What is the process of marking the multiple-choice answer sheets in the High School Graduation Exam 2023 in Vietnam? How are the scores for the High School Graduation Exam 2023 in Vietnam rounded?
What is the process of marking the multiple-choice answer sheets in the High School Graduation Exam 2023 in Vietnam?
Under Subsection 2.4.4, Section 2.4, Clause 2 of Appendix VI - Marking, Checking, Review Process attached to Official Dispatch 1515/BGDDT-QLCL 2023, the process of marking the multiple-choice answer sheets in the High School Graduation Exam 2023 in Vietnam is outlined as follows:
- Each step in the process of marking the multiple-choice answer sheets is carried out in batches. The marking process is conducted entirely on the software with a closed-loop cycle.
- After completing the installation of the computer system and software for the grading task, before the Multiple-choice Marking Board begins its duties, the Chair of the Exam Council (or the person authorized by the Chair) sets the passwords on the software for each step: Image Reading, Correcting Answer Sheet Errors, and Marking.
The passwords are only provided to the Multiple-choice Marking Board to proceed to the next step after receiving the previous step's data CD, for example, providing the password to access the image reading function after receiving the CD containing the scanned image data.
- The data generated by the software are encrypted. The exported data is only used to enter into the Management System and report to the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET). The software automatically records all user actions to facilitate inspection and supervision.
The process for marking the multiple-choice answer sheets for the High School Graduation Exam 2023 includes 04 steps:
Step 1: Scanning images of the Multiple-choice Answer Sheet conducted through the following process:
- Check sealing and match the signatures on the Multiple-choice Answer Sheet envelope with the sample signatures of the proctors;
- Open the test envelope, count the Multiple-choice Answer Sheets, and compare with the number of Multiple-choice Answer Sheets recorded on the test envelope and the collection sheet;
- Use a scanner to scan the Multiple-choice Answer Sheets per examination room;
- Check and compare to ensure consistency in the number of Multiple-choice Answer Sheets in each test envelope with the collection sheet and the number of scanned Multiple-choice Answer Sheets in the software;
- After scanning the Multiple-choice Answer Sheets of each examination room, immediately recount the Multiple-choice Answer Sheets, then reseal the envelope according to the regulations;
- After completing the scanning of all the answer sheets of the Examination Council, the Multiple-choice Marking Board needs to export the report data (CD0) on the server. Send the CD0 as per the provisions in Point d, Clause 2, Article 29 of the High School Graduation Exam Regulations issued with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT before proceeding to Image Reading.
+ All 02 sets of CDs containing similar content at each step must be sealed under the supervision of the Monitoring Team, police officers, and recorded in a minutes report; They should only be sent to the MOET (through the Department of Quality Management) with 01 set for management and 01 set handed over to the Chairman of the Examination Council for storage and only proceed upon the Chairman's permission. Report to the National Steering Committee for acceptance of using these sets of CDs.
Note: The collection sheet and other documents (if any) are taken out of the envelope for use during error correction. At this step, image files will be encrypted, and only the specialized grading software provided by the MOET can read and display the data; CD0 contains encrypted image files and the backup database of the software; Recheck the contents of the CD0 to ensure all folders and files as per the software guide; The software will lock the scanning function as soon as the CD0 export is done.
Step 2: Reading images of the Multiple-choice Answer Sheets (also called image processing or image recognition) through the following process:
- The software automatically recognizes the images of the answer sheets to extract information on candidate numbers, exam codes, and answers. This initial recognition data (before error correction, called uncorrected Multiple-choice Answer Sheet recognition results) will be saved in the software's database.
- After recognizing the images of the answer sheets, the Multiple-choice Marking Board needs to export the report data (CD1) on the server and send CD1 as per the provisions in Point d, Clause 2, Article 29 of the Exam Regulations before proceeding to Correct Answer Sheet Errors step.
Note: CD1 contains the backup database of the software; Recheck the contents of CD1 to ensure all folders and files as per the software guide; The software will lock the image reading function as soon as CD1 export is done.
Step 3: Correcting multiple-choice answer sheet errors:
(1) Correcting errors related to candidate numbers and exam codes, and the component subjects in the combination paper
- Error correction process:
+ Filter the incorrectly identified answer sheets per test envelope (batch);
+ The staff uses the collection sheet to verify information and correct errors (if any) per test envelope (batch); It’s mandatory to check candidate numbers, exam codes, and subjects/exams of all candidates;
+ Based on the collection sheet to amend the identified mistakes in candidate’s answer sheets as alerted by the software or discovered by the Multiple-choice Marking Board (incorrect candidate numbers, incorrect exam codes, incorrect registered subjects).
- Common errors that need correcting:
+ Candidate number: not filled in, incorrectly filled in, duplicate candidate numbers;
+ Exam code: not filled in, incorrectly filled in, duplicate exam codes;
+ Scanning errors causing the Multiple-choice Answer Sheet to be deformed, preventing the software from recognizing candidate numbers and exam codes;
+ Mismatched information on the component subject data in the combination paper provided by the Examination Council and the Multiple-choice Answer Sheet filled by the candidate (either due to the candidate filling in the part that he/she did not register for or due to mistaken inputs by the Examination Council in the data sent to the Multiple-choice Marking Board).
