10:14 | 13/01/2025

What are the sample paragraphs expressing feelings and emotions about the poem "Trước cổng trời" for 5th-grade students in Vietnam? What is the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of 5th-grade teachers in Vietnam?

What are the sample paragraphs expressing feelings and emotions about the poem "Trước cổng trời" for 5th-grade students in Vietnam?

What are the sample paragraphs expressing feelings and emotions about the poem "Trước cổng trời" for 5th-grade students in Vietnam?

"Trước cổng trời" is an emotional poem by poet Nguyen Duy. This poem is taught to 5th-grade students in the Vietnamese language curriculum, focusing on the theme of the childhood world:

Students can refer to the following sample paragraphs expressing feelings and emotions about the poem "Trước cổng trời":

Sample 1:

The poem "Trước cổng trời" by Nguyen Duy opens up before me a majestic natural landscape that I only dare dream of. The undulating mountains and the floating clouds make me feel small amidst the vastness of the earth and sky. However, what moves me the most is the image of the people in the highlands, diligently working in peace. They are like resilient wildflowers, quietly adding color to life. Reading the poem, I feel a love for my homeland seeping through every line. Nature is not only beautiful but also lively, making life seem bright and lovable.

Sample 2:

When reading the poem "Trước cổng trời", I feel as if I am standing before a remote land, where nature and humans blend beautifully. The overlapping mountains and the mist like a veil gently covering the sun fascinate me. But more than that, I admire how the author depicts the workers here. Despite hardships, they remain calm and radiant under the sky. I find myself loving each mountain, each cloud, and even those strong people. The poem makes me realize that nature is not only for viewing but also a place where people entrust their beliefs and hopes.

Sample 3:

"Trước cổng trời" by Nguyen Duy is like a vivid painting where each verse is a stroke. I see the majestic mountain forest images, fields submerged in early mist, and the golden sunlight peeking through the clouds. But what remains unforgettable for me are the people here—they are small before nature, yet strong and full of life. Reading the poem, I feel strangely light-hearted. Each verse seems to whisper to me the beauty of my homeland, a simplicity that is breathtakingly beautiful. The poem truly is a wonderful gift for my soul.

Sample 4

Reading the poem "Trước cổng trời", I perceive the vastness of mountains and the resilience of the people here. Each verse guides me into a different world, where mountains touch the clouds, mists are as light as dreams, and winding paths are marked with human footprints. The image of the workers is truly beautiful, simple yet endearing. My heart feels calmed, as if nature and human emotions in the poem have soothed all worries within me. The poem is not only a story of the highlands but also a heartfelt letter to the homeland.

Sample 5

The poem "Trước cổng trời" makes me want to gaze upward, imagining a clear sky over high peaks. Each poem line presents like a gentle melody, telling about the nature and people of the highlands. I admire how the author portrays the majestic mountains without overshadowing the image of small but resilient people. Life here may not be abundant, but it is warm and peaceful. Reading the poem, I feel like touching each cloud layer, each cool breeze, and each bead of sweat from the workers. Nature and humanity in the poem make me cherish life more, appreciating the simple things around me.

Note: The content is for reference only!

Writing a paragraph expressing feelings about the 5th-grade poem "Truoc Cong Troi"? The roadmap for upgrading the standard training level of 5th-grade teachers?

What are the sample paragraphs expressing feelings and emotions about the poem "Trước cổng trời" for 5th-grade students in Vietnam? What is the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of 5th-grade teachers in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What is the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of 5th-grade teachers in Vietnam?

According to Article 5 of Decree 71/2020/ND-CP, the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of 5th-grade teachers in Vietnam is prescribed as follows:

- The implementation roadmap is from July 01, 2020, to December 31, 2030.

- The roadmap is divided into two phases:

+ Phase 1: From July 01, 2020, to December 31, 2025, ensuring that at least 50% of teachers are undergoing training or have completed the training program to be awarded a bachelor's degree;

+ Phase 2: From January 01, 2026, to December 31, 2030 for the remaining teachers, ensuring that 100% of teachers complete the training program to be awarded a bachelor's degree.

What are the cases where 5th-grade teachers in Vietnam are required to reimburse training costs?

According to Article 11 of Decree 71/2020/ND-CP, 5th-grade teachers must reimburse training costs in the following cases:

- Unilaterally abandoning the study, work, or terminating the employment contract during the training period;

- Not being awarded a graduation certificate by the training institution, except for cases of force majeure reasons confirmed by competent authorities;

- Completing and being awarded a graduation certificate but leaving the job or unilaterally terminating the employment contract before fulfilling the committed service period as stipulated in point b, Clause 2, Article 10 of Decree 71/2020/ND-CP.

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