07:45 | 23/07/2024

Wages and Tet Bonuses 2023 Must Be Announced to Employees in Ho Chi Minh City Before December 25, 2022

Wages and Tet 2023 bonuses must be notified to employees in the Ho Chi Minh City area before December 25, 2022? - Question from Ms. Nhu (Thanh Hoa)

Salary and Tet Bonus 2023 must be announced to employees in Ho Chi Minh City before December 25, 2022?

Based on Section 1 Official Dispatch 33700/SLDTBXH-LD 2022, the regulations are as follows:

Businesses should coordinate and discuss with the employees' representative organizations at the workplace based on the labor contract, collective labor agreement, salary payment regulations, and bonus regulations to implement salary and bonus policies for employees as agreed. They should develop a bonus plan based on the business results of 2022 in accordance with labor law regulations and notify employees, specifically:

- Provide early and complete information on the salary and bonus payment plans for the 2023 New Year and Lunar New Year before December 25, 2022 so that employees are clearly informed about the following aspects: salary, bonus, allowances, support for employees during the Lunar New Year (i.e., Tet gifts, support with train and bus tickets for employees returning home for Tet...), Tet holiday time, annual leave, and the time for implementing salary and bonus payments.

Note: In the case where the company combines the Lunar New Year holiday with annual leave days, it must be agreed upon with the employees and publicly announced within the company before implementation.

How should businesses facing difficulties in paying salaries and bonuses for Tet 2023 handle it?

Based on Point b Section 1 Official Dispatch 33700/SLDTBXH-LD 2022, the guidance for businesses in paying salaries and bonuses for Tet 2023 is as follows:

Businesses must ensure full and timely payment according to the salary and bonus payment plan during the 2023 New Year and Lunar New Year for employees, preventing situations where employees' wages and bonuses are in arrears, leading to potential disputes and instability in labor relations within the enterprise.

If businesses face difficulties in paying salaries and bonuses to employees during Tet, they should promptly inform and discuss with the workers' collective representative organization at the workplace and report to the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, the Federation of Labor of Thu Duc City and districts, the Management Board of Export Processing Zones and Industrial Zones, and the Management Board of High-Tech Zones (where the business is headquartered) to coordinate, plan Tet bonuses, and support employees.

Where should businesses report the salary situation in 2022 and the Tet 2023 bonus plan?

Based on Section 2 Official Dispatch 33700/SLDTBXH-LD 2022, the guidance on reporting the salary situation in 2022 and the Tet 2023 bonus plan is as follows:

2. Businesses report the salary situation in 2022 and the Tet 2023 bonus plan:

To promptly compile the salary and bonus payment situation at the end of the year for reporting to the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs and the People's Committee of the City, the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs requests businesses to provide full information on salaries and bonuses (according to the survey form attached to this Official Dispatch) and send it before December 25, 2022, to the following addresses:

a) For one-member limited liability companies wholly owned by the state; businesses with state-owned controlling shares or capital contributions; private enterprises, and foreign-invested enterprises: send the report to the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs (Office of Labor - Wages - Social Insurance), No. 159 Pasteur, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, phone 38.295.900 (241).

b) For businesses in Export Processing Zones and Industrial Zones: send the report to the Labor Management Office (Management Board of Export Processing Zones and Industrial Zones), No. 35 Nguyen Binh Khiem, District 1, phone 38.232.575 - 38.290.405.

c) For businesses in the High-Tech Zone: send the report to the Enterprise Management Office (Management Board of High-Tech Zones), D1 Street, High-Tech Zone, Tan Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, phone 37.360.293.

The Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs requests businesses to make a timely plan and announce the Tet 2023 bonuses for employees. If there are any issues during the process, businesses should promptly report them to the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs (Office of Labor - Wages - Social Insurance) at No. 159 Pasteur, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, phone 38.295.900 (241) or to the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Thu Duc City and the districts for support and resolution promptly.

Thus, according to the regulations, businesses in Ho Chi Minh City should report the year-end salary and bonus situation to the competent authorities as follows:

- Send the report to the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs (Office of Labor - Wages - Social Insurance), No. 159 Pasteur, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, phone 38.295.900 (241) for the following businesses:

+ One-member limited liability companies wholly owned by the State.

+ Businesses with state-owned controlling shares or capital contributions.

+ Private enterprises.

+ Foreign-invested enterprises.

- Send the report to the Labor Management Office (Management Board of Export Processing Zones and Industrial Zones), No. 35 Nguyen Binh Khiem, District 1, phone 38.232.575 - 38.290.405: for businesses in Export Processing Zones and Industrial Zones.

- Send the report to the Enterprise Management Office (Management Board of High-Tech Zones), D1 Street, High-Tech Zone, Tan Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, phone 37.360.293: for businesses in the High-Tech Zone.


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