- Some notes when correcting errors:
+ When correcting candidate numbers and exam codes, the staff should cross-check between candidate numbers and exam codes written in letters and those on the collection sheet to return the correct candidate numbers and exam codes to the candidate in the software;
+ When correcting information about the candidate's component subjects, the staff should compare between the collection sheet and the registration data sent by the Examination Council (already input into the software).
Compile the list of answer sheets needing amendments in subject information (if necessary, the Multiple-choice Marking Board may request the Examination Council to verify and clarify); Make an irregular declaration to propose amendments to the candidate's subject information; Use the function to revert the process on the software to the step before exporting CD0 to adjust the candidate’s subject information according to the list made in the irregular declaration.
+ Use the function to filter duplicate exam codes to detect and handle cases of duplicate exam codes per batch before correcting answer sheet errors.
(2) Correcting errors in the candidate's answers:
- The software will alert all answers that are unrecognized (due to the candidate shading too lightly, shading multiple choices in one question, leaving the question blank, etc.). The staff must check and handle each error (if any).
- Error correction process for candidate’s answers:
+ The staff checks the suspected faulty answer sheets displayed in the software.
+ The staff enters the information of the erroneous answers into the software through the data entry window.
(3) Exporting report data and printing error correction minutes:
- After completing the error corrections, the Multiple-choice Marking Board exports the report data (CD2) on the server and sends CD2 as per the provisions in Point d, Clause 2, Article 29 of the Exam Regulations before proceeding with marking the answer sheets.
When exporting CD2, if there are still answer sheets with duplicate exam codes, the software will alert; the Multiple-choice Marking Board must carefully check and correct all answer sheet errors before exporting CD2.
- Print the error correction minutes, and the staff and related parties sign to confirm.
Note: CD2 contains the backup database of the software; Recheck the contents of CD2 to ensure all folders and files as per the software guide; The software will lock the error correction function as soon as CD2 export is done on the server.
Step 4: marking multiple-choice answer sheets:
After completing the 03 steps above and receiving the answer key CD from the MOET (the answer key CD contains encrypted files; each encrypted file is the answer key for all exam codes of that subject), the Multiple-choice Marking Board does the following:
- Unseal and upload data from the answer key CD received from the MOET into the software, compare the names of each subject in the answer key file uploaded with each subject selected to ensure they match. If the subject names do not match, select the correct answer key file with the selected subject; if the subject names match, save the subject's answer key data into the software.
- Ensure entering the answer key for all declared subjects on the system.
- Perform functions on the software to grade all the answer sheets.
- After grading, the Multiple-choice Marking Board performs the report data export (CD3) on the server and sends CD3 as per the provisions in Point d, Clause 2, Article 29 of the Exam Regulations mentioned above.
Note: CD3 contains the backup database of the software; Recheck the contents of CD3 to ensure all folders and files as per the software guide; The software will lock all previous functions after exporting CD3.
What is the process of marking the multiple-choice answer sheets in the High School Graduation Exam 2023 in Vietnam? How are the scores for the High School Graduation Exam 2023 in Vietnam rounded?
How are the scores for the High School Graduation Exam 2023 in Vietnam rounded?
For marking the multiple-choice answer sheets:
According to Article 29 of the High School Graduation Exam Regulations issued with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, the provisions are as follows:
Marking the multiple-choice answer sheets
3. Marking: After completing the works in clause 2 hereof, Multiple-Choice Paper Marking Board shall unseal the CD containing data of marking of multiple-choice answer sheets of the MOET, take a record of unsealing and input data into the multiple-choice paper marking software under supervision of police and Supervision Team; mark and count up to 0.25 for each paper and component subject of the combined paper; only use the codes of papers/subjects in the files as prescribed by the MOET; during the process, the Exam Council must promptly update and report to the MOET.
For multiple-choice answer sheets, scores will be rounded to 02 decimal places for each subject and each component subject of the combination paper.
What are the general principles for marking multiple-choice answer sheets for the High School Graduation Exam 2023 in Vietnam?
According to Article 29 of the High School Graduation Exam Regulations issued with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, the provisions for marking the multiple-choice answer sheets in the High School Graduation Exam 2023 are as follows:
Marking of multiple-choice answer sheets
1. General principles for marking of multiple-choice answer sheets:
a) Members of Multiple-Choice Paper Marking Board, any person in charge in the area where multiple-choice answer sheets are marked must not bring any pencil, eraser and other forbidden items as per the Regulation into the marking room; and must not make any correction or interlineations/omission in the multiple-choice answer sheets of candidates in any form and for any reason;
b) Members of Multiple-Choice Paper Marking Board shall strictly comply with the marking process as prescribed; any suspicion shall be promptly reported to the Leader of Multiple-Choice Paper Marking Board for, together with the Supervision Team, taking a record, and then report it to the Manager of Multiple-Choice Paper Marking Board for further action;
c) Multiple-choice answer sheets must be marked by a specialized software provided by the MOET, from the scanning stage to the time when the score of the answer is given;
d) Only paper codes in the files prescribed by the MOET shall be used;
dd) During the processing and marking process, Multiple-Choice Paper Marking Board shall promptly update and report to the MOET as prescribed.
The marking multiple-choice answer sheets for the High School Graduation Exam 2023 must adhere to the aforementioned regulations.