What are Decision 2616/QD-BYT in 2024 on the Plan for implementing the School health program for the 2024-2025 school year in Vietnam?

What are Decision 2616/QD-BYT in 2024 on the Plan for implementing the School health program for the 2024-2025 school year in Vietnam?

What are Decision 2616/QD-BYT in 2024 on the Plan for implementing the School health program for the 2024-2025 school year in Vietnam?

On September 4, 2024, the Minister of Health of Vietnam issued Decision 2616/QD-BYT in 2024 DOWNLOAD on the Plan to Implement the School health program in preschools and general education establishments in conjunction with grassroots healthcare until 2026.

The main tasks and solutions of the directive work, the development of legislative doccuments related to school health work, and standards and regulations on school sanitation are as follows:

- Review and assess the implementation of Joint Circular 13/2016/TTLT-BYT-BGDĐT, dated May 12, 2016, of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Education and Training on school health work.

- Amend and supplement: Decision 1221/QD-BYT in 2008, dated April 7, 2008, of the Minister of Health, regulating medical equipment and essential drugs in schools to ensure effectiveness, in accordance with the actual situation; amend the functions and duties of district health centers, and commune health stations accordingly.

- Develop standards on nutrition for school meals.

- Direct the implementation of disease prevention and control measures in schools appropriate to the disease situation.

- Direct the implementation of dental and eye care programs for students at schools.

- Issue directive documents and guidelines for localities to effectively deploy activities related to school health and student health care in educational institutions.

- Direct educational institutions and health facilities with functions or assigned tasks to train in the health sector, building, appraising, issuing training programs and materials suitable for each training subject, and organizing training, and issuing certificates for school health workers in the health and education sectors in accordance with current legal regulations on education.

Decision 2616/QD-BYT in 2024 on the Plan for Implementing the School Health Program and the School Health Program for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

What are Decision 2616/QD-BYT in 2024 on the Plan for implementing the School health program for the 2024-2025 school year in Vietnam?? (Image from the Internet)

What are tasks and main solutions in communication work to raise awareness of school health program in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Subsection 1, Section III of the Plan issued with Decision 2616/QD-BYT in 2024, the tasks and main solutions in communication work to raise awareness in Vietnam are stipulated as follows:

Enhance communication, education, and raise awareness of officials, staff, teachers, and students on school health work and student health care, knowledge of disease prevention in schools, non-communicable diseases and mental health, reasonable nutrition, healthy and safe food, first aid, accident, injury prevention, HIV/AIDS prevention, reproductive health, and sexual health for students, including:

- Review, update, and issue communication materials on disease prevention in schools, first aid, accident prevention, HIV/AIDS prevention, communication materials on nutrition, and food safety.

- Implement diversified forms of communication suitable for each target audience: communication on mass media (radio, television, electronic newspapers, print newspapers), social networks (Facebook, Zalo, TikTok, YouTube, Viber, Lotus...), phone messages, types of communication on Internet platforms, high-efficiency message delivery methods such as: Infographics, video clips, audio clips, communication on the portals of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Training, the Government of Vietnam's portal.

Responsibilities of the Institutes under the Ministry of Health in Implementation in Vietnam

According to Subsection 14, Section IV of the Plan issued with Decision 2616/QD-BYT in 2024, the responsibilities of the Institutes under the Ministry of Health in implementation are stipulated as follows:

(1) Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health

- Evaluate the actual use status of medical equipment and essential drugs in school health rooms and propose specific contents to amend and supplement Decision 1221/QD-BYT, dated April 7, 2008, of the Minister of Health on the list of essential drugs and medical equipment for school health rooms.

- Evaluate the implementation of Joint Circular 13/2016/TTLT-BYT-BGDĐT, dated May 12, 2016, regarding school health work, propose specific contents to amend the Circular.

- Lead and coordinate: Review, build, and supplement training materials, specialized guidelines on school health (including first aid, accident prevention for students...) for health and education personnel at the provincial, district, commune levels, and educational institutions; coordinate between the Commune Health Station and educational institutions in student health care.

- Conduct advanced training for staff working on school health at the provincial level in the health and education sectors of the Northern provinces on school health; first aid, emergency; nutrition, food safety; environmental hygiene; epidemic prevention,...

- Develop communication materials on preventing school diseases; accident prevention in schools; epidemic prevention in schools; nutrition, food safety,...

- Inspect and supervise technical support for school health work, epidemic prevention in schools in Northern provinces; support provinces in building model points to improve health in schools.

(2) Institutes: Pasteur Nha Trang, Public Health Ho Chi Minh City, and Tay Nguyen Hygiene and Epidemiology.

- Conduct advanced training for staff working on school health at the provincial level in the health and education sectors in provinces and cities within their responsibilities on school health work; first aid, emergency; nutrition, food safety; environmental hygiene; epidemic prevention,...

- Inspect, supervise, and support technical expertise for school health work, epidemic prevention in schools in provinces and cities within their responsibilities; support provinces in building model points to improve health in schools.

- Coordinate with the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health to evaluate the actual status of medical equipment and essential drugs in schools, the demand for medical equipment and essential drugs in provinces and cities.

- Coordinate with the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health to evaluate the guidance and implementation of school health work in Central provinces stipulated in Joint Circular 13/2016/TTLT-BYT-BGDĐT.

(3) National Institute of Nutrition

- Participate in developing and proposing nutritional standards for school meals.

- Develop materials and organize communication, educational activities on nutrition in schools and communities.

- Guide and disseminate to provinces to implement nutritional activities in schools.

(4) Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital in Hanoi and Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital Ho Chi Minh City.

- Participate in implementing school dental activities and providing medical examination/treatment and consultation on dental diseases for students.

- Participate in building and implementing communication programs on student dental health education.

- Participate in training school health staff and local health staff on school dental health care activities.

(5) Central Eye Hospital

- Participate in implementing activities to prevent myopia and provide medical examination/treatment and consultation on eye diseases for students.

- Participate in building and implementing communication programs on preventing myopia.

- Participate in training school health staff and local health staff on school eye care activities.


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