Vietnam: Currently, will the Deputy Prime Minister be in charge of annual, quarterly and weekly work programs?

Hello LawNet, may I ask the following question: According to the latest regulations on the operation of the Government, is the Deputy Prime Minister assigned to be in charge of any other work programs? Thank you!

Will the Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam be in charge of the annual, quarterly and monthly work program?

Pursuant to Article 18 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decree 138/2016/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating the types of work programs of the previous Government as follows:

“Article 18. Types of work programs
1. Work program is a list of projects, draft legal documents, strategies, master plans, plans, resolutions, reports and other projects (below referred to as projects) within the deciding competence of the Government or Prime Minister or to be presented to the Government or Prime Minister for opinion before being submitted to competent authorities for decision; activities and affairs expected to be presented to or implemented in a year, quarter, month and week of the Government, Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers.
2. Work programs include:
a/ Annual, quarterly and monthly work programs of the Government and Prune Minister;
b/ Weekly work programs of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers.
3. Content of a work program:
d/ A weekly work program is a timetable of daily activities of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers in a week.”

According to that, previously the Deputy Prime Minister would be in charge of the weekly work program.

However, at present, the types of work programs of the Government are specified in Article 18 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decree 39/2022/ND-CP of Vietnam as follows:

“Article 18. Types of work programs
1. Working program means a list of draft legal documents, strategies, master plans, plans, resolutions, reports and other projects (hereinafter referred to as schemes) to be submitted to the Government, Prime Minister; activities and tasks to be performed by the Government, the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Ministers by year, quarter, month and week.
2. Annual, quarterly and monthly working program includes the following main contents: lead agency, project name, level of submission, specific submission deadline for each month in charge of Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam.
3. The weekly working program is the schedule of activities of the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Ministers determined by each day of the week.”

According to the above regulations, at present, the Deputy Prime Minister will be in charge of the annual, quarterly, and monthly work programs and the weekly work programs according to the above regulations.

Vietnam: Currently, will the Deputy Prime Minister be in charge of annual, quarterly and weekly work programs?

Vietnam: Currently, will the Deputy Prime Minister be in charge of annual, quarterly and weekly work programs? (Image from the internet)

What are the bases for building the current work program of the Government?

Pursuant to Article 19 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decree 39/2022/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 19. Bases for formulation of work programs
1. The annual, quarterly and monthly working program is built on the basis of the working program, direction and conclusions of the Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, the National Assembly, and the National Standing Committee. Association, the Government, the Government Standing Committee, the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister; laws, ordinances and resolutions of the National Assembly and Standing Committee of the National Assembly; proposals of ministries, agencies and localities approved by the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister.
2. The weekly work program is built on the basis of the monthly work program and the direction and administration requirements of the Government, the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister.”

According to that, the work programs will be built according to the grounds and bases specified in the above content.

When is the deadline for requesting ministries, agencies and localities to register projects in the annual work program?

Pursuant to Article 20 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decree 39/2022/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 20. Order of formulation and issuance of work programs
1. Year work program
a) Before September 30 every year, the Government Office requests ministries, agencies and localities to register projects in the working program of the following year;
b) Before November 15, ministries, agencies and localities shall register the project with the Government Office, including the following contents: name; construction bases; the need; content orientation; scope; appraisal and monitoring agency; submission level; the specific time limit for submission to each month; project's products;
c) The Government Office shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, verifying and identifying projects to be included in the working program; synthesize and draft next year's work program to submit to the Government. Within 10 days from the date of approval by the Government, the Government Office shall submit it to the Prime Minister for consideration and promulgation.
2. Quarterly, monthly and weekly work schedule
a) Based on the promulgated annual work program and the direction of the Government, the Government Standing Committee, the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister on the adjustment of projects in the working program, the Office the Government office shall update, develop and issue the quarterly working program no later than the first working day of the first month of the quarter;
b) On the basis of the issued quarterly work program and the direction of the Government, the Government Standing Committee, the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister on the adjustment of projects in the working program, the Office the Government office shall update, develop and issue the monthly working program no later than the first working day of the month;
c) Based on the direction of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Government Office shall develop and issue the working program of the week by Friday of the previous week at the latest.”

According to the above regulations, the Government Office will request ministries, agencies and localities to register projects in the next year's work program before September 30 every year.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

Deputy Prime Minister
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