09:08 | 23/02/2023

What are the regulations on subjects and programs of universalization of education in Vietnam? What are the criteria for recognized standard achievement of universalization of primary education in Vietnam?

I would like to ask what the regulations on subjects and programs of universalization of education in Vietnam are. - Question of Ms. Thao (Ninh Thuan)

What is universalization of education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 8, Article 5 of the 2019 Education Law of Vietnam specifically prescribing the definition of universalization of education as follows:

“Universalization of education” means organizing educational activities in the way that ensures all citizens of suitable age have access to education and acquire certain qualifications as prescribed by law.

What are the regulations on subjects and programs of universalization of education in Vietnam? What are the criteria for recognized standard achievement of universalization of primary education in Vietnam?

What are the regulations on subjects and programs of universalization of education in Vietnam? What are the criteria for recognized standard achievement of universalization of primary education in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet).

What are the regulations on subjects and programs of universalization of education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of Decree 20/2014/ND-CP stipulating the subjects of universalization of education as follows:

The subjects of universalization of primary education are children from 6 to 14 years old who have not finished the primary educational program.

Pursuant to Article 8 of Decree 20/2014/ND-CP stipulating the educational program for universalization of primary education as follows:

The educational program for universalization of primary education is the general educational program at primary level.

What are the criteria for recognized standard achievement of universalization of primary education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 9 of Decree 20/2014/ND-CP, Article 10 of Decree 20/2014/ND-CP, Article 11 of Decree 20/2014/ND-CP stipulating the criteria for recognized standard achievement of universalization of primary education in Vietnam as follows:

- Criteria for recognized standard achievement of primary educational universalization at level 1:

+ For individuals: Must finish the primary educational program.

+ For communes:

++ The percentage of 6-year old admitted to form 01 must reach at least 90%;

++ The percentage of 14-year children finishing the primary educational program must reach at least 80% and 70% for communes with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions;

+ For districts: At least 90% of communes must be recognized to have met the standard of universalization of primary education at level 1.

+ For provinces: There must be 100% districts recognized to have met the standard of universalization of primary education at level 1.

- Criteria for recognized standard achievement of universalization of primary education at level 2:

+ For communes:

++ Ensuring criteria for recognized standard achievement of universalization of primary education at level 1;

++ The percentage of 6-year old admitted to form 01 must reach at least 95%;

++ The percentage of 11-year children finishing the must reach at least 80% and 70% for communes with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions; the remaining 11-year children are attending primary classes.

+ For districts: At least 90% of communes must be recognized to have met the standard of universalization of primary education at level 2.

+ For provinces: There must be 100% districts recognized to have met the standard of universalization of primary education at level 2.

- Criteria for recognized standard achievement of universalization of primary education at level 3:

+ For communes:

++ Ensuring the criteria for recognized standard achievement of universalization of primary education at level 2;

++ The percentage of 6-year old admitted to form 01 must reach at least 98%;

++ The percentage of 11-year children finishing the must reach at least 90% and 80% for communes with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions; the remaining 11-year children are attending primary classes.

+ For districts: At least 90% of communes must be recognized to have met the standard of universalization of primary education at level 3.

+ For provinces: There must be 100% districts recognized to have met the standard of universalization of primary education at level 3.

How are the responsibilities for implementing universalization of education defined?

Pursuant to Article 14 of the 2019 Education Law of Vietnam stipulating the responsibilities for the implementation of universalization of education as follows:

- Primary education is compulsory.

The State shall provide the universalization of preschool education to 05-year-old children and provide the universalization of lower secondary education.

- The State shall be responsible for implementing compulsory education throughout the country; planning and facilitating the universalization of education.

- All citizens within defined age groups shall have the obligation to learn in order to contribute to the universalization of education and complete the compulsory education programme.

- Families and guardians shall enable their members in defined age groups to receive education in order to contribute to the universalization of education and complete the compulsory education programme.

What are the responsibilities of citizens, families and educational establishments for the universalization of education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Decree 20/2014/ND-CP stipulating the responsibilities of citizens, families and educational establishments for the universalization of education as follows:

- All citizens in the prescribed age must learn to achieve the level of universalization of education or illiteracy eradication;

- Families are responsible for creating favorable conditions for their members in the prescribed age to learn to achieve the level of universalization of education or illiteracy eradication;

- The educational establishments are responsible for implementation of universalization of education or illiteracy eradication according to their functions and duties.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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