Advanced new rural communes in Vietnam: At least 50% of people of working age in ethnic minority and mountainous areas have smartphone subscriptions?

Hello LAWNET, I have a question: In order to identify a commune that meets the current enhanced rural standards in terms of information and communication in Vietnam, what criteria should be met? Thanks!

What are the conditions for communes with postal service points in Vietnam that meet the new rural criteria for information and communication before June 22, 2022?

Pursuant Article 3 of Decision 441/QD-BTTTT in 2017 stipulates:

“Article 3. Eligibility requirements for communes with postal service points
Commune with a postal service point means a commune with at least 01 (one) postal service point that meets the following conditions:
1. Regarding facilities:
a) Having premises and equipment suitable to the form of organization of supply and demand for postal services in the locality.
b) There is a sign with the name of the service point.
c) Posting service opening hours and information about postal services provided at service points.
d) Service opening time must be at least 4 hours/working day.
2. About the service:
At the point of service, make sure to provide the following services:
a) Mail service with receiving address, single unit weight up to 02 kg.
b) Package and bales of goods weighing up to 05 kg.”

Accordingly, in the past, in order to meet the criteria of new rural communes on information and communication, for communes with postal service points, the conditions specified above must be met.

Advanced new rural communes in Vietnam: At least 50% of people of working age in ethnic minority and mountainous areas have smartphone subscriptions?

Advanced new rural communes in Vietnam: At least 50% of people of working age in ethnic minority and mountainous areas have smartphone subscriptions?

What are the criteria for identifying new rural communes of Vietnam in terms of information and communication in the period 2021-2025?

Pursuant to Appendix 1 issued together with Decision 1127/QD-BTTTT in 2022, stipulating the conditions for ensuring information and communication criteria about new rural communes in the 2021-2025 period:

"1. The commune has a postal service point
Commune with a postal service point means a commune having at least one postal service point satisfying the following conditions:
a) Regarding facilities:
- Having premises and equipment suitable to the form of organization of supply and demand for postal services in the locality.
- There is a sign with the name of the service point.
- Posting service opening hours and information about postal services provided at service points.
- Service opening time must ensure at least 4 hours/working day.
b) About services: At the service point, ensure to provide the following services:
- Mail service with receiving address, single unit weight up to 02 kg.
- Package and package service of goods with a single weight of up to 05 kg.
2. Commune with telecommunications and Internet services
Communes with telecommunications and Internet services are communes that satisfy the following conditions:
a) All villages and hamlets in the commune are capable of meeting the demand for using at least one of two types of telephone services: on the fixed terrestrial telecommunications network or on the terrestrial mobile telecommunications network and at least one of two types of Internet access services: on the terrestrial fixed broadband network or on the terrestrial mobile broadband network.
b) Telecommunications and Internet services in the commune must meet national technical regulations promulgated by competent agencies.
3. The commune has a radio station and loudspeaker system for the villages and hamlets
Communes with radio stations and loudspeaker systems to villages and hamlets are communes that satisfy the following conditions:
a) The commune has a radio station under the guidance of the Ministry of Information and Communications;
b) At least 2/3 of the villages in the commune have active loudspeaker systems
4. Communes have applied information technology in management and administration
Communes that apply information technology in management and administration are communes that fully satisfy the following conditions:
a) The ratio of computers to the number of cadres and civil servants of the commune are at least 50%;
b) The commune uses at least 04 of the following application software:
- Document management and operating system.
- Official email system of state agencies.
- Electronic one-door system.
- Portal/website with the function of providing information for the management, administration, and provision of online public services.
c) The ratio of online documents to the total number of administrative procedures in the commune is at least 30%.”

Accordingly, the main criteria for information and communication for new rural communes in the 2021-2025 period include communes with postal service points; communes with telecommunications and Internet services; Communes have radio stations and loudspeaker systems to villages, hamlets, and communes that apply information technology in management and administration.

What are the criteria for information and communication to determine the newly enhanced rural commune of Vietnam in the 2021-2025 period?

Pursuant to Appendix 2 issued together with Decision 1127/QD-BTTTT in 2022, there are regulations on information and communication criteria for new rural communes to improve in the 2021-2025 period:

"1. Postal service point to provide online public services for people
In addition to meeting the standards of the commune, the postal service point in the commune must be able to serve the people's demand for using online public services.
2. Subscribers use smartphones
Communes where the percentage of the population of working age who have subscriptions to using smartphones reaches: At least 50% for communes in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, and islands; At least 80% for the remaining communes.
3. Press and communication services
The commune fully meets the following conditions:
a) 100% of villages of communes in the delta area have loudspeaker systems operating regularly; 90% of villages and communes in mountainous areas have loudspeaker systems operating regularly;
b) 100% of villages in the commune have households that can watch 01 of the satellite, cable, terrestrial digital television, or television via the Internet;
c) There is at least one publication supply point.
4. Application of information technology in management and administration in service of socio-economic life
The commune fully meets the following conditions:
a) The ratio of online settlement dossiers to the total commune's administrative procedures shall be at least 50%.
b) Percentage of commune-level cadres and civil servants who have received training in digital knowledge, skills, and information security: At least 80% for communes in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, and coastal areas. islands and 100% for the remaining communes;
c) Percentage of people of working age who disseminated knowledge about computer use and basic digital skills: At least 50% for communes in ethnic minority and mountainous areas and islands; At least 70% for the remaining communes;
d) 100% of the commune's OCOP products are introduced and promoted on the e-commerce platform;
dd) 100% of households, agencies, organizations, and relic sites shall be notified and have digital address plates attached to each address point.”

Accordingly, the criteria for information and communication to identify new rural communes will be enhanced in the 2021-2025 period according to the following criteria, including postal service points to meet the provision of online public services for people; subscribers using smartphones; press service, communication, and application of information technology in management and administration to serve socio-economic life.

Accordingly, the newly-advanced rural commune must have a percentage of the population of working age with a smartphone subscription: At least 50% for communes in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, islands and at least 80% for the remaining communes.


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