The Ministry of Health of Vietnam: Strengthening border medical quarantine, preventing dangerous and emerging diseases from June 20, 2022?

Recently, there are so many diseases in the world. Aside from Covid-19 , there is also monkeypox,... What direction does the Ministry of Health of Vietnam have on medical quarantine work in border areas? Thanks!

The Ministry of Health of Vietnam: Strengthening border medical quarantine for dangerous diseases?

According to Official Dispatch 684/DP-DT in 2022, the Ministry of Health of Vietnam guides:

- In recent times, the number of COVID-19 infections in the world has tended to decrease in both the number of cases and deaths; However, the number of cases and deaths is still increasing in some regions of the world. At the same time, other dangerous and emerging diseases continue to be recorded in many countries around the world such as polio (wild strain) in Africa and the Mediterranean region, avian influenza in the region. In Europe, acute hepatitis of unknown etiology in children in 33 countries, especially from May 13 to June 10, 2022, has recorded 1,285 cases of monkeypox in 28 non-endemic countries. previous illness.

In order to proactively detect and prevent suspected cases of infectious diseases spreading across borders, the Department of Preventive Medicine proposes the Center to perform the following activities:

- Strictly and fully implement health quarantine activities for people, vehicles and goods... as prescribed in Decree No. 89/2018/ND-CP dated June 25, 2018 of the Government guiding the direction. guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases on border medical quarantine.

- Comply the medical examination, treatment and sterilization of vehicles and goods with the medical quarantine process; collect the medical quarantine fee according to the rate specified in the Circular No. 240/2016/TTBTC dated 11/11/2016 of the Ministry of Finance stipulating the maximum price for medical quarantine and preventive medicine services at the facility. 51/2016/TT-BYT dated December 30, 2016 of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam stipulating the maximum price for medical quarantine and preventive medicine services at public health facilities using State budget.

- Update the prevention plan to respond to infectious diseases at each border gate, in which the coordination and participation of functional agencies at the border gate and local health authorities are required to promptly handle the outbreaks. Epidemic situations may occur, do not be passive or embarrassed.

- Develop a plan and propose a list of facilities and equipment to serve regular medical quarantine activities and, in case of an epidemic, submit it to competent authorities for approval according to the guidance in Circular No. 17/2021/TT-BYT dated November 9, 2021 of the Ministry of Health guiding the standards of essential facilities and equipment for medical quarantine activities at border gates.

- Work closely with the Institutes of Hygiene and Epidemiology/Pasteur to organize intensive technical training for staff in charge of medical quarantine.

- Update regularly and promptly information on infectious diseases, especially recently recorded infectious diseases, which are at risk of entering our country in order to proactively apply surveillance measures, coordination prevention at the border gate.

- Review communication messages at the border gate, updating information and communication materials at the border gate to help people on entry know, proactively prevent and cooperate with medical staff in accordance with the epidemic situation.

- Continue to strictly implement the information on medical quarantine reports in accordance with the provisions of Circular No. 28/2019/TT-BYT dated October 28, 2019 of the Ministry of Health guiding information on reporting medical quarantine activities. (website:

The Ministry of Health of Vietnam: Strengthening border medical quarantine, preventing dangerous and emerging diseases from June 20, 2022?

The Ministry of Health of Vietnam: Strengthening border medical quarantine, preventing dangerous and emerging diseases from June 20, 2022?

How to collect information before people enter, exit or transit in Vietnam?

According to Article 7 of Decree 89/2018/ND-CP guiding the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases of Vietnam on border medical quarantine:

“Aticle 7. Collecting information before a person’s entry, exit or transit
1. Health quarantine officers shall collect information from:
a) National, port and checkpoint portals;
b) Port and checkpoint authorities;
c) Health agencies at port or checkpoint;
d) Carriers, conveyance owners and operators, travel companies, or tour guides;
dd) Agency in charge of implementing International Health Regulations, World Health Organization, Ministry of Health and other sources of information.
2. Information to be collected:
a) General information concerning the health status of the person is entering, exiting or transiting;
b) Information from the declaration of health submitted by the person is entering, exiting or transiting, made according to Form No. 01 stated in the Appendix enclosed herewith;
c) Information concerning the vaccination or prophylaxis for a person departing from or arriving the country/ territory where such vaccination or prophylaxis is compulsory;
d) Information concerning the conveyance carrying the person for entry, exit or transit as prescribed in Article 13 herein;
dd) Information concerning cargoes which may possibly have been exposed to a communicable disease as prescribed in Article 21 herein;
e) Other information concerning the health status of the person is entering, exiting or transiting (if any).”

How to check documents for people in border health quarantine in Vietnam?

According to Article 9 of Decree 89/2018/ND-CP guiding the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases of Vietnam on border medical quarantine:

“Article 9. Inspection of documents of humans
1. Entities subject to the documentation inspection:
a) Persons in the cases prescribed in Clause 1 Article 8 herein;
b) Persons departing from or arriving the country/ territory where vaccination or prophylaxis is compulsory.
2. Documents to be inspected:
a) The declaration of health;
b) The international certificate of vaccination or prophylaxis (if any) as requested by the Ministry of Health or a competent health agency of the country/ territory of departure or entry.”

View the full Official Dispatch: Here


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