Vietnam: Cyber information security incident must be reported within 5 days from the date on which the incident is discovered

This is one of the regulations on reporting cyber information security incidents specified in Circular No. 20/2017/TT-BTTTT on coordination and response to nation-wide cyber information security incidents issued on September 12, 2017 by the Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam.

According to Circular No. 20/2017/TT-BTTTT of the Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam, reporting cyber information security incidents is guided as follows:

- Within 5 days from the date on which incidents are discovered, entities and individuals operating information system are responsible for sending information on the incidents (Incident Notification) to:

+ Entities presiding the information system;

+ National coordinating authority, incident response specialists, and relevant members of incident response network (if any).

Notably, if incident rectification has not been completed at the time of reporting, entities and individuals operating information systems shall send updates on the incident to previous recipients as soon as rectification completes.

- Besides, Circular No. 20/2017/TT-BTTTT also stipulates that if entities or individuals operating information system deem the incidents exceed their capability, they shall submit Initial incident report to entities presiding information system, relevant incident response specialists (if any), and National coordinating authority; entities or individuals operating information system shall send Final incident report to entities presiding information system and National coordinating authority within 5 days from the date on which incident response is complete. National coordinating authority shall only acknowledge completion of incident response efforts after receiving Final incident report.

- Organizations and individuals that are not those operating information system shall, upon discovering signs of attack or cyber information security incidents, shall immediately send notification (Incident Notification) to entities and individuals operating information system, entities presiding information system, National coordinating authority, incident response specialists, and/or relevant members of incident response network.

More details can be found in Circular No. 20/2017/TT-BTTTT of the Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam, which takes effect from November 01, 2017.

-Thao Uyen-


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