Vietnam: Method of organizing supervision of state capital investment in enterprises

On October 06, 2015, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree No. 87/2015/ND-CP on supervision of state capital investment in enterprises; financial supervision, performance assessment and disclosure of financial information of state-owned and state-invested enterprises.

giam sat dau tu von NN vao doanh nghiep, Nghi dinh 87/2015/NĐ-CP

Illustration (Internet)

According to Decree No. 87/2015/ND-CP of Vietnam’s Government, supervision of state capital investment in enterprises shall be carried out by employing the method of direct supervision, indirect supervision, pre-supervision, in-process supervision, post-supervision with particular attention paid to the pre-supervision and post-supervision practices.

Specifically, in the 4th quarter of the previous year, the Ministry of Finance shall set up the plan for supervision of state capital investment in enterprises and announce such plan before every January 31. The Ministry of Finance shall preside over and cooperate with relevant Ministries, departments in supervision of state capital investment in enterprises which have been publicly disclosed.

Reporting regime:

- The representative agency shall prepare the performance report on state capital investment in enterprises in the previous year for submission to the Ministry of Finance before every May 31. The report contents shall be governed under the provisions of Article 6 hereof; 

- The Ministry of Finance shall prepare the report on supervision of state capital investment in enterprises in the previous year and submit it to the Government before every July 31.

Note: Where it discovers any violation against regulations on scope of state capital investment, process, procedure and competence regarding the decision on state capital investment in enterprises which has been committed by the representative agency, the Ministry of Finance shall report it to the Prime Minister for any sanction to be imposed in accordance with laws.

View full text in Decree No. 87/2015/ND-CP of Vietnam’s Government, which takes effect from December 01, 2015.

Thu Ba


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