committee, the President of the Veteran Association (if any), the Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (if any), the Head of the Women’s Committee or the officer in charge of the Women’s Committee; Heads of departments, faculties, and professional teams.

The election of delegates to attend the delegates’ meeting is conducted at the meeting of the departments, faculties, and teams under the agency/unit through voting or secret ballot as decided by the majority. Elected delegates must secure more than 50% of the total votes of the attendees and are selected from the highest down until the allocated number of delegates is met. If the first election does not meet the required number of delegates, additional elections will be held until the number is sufficient.

The head of the agency/unit cooperates with the unit’s union to decide on the number of delegates attending the meeting, ensuring at least the following quantities:

- For agencies/units with fewer than 100 officials, educators, and workers but working scattered over a wide area or because of operational reasons cannot leave the workplace (with written proposal and approved by the Department): elect at least 1/3 of the officials, educators, and workers of the agency/unit as delegates to attend the meeting.

- For agencies/units with more than 100 officials, educators, and workers but not classified under section a: In addition to the ex-officio delegates, at least 1/3 of the officials, educators, and workers of the agency/unit must be elected as delegates to attend the meeting.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 185/SGDDT-CDGD dated September 4, 2024.


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