07:24 | 23/08/2023

What does the Council for same-rank reassignment in Vietnam include? When will inspectors be considered for promotion?

What does the Council for same-rank reassignment in Vietnam include? When will inspectors be considered for promotion? - T.R (Hanoi, Vietnam)

What is the application for the Council for same-rank reassignment in Vietnam according to Decree 43/2023/ND-CP?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 8 of Decree 43/2023/ND-CP, A person who is working in an inspection agency and fully meets professional conditions and standards prescribed in the Law on Inspection may be considered for same-rank reassignment to be appointed to inspector ranks..

Accordingly, the dossier requesting the Council to consider rank transfer is determined according to Clause 3, Article 8 of Decree 43/2023/ND-CP as follows:

Appointment to inspector ranks according to procedures for same-rank reassignment
3. An application for the Council for same-rank reassignment includes:
a) Written comments on the working process of the public employee at the request of the agency directly managing the public employee;
b) Declaration of working results; copies of diplomas and certificates authenticated by a competent authority;
c) CV according to regulations.

Thus, an application for the Council for same-rank reassignment includes:

- Written comments on the working process of the public employee at the request of the agency directly managing the public employee;

- Declaration of working results; copies of diplomas and certificates authenticated by a competent authority;

- CV according to regulations.

What does the Council for same-rank reassignment in Vietnam include? When will inspectors be considered for promotion?

What does the Council for same-rank reassignment in Vietnam include?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 8 of Decree 43/2023/ND-CP as follows:

Appointment to inspector ranks according to procedures for same-rank reassignment
2. The consideration of same-rank reassignment and appointment to inspector ranks shall be approved by a Council for same-rank reassignment
Ministers, Heads of ministerial agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies, Presidents of People’s Committees of provinces shall decide to establish a Council for reassigning public employees to inspector ranks (a Council for same-rank reassignment) under their management.
A Council for same-rank reassignment includes 05 members and operates on the principle of collective and voting under the majority rule. A Council includes:
a) Chairperson of the Council is the leader of a ministry, a ministerial agency or a Governmental agency at central level; the President of the People's Committee of province at local level;
b) Deputy Chairperson of the Council is the Director of Department of Personal and Training at central level; Director of Department of Home Affairs;
c) At central level, permanent members are chief inspectors of ministries and ministerial agencies (hereinafter referred to as “ministerial chief inspectors”), or chief inspectors of governmental agencies; at the local level, permanent members are provincial chief inspectors. Such permanent members shall be responsible for preparing procedures and documents in order to report to the Council for same-rank reassignment;
d) Upon request, ministers, heads of ministerial agencies, heads of governmental agencies, Presidents of People's Committees of provinces shall decide to appoint leadership representatives of relevant agencies and units as other members.

Thus, the Council for same-rank reassignment consists of 5 members.

Specifically, members are determined at each local level according to the content cited above.

When will inspectors be considered for promotion in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions in Article 7 of Decree 43/2023/ND-CP as follows:

Consideration of inspectors for promotion
1. An inspector who fully satisfies criteria and conditions specified in Articles 39, 40 and 41 of the Law on Inspection shall be considered for promotion in the following cases:
a) Having outstanding achievements in missions throughout the duration for holding the current rank of inspector and being recognized by a competent authority;
b) Being appointed as a leader/manager in association with the requirements of the working position.
2. Requirements for outstanding achievements in missions specified at Point a, Clause 1 of this Article are applicable to emulation titles and commendation forms according to meritorious services and achievements in performance of their duties and missions. To be specific
a) In case of promotion from the inspector to the principal inspector: the inspector is awarded the “Labor Order” from the third-class or higher or receives the title of Emulation Fighter of ministerial, sectorial, provincial or central mass organization level;
b) In case of promotion from the principal inspector to the senior inspector: the inspector is awarded the first-class “Labor Order” or receives the title of National Emulation Fighter.
3. According to the working position and the suitability for the rank structure of the agency employing inspectors approved by the competent authority, the agency employing inspectors shall report consideration of inspectors for promotion to the management agency for consideration and decision according to its competence or submit it to the competent agency for consideration and decision after the inspectors satisfy regulations in Clause 1 of this Article.

Thus, Inspectors are considered for rank promotion according to the contents specified above.


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