02:13 | 28/02/2023

Vietnam: How to request a review of the Certificate of registration of vocational education?

How to request a review of the Certificate of registration of vocational education in Vietnam? - Ms. Pham Huong (Don Duong)

How to request a review of the Certificate of registration of vocational education in Vietnam?

On February 23, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Official Dispatch 892/BCT-TCCB in 2023.

Official Dispatch 892/BCT-TCCB in 2023, based on the implementation of Decree 81/2021/ND-CP dated August 27, 2021, stipulating the mechanism of collection and management of tuition fees for educational institutions under the national education system and the policy of tuition fee exemption and reduction, support for study expenses, and services in the field of education and training.

Vocational education institutions have been granted Certificate of registration of vocational education; however, some Certificates of registration of vocational education contain notes related to training associations, specifically "Ending enrollment in year..., if there is a need to continue enrolling students in the next year at the joint training location provided in the Certificate of registration of vocational education, please ask. The school shall report to the General Department of Vocational Education for consideration and decision."

Therefore, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Official Dispatch 892/BCT-TCCB in 2023 to request:

- Review the registration certificate for vocational education activities (including the supplement).

- Report to the General Department of Vocational Education and Training on the decision to continue enrollment and training at the assigned joint location (if any).

At the same time, Official Dispatch 892/BCT-TCCB in 2023 also specifies the time to submit the review as follows:

The vocational education institutions shall send the report on the review results, the Certificate of registration of vocational education (including the supplement), and the official letter to the General Department of Vocational Education (in a copy) and send it to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Department of Organization and Personnel) before February 27, 2023.

The soft copy is forwarded to thanhcd@moit.gov.vn for synthesis.

How to request a review of the Certificate of registration of vocational education in Vietnam?

Which agency has the authority to issue Certificate of registration of vocational education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 16 of Decree 143/2016/ND-CP (as amended by Clause 12 and Article 1 of Decree 24/2022/ND-CP) as follows:

Authority to issue Certificate of registration of vocational education
1. The General Department of Vocational Education shall grant Certificate of registration of vocational education to colleges.
2. The Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs shall issue Certificate of registration of vocational education to intermediate schools, vocational education centers, and enterprises;

The authority to issue Certificate of registration of vocational education is regulated as follows:

- The General Department of Vocational Education shall issue Certificate of registration of vocational education to colleges.

- The Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs shall issue Certificate of registration of vocational education to intermediate schools, vocational education centers, and vocational education and continuing education centers and enterprises.

What are the procedures for registration and the issuance of a Certificate of registration of vocational education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 17 of Decree 143/2016/ND-CP (amended by Clause 13, Article 1 of Decree 24/2022/ND-CP) stipulating the order, procedures, and issuance of registration certificates, vocational education activities are as follows:

For colleges

- Submit an application for registration of vocational education activities in accordance with Article 15 of Decree 143/2016/ND-CP via the online public service portal, the postal service, or directly to the General Department of Vocational Education.

- Within 10 working days from the day on which the application is received, the General Department of Vocational Education and Training shall verify the application and issue a Certificate of registration of vocational education.

If the certificate is not granted, a written reply clearly stating the reason;

- Within two working days from the date of issuance of the Certificate of registration of vocational education, the General Department of Vocational Education shall publicize the certificate on the website of its agency, update the database on the registration of vocational education activities, and send certificates to the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs where the college organizes vocational education activities for monitoring and management.

For high schools, vocational education centers, continuing education, and businesses.

- Submit an application for registration of vocational education activities as prescribed in Article 15 of Decree 143/2016/ND-CP via the online public service portal, the postal service, or directly to the Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs at the locations where vocational education activities are held.

- Within 10 working days from the day on which the application is received, the Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs shall verify the application and issue a Certificate of registration of vocational education. If the certificate is not granted, a written reply clearly stating the reason;

- Within 02 working days from the date of issuance of the Certificate of registration of vocational education, the Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs shall publicize the certificate on its website, update the database on the registration of vocational education activities, and send the certificate to the General Department of Vocational Education for monitoring and management.


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