The rate of protection from Covid-19 after vaccine in Vietnam is more than 50%? People over 50 years old should get the 4th dose because the antibody will decrease much after the 3rd injection?

Hi Lawmet, can you ask me the following question: Should elderly people get 4 doses of Covid-19 vaccine in Vietnam? What is the percentage of vaccine protection after vaccination in Vietnam?

People aged 50 and over should get the 4th dose because the antibodies against the Covid-19 virus will decrease significantly after the 3rd injection period?

Pursuant to Section 1, Appendix of press information issued together with Official Dispatch 3465/BYT-TT-KT in 2022 of the Ministry of Health, some information is guided as follows:

"first. Effectiveness of vaccines in preventing severe course and death from COVID-19
In addition, studies in the world and including a study in Vietnam have also shown that antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 after the 3rd injection will decrease significantly about 15 weeks after injection, especially anti-SARS-CoV-2. resistance to the OMICRON strain. Therefore, the 4th injection is especially useful for people who:
- Persons aged 50 years and over;
- People aged 18 years and over with moderate to severe immunodeficiency;
- People aged 18 years or older who are in high-risk groups for exposure to COVID-19 such as health workers, frontline officers (police forces, army, teachers, people working in the transportation sector) , people providing essential services, people working at tourist service establishments, trade centers, supermarkets, markets), workers, people working in industrial parks.
With the current situation of COVID-19 in Vietnam and the implementation of the 3rd injection reaching a rate of over 65% in people 18 years of age and older, it is very necessary and the right time to get the 4th booster shot.”

Accordingly, the protective effect of the Covid-19 vaccine in Vietnam is more than 50% of the protection against covid-19.

In addition, according to studies, antibodies after the 3rd dose will decrease significantly after 15 weeks from the time of 3rd injection. Therefore, people should get 4 doses of Covid-19 vaccine in Vietnam to protect their health. body and community.

The effective protection rate of the Covid-19 vaccine in Vietnam is more than 50%?

Pursuant to Section 1, Appendix of press information issued together with Official Dispatch 3465/BYT-TT-KT 2022 of the Ministry of Health has guided some information as follows:

"1. Effectiveness of vaccines in preventing severe course and death from COVID-19
Scientific evidence to date has shown that the protective effectiveness of vaccines against COVID-19 is over 50%.
Specifically, a recent study published by the world's leading medical journal NEJM, showed that the protective effect after the 4th injection can be recorded at all 5 levels of the disease, including the protective effect. recovering from illness, contracting a symptomatic disease, having a disease requiring hospitalization, suffering from a serious serious illness, and contracting a fatal disease, specifically as follows:
- The protective effect against COVID-19 is 52%;
- The protective effect against mild disease with symptoms is 61%;
- The protective effect against the risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19 is 72%;
- The effectiveness of protection against COVID-19 in severe and critical form is 64%;
- Protection against the risk of dying from COVID-19 is 76%.
(Ori M, Jacob G.W, et al. Fourth Dose of BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Setting. New England Journal of Medicine. 2022)
In Vietnam, the COVID-19 treatment management system of the Department of Medical Examination and Treatment under the Ministry of Health recorded: Out of 32,212 COVID-19 deaths, 52.8% of the deaths were not vaccination against COVID-19; 29.8% had 1 or 2 doses of vaccine and only 7.3% had 3 doses. This data once again confirms the need for a 1st booster (shot 3) for those who have completed 2 primary injections.”

Accordingly, the effective protection against Covid-19 for people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 is 52%.

The rate of protection from Covid-19 after vaccine in Vietnam is more than 50%? People over 50 years old should get the 4th dose because the antibody will decrease much after the 3rd injection?

The rate of protection from Covid-19 after vaccine in Vietnam is more than 50%? People over 50 years old should get the 4th dose because the antibody will decrease much after the 3rd injection?

Children vaccinated against Covid-19 will have a reduced rate of infection with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C)?

Pursuant to Section 2 Appendix of press information issued together with Official Dispatch 3465/BYT-TT-KT 2022 of the Ministry of Health, some information is guided as follows:

"2. Information, scientific evidence on the protective benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine in protecting children from Childhood Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C)
It can be seen that children with COVID-19 are often milder than adults, and the risk of death is also lower. Data from the Department of Medical Examination and Treatment Administration - Ministry of Health showing that the number of deaths in this age group, although low, accounts for only 0.59%. on the total number of deaths in the whole country; However, one of the concerns for children after COVID-19 is Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), this is a syndrome with a very severe course, lesions from 2 to 3 years. organs or more such as: skin, mucous membranes, digestive, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, hematological, neurological...
In addition to many studies in the world literature, recently, the American Medical Association has recognized scientific evidence from a Danish study with nearly 600,000 children and adolescents infected with COVID-19. Research results show that the COVID-19 vaccine is effective in reducing the risk of MIS-C in the vaccinated group, with the rate of only 3 children with COVID-19 having MIS-C; 15 times lower than the group who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 with the rate of 1 million children with COVID-19 having up to 45 children with MIS-C. The protective efficacy of the vaccine to prevent MIS-C syndrome in children infected with COVID-19 is over 90%.
(Mette H, Laura E, et al. Risk and Phenotype of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Danish Children Before and During the Omicron Wave. JAMA Pediatrics. 2022)
Thus, if the estimate in TP. Ho Chi Minh City has 900,000 children from 5 to under 12 years old, if all are vaccinated against COVID-19, the number of COVID-19 cases with MIS-C is only 1 to 2 cases compared to 40 cases. if all these children are not vaccinated.
Talking about MIS-C Syndrome, only at Children's Hospital 1 - TP. In the past 1 year, Ho Chi Minh City has received and treated 153 cases; in which the number of people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 is 149 cases, accounting for 97.4%. At the National Children's Hospital, so far, 369 children with MIS-C have been received and treated, most of which have not been vaccinated against COVID-19."

Accordingly, the case of children who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 will reduce the risk of MIS-C, the rate in 1 million children who have been vaccinated, only 3 children will get MIS-C, this rate is low. 15 times more than unvaccinated.


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