Expenses for the Organization of the 9th National Patriotic Emulation Congress

Expenses for the Organization of the 9th National Patriotic Emulation Congress
Anh Tú

On June 23, 2015, the Ministry of Finance issued Circular 98/2015/TT-BTC stipulating the expenditure policies for the preparation and organization of the 9th National Patriotic Emulation Congress.

Expenses for organizing the IX National Patriotic Emulation Congress include:

- Expenses for decoration, venue rental for ceremonial purposes, venues for organizing events for preparation and organization of the Congress.- Expenses for renting technical equipment for printing, translation, security, office, audiovisual, support for disabled people, and other assets and equipment serving the activities to prepare and organize the Congress.- Expenses for transportation.- Expenses for purchasing materials; collecting documents; writing and printing reports, documents, Congress records, books on exemplary advanced individuals, heroes, and national emulation soldiers from 2011-2015; exhibitions before and during the Congress.- Expenses for designing and printing invitation cards, journalist cards, press technician cards, service staff cards, automobile badges for Congress service, logos, slogans, and other printing to serve preparation and organization of the Congress.- Expenses for designing and ordering Congress badges for delegates, the Organizing Committee, guests; gifts, items for the Congress; designing the stage market inside and outside the conference hall.- Expenses for reception, ceremonial activities (welcoming, seeing off, banquets, and related activities); expenses for cultural and artistic activities taking place during the Congress and the gala night celebrating the success of the Congress.- Expenses for translation serving the Congress; serving the reception of foreign delegates, patriotic overseas Vietnamese attending the Congress.- Expenses for exemplary model speakers of the Congress.- …

See more expenses in Circular 98/2015/TT-BTC, effective from August 10, 2015.


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