14/03/2024 15:14

5-step personnel planning process under the current regulations in Vietnam

5-step personnel planning process under the current regulations in Vietnam

Hi, I have the following question: What are the current regulations on personnel planning process in Vietnam? Ms. Hoai Nhu (Quang Tri, Vietnam).

Hi, Lawnet would like to provide the following answers:

1. 5-step personnel planning process under the current regulations in Vietnam

According to Appendix 2, issued with Regulation 50-QD/TW in 2021, the current 5-step personnel planning process for the next term from the in-place personnel source is carried out as follows:

Step 1: Developing implementation plans and preparing the expected personnel for identification and introduction of planning

The Provincial Party Executive Committee, Party Committee of cities, Party Committees, Party Affairs Committees, Party Youth Committees, collective leadership of agencies, and units subordinate to the Central Party Committee instruct the advisory agencies on organization and personnel to perform the following tasks:

(1) Developing implementation plans for personnel planning in the localities, agencies, and units.

(2) Conducting a review and assessment of personnel to identify the basic personnel list that meets the criteria and conditions for planning leadership and management positions under the management of the Politburo and the Secretariat.

Step 2: Organizing the first leadership collective conference

Based on the reports from the advisory agencies on organization and personnel, the leadership collective discusses, analyzes, and approves:

(1) Implementation plans for personnel planning in the localities, agencies, and units.

(2) Basic personnel list that meets the criteria and conditions to be submitted to the conferences for review, identification, and introduction of planning.

Step 3: Organizing the key personnel conference for identification and introduction of planning (through secret ballots)

Selection and introduction principles for personnel: Must achieve an agreement rate of at least 30% of the total number of attendees to be included in the introduction list in the next step.

Step 4: Organizing an expanded leadership collective conference

Based on the results of personnel introduction in step 3, the expanded leadership collective discusses and introduces personnel for planning (through a secret ballot).

Step 5: Organizing the second leadership collective conference

Based on the structure, quantity, criteria, conditions, age, percentage of young officials, female officials, and officials from ethnic minority groups as regulated, as well as the situation of the official staff and the political tasks of the localities, agencies, and units, and the results of personnel introduction in steps 3 and 4, the leadership collective discusses and votes on the introduction of personnel (through secret ballots) to be included in the proposed planning list.

Selection and introduction principles: The selected and introduced personnel must achieve an agreement rate of at least 50% of the total number of summoned individuals, and the selection is made from top to bottom as regulated.

In the event that there are two or more individuals with equal votes above 50%, the person in charge will consider and make the decision on personnel selection.

2. Criteria, conditions, and age in personnel planning work in Vietnam

Article 8 of Regulation 50-QD/TW in 2021 states the criteria, conditions, and age in personnel planning work as follows:

Regarding criteria and conditions

The criteria for personnel planning are basically implemented as the criteria for appointment to positions according to current regulations. At the time of planning, the competent level can consider and approve the planning for those basic personnel who meet the criteria and conditions for appointment to the positions as regulated.

Regarding age

The personnel planned for the next term must have worked for at least 2 terms, with at least one more term left (60 months). When reviewing and supplementing annual planning for the current term, the personnel included in the planning must have at least 72 months of working age.

Regarding the timing of the age calculation for planning

- For planning the next term: The timing for Party Committee positions, Party leadership positions, Party committees, agencies of the Party, and inspection committees is the time of conducting party congresses at all levels; the timing for leadership and management positions in state agencies is the time of electing deputies to the National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels; the timing for leadership positions in the Vietnam Fatherland Front and political-social organizations is the time of congresses at all levels of each organization.

- For reviewing and supplementing planning: it is the time when the advisory agencies on organization and personnel (the Central Organizational Committee for cases where the positions fall under the central management; party organization committees at all levels for other cases) receive the submission and personnel files as regulated.


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