Vietnam: What are the conditions for extension of maritime radio operator’s certificates? What are the procedures for extension of maritime radio operator’s certificates?

“What are the conditions for extension of maritime radio operator’s certificates in Vietnam?” - asked Ms. N.H.H (Hanoi)

What are the conditions for extension of maritime radio operator’s certificates in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 80 of Decree 63/2023/ND-CP as follows:

Conditions for extension of maritime radio operator’s certificates
A certificate holder may have his/her certificate extended if:
1. He/she meets requirements relating to age and medical fitness as prescribed by law.
2. He/she has held the job position corresponding to the class of the certificate to be extended for at least 01 year within 05 years following the issue date of the certificate or for at least 03 months within the last 06 months before the certificate expires.
3. If the applicant for certificate extension fails to meet the requirement laid down in Clause 2 of this Article, he/she must sit and be sucessful at the final exam for maritime radio operator’s certificate of the same class with that of the certificate to be extended.

Thus, the conditions for extension of maritime radio operator’s certificates in Vietnam are:

A certificate holder may have his/her certificate extended if:

- He/she meets requirements relating to age and medical fitness as prescribed by law.

- He/she has held the job position corresponding to the class of the certificate to be extended for at least 01 year within 05 years following the issue date of the certificate or for at least 03 months within the last 06 months before the certificate expires.

- If the applicant for certificate extension fails to meet the period for holding the job position, he/she must sit and be sucessful at the final exam for maritime radio operator’s certificate of the same class with that of the certificate to be extended.

What does the application for extension of maritime radio operator’s certificates in Vietnam include?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 81 of Decree 63/2023/ND-CP, the application for extension of maritime radio operator’s certificates in Vietnam includes:

- The application form (made using Form 03 in Appendix X enclosed with Decree 63/2023/ND-CP);

- A lawful copy of citizen ID card or ID card or unexpired passport;

- An original or lawful copy of the seafarer medical certificate as prescribed by law;

- 02 color photos of 03x04 cm size, taken within the last 06 months before the application submission date, with face and both ears clearly visible, and without head covering and make-up;

- The original copy of the maritime radio operator’s certificate to be extended;

- A lawful copy of the seafarer’s discharge book or another document of equivalent validity or documents proving that the applicant has passed the final exam for maritime radio operator’s certificate of the same class with that of the certificate to be extended (If the applicant for certificate extension fails to meet the period for holding the job position, he/she must sit and be successful at the final exam for maritime radio operator’s certificate of the same class with that of the certificate to be extended.)

What are the procedures for extension of maritime radio operator’s certificates in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 81 of Decree 63/2023/ND-CP, the procedures for extension of maritime radio operator’s certificates in Vietnam are specified as follows:

Step 1: The person who is seeking for extension of his/her maritime radio operator's certificate shall submit an application by post or directly to the training organization.

Step 2: The training organization shall receive and check the validity of the application, and compare it with the data on the issued maritime radio operator’s certificate.

If the application fails to contain adequate and valid documents as required, within 05 working days from the receipt of the application, the training organization shall notify and request the applicant to complete his/her application.

Step 3: Within 10 days from the receipt of an adequate and valid application, the training organization shall grant extension of the certificate or give reasons for its refusal to grant extension.

Is it allowed to lend out maritime radio operator’s certificates in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 83 of Decree 63/2023/ND-CP as follows:

Revocation of maritime radio operator’s certificates
The training organization shall consider revoking maritime radio operator’s certificates which it issued in the following cases:
1. Any document prescribed in Clause 1 Article 79, Clause 1 Article 81 or Clause 2 Article 82 of this Decree is forged.
2. Contents of the issued certificate are erased.
3. The issued certificate is leased or lent out or used for improper purposes.

Thus, the issued maritime radio operator’s certificate that is lent out shall be revoked.


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