What are the affairs submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee and the Prime Minister of Vietnam?

I would like to ask what affairs are submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee, and the Prime Minister of Vietnam.

What are the affairs submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee and the Prime Minister of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 12 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decree 39/2022/ND-CP stipulating the affairs to be submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee and the Prime Minister of Vietnam include:

- Proposals to develop legislative documents, draft legislative documents (draft documents).

- Projects, reports, documents under the authority and responsibility of the Government, the Prime Minister of Vietnam and other documents and proposals.

- The work is directly directed by the Prime Minister of Vietnam, Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam or proposed by the Government Office.

What are the affairs submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee and the Prime Minister of Vietnam?

What are the affairs submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee and the Prime Minister of Vietnam?

What is included in the dossier submitted to the Government, Standing Government, Prime Minister of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 13 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decree 39/2022/ND-CP stipulating that the dossier submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee and the Prime Minister of Vietnam include:

+ Statements and reports;

+ Project, draft document (including draft resolution, conclusion, notice of conclusion and other directing documents of competent authority) enclosed, written opinions of relevant agencies and other necessary documents (if any).

In case a report or project proposal submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee or the Prime Minister of Vietnam is more than 10 A4 pages in length, it must have a summary report of less than 08 A4 pages.

+ For dossiers submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee or the Prime Minister of Vietnam, which are required by law to be enclosed with documents, such documents must be complied with.

+ For projects and draft legal documents to be submitted to the Government or the Prime Minister of Vietnam for submission to the Central Executive Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, the National Assembly, the National Assembly Standing Committee, the drafting agency is responsible for consulting with agencies of the Party, the National Assembly, socio-political organizations and relevant localities, and fully absorb and explain before submitting to the Government, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly. Government, Prime Minister of Vietnam.


- Dossier to be submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee or the Prime Minister of Vietnam must:

+ In accordance with the handling competence of the Government, the Government Standing Committee, the Prime Minister of Vietnam;

+ Clearly state the content of the matter to be submitted, grounds for authority, political, legal and practical bases, opinions of relevant ministries, agencies and localities, and clearly propose and recommend plans, solution;

+ The seal shall be signed and stamped by a competent person in accordance with regulations and ensure completeness, quality and timeliness in accordance with the process and provisions of the law.

- Dossiers submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee and the Prime Minister of Vietnam of agencies in the state administrative system must be sent in the form of an electronic document with digital signature through the National Document Communication Axis issued by the Office of the Government. Government management, unless otherwise required.

In case of not connecting to the National Document Communication Axis or secret documents, a paper document must be sent.

- Documents submitted to the Government, the Government Standing Committee and the Prime Minister of Vietnam must be sent simultaneously to the Government Office. The Government Office is responsible for receiving, verifying and processing when receiving electronic records with digital signatures or paper records, making a list to monitor the processing process and storing them according to regulations.

What are the responsibilities of ministries, agencies and localities in handling affairs of the Government and the Prime Minister of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 14 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decree 39/2022/ND-CP stipulating responsibilities of ministries, agencies and localities in handling affairs of the Government, the Prime Minister of Vietnam as follows:

- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairmen of provincial-level People's Committees are responsible for all contents, progress and initials of draft documents submitted under the promulgating authority of the Government, the Prime Minister of Vietnam.

- Ministers, heads of coordinating agencies and appraising agencies shall have to appoint competent persons to participate in the drafting of schemes and draft documents at the request of the lead agency; Perform assigned work, ensure quality and on time as prescribed.

- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees shall promulgate regulations on and organize the sending and receiving of documents and handling of dossiers of work on electronic environment at ministries, agencies and localities, ensuring smooth, timely, accurate and safe information and data.

- Ministries, agencies and localities are responsible for coordinating, providing fully and promptly dossiers, information and data during the processing of dossiers and submitting them to the Government, the Government Standing Committee and the Prime Minister of Vietnam according to provisions of this Regulation and at the request of the Prime Minister of Vietnam, Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam or the Government Office.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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