Ho Chi Minh City continues to encourage students from 12 to under 18 years of age to get a full dose of Covid-19 vaccine?

I would like to ask about vaccination against Covid-19 in Ho Chi Minh City. Near my house, there are a few children between the ages of 13 and 15 who have not yet received 2 doses of Covid-19 vaccine. This will not guarantee the safety of the children in the context of the epidemic, where there is still no specific treatment. So have state agencies taken any action to campaign for vaccination?

Ho Chi Minh City organizes 4 injections of Covid-19 vaccine for officials, teachers and employees?

According to Section 1 of Official Dispatch 2003/SGDĐT-CTTT dated June 15, 2022 of the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City, there was an urgent request to administer 4 doses of Covid-19 vaccine for officials and teachers. staff and employees as follows:

- The Department of Education and Training cooperates with the local health sector to advise the People's Committee of Thu Duc city/District/District to organize the second booster injection (4th dose) for officials, teachers and employees. working in education.

- The head of the educational institution reviews and compiles a list of officials, teachers and employees working at the educational institution eligible for the second booster injection (shot 4), in collaboration with the Department of Education and Training. create injection organization.

As such, the Department of Education and Training will coordinate with local health authorities to advise the district-level People's Committees to administer four doses of Covid-19 vaccine to officials, teachers and staff. working in education.

Ho Chi Minh City continues to encourage students from 12 to under 18 years of age to get a full dose of Covid-19 vaccine?

Ho Chi Minh City continues to encourage students from 12 to under 18 years of age to get a full dose of Covid-19 vaccine?

Encouraging students from full 12 to under 18 years old to get a full dose of Covid-19 vaccine?

According to Section 2 of Official Dispatch 2003/SGDĐT-CTTT dated June 15, 2022 of the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City, there are guidelines on vaccination against Covid-19 for children from 5 to under 18 years old. as follows:

- Continue to complete the vaccination against COVID-19 for children from 5 to under 12 years old safely and in accordance with regulations.

- Review, mobilize and organize vaccination for students from 12 to under 18 years old who have not received enough doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

Accordingly, Ho Chi Minh City will continue to vaccinate against Covid-19 for children from 5 to under 12 years old and mobilize students from full 12 to under 18 to get a full dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

Conduct propaganda to mobilize staff, teachers and students to participate in vaccination against Covid-19?

In Section 3 of Official Dispatch 2003/SGDĐT-CTTT dated June 15, 2022 of the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City, there are guidelines in the propaganda and mobilization of cadres, teachers, employees and students. Students participating in the booster dose and full dose of Covid-19 vaccine from June 11, 2022 to June 30, 2022 are as follows:

- Disseminate and guide officials, teachers, staff and students about vaccination campaign information, vaccination schedule posted on the web portal of the City Center for Disease Control, following the following link :

https://lhcdc.vn/category/van-de-stic-khoe/covid19/tai-lieu-truyen-thong-tien Nhac-vaccine-phong-covid-19/

Some of the media messages are as follows:

+ Vaccine against COVID-19: vaccination on schedule - maintaining immunity

The COVID-19 vaccine is given as a booster shot to protect you now and in the future.

+ Vaccine against COVID-19: Reduce hospitalization, prevent death.

+ Vaccine against COVID-19: Get vaccinated as soon as possible.

+ Vaccine against COVID-19: Get all the shots, on time.

+ Get vaccinated against COVID-19 to achieve the best protection.

+ Maintains protection from COVID-19 re-exposure.

+ Reminder injection today - Benefits tomorrow.

+ Prompt vaccination against COVID-19 on schedule helps maintain immunity, preventing COVID-19 from returning.

Accordingly, Ho Chi Minh City will use the above messages to propagate and mobilize officials, teachers, staff and students to participate in the Covid-19 vaccination campaign.

Organizing injection points, mobile injection trucks in the community to serve the Covid-19 vaccination work in Ho Chi Minh City?

Previously, on May 16, 2022, the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City issued the Plan 1591/KH-UBND in 2022 with the content of directing the organization of convenient vaccination forms for people and ensure the quality, safety of vaccinations, safety of the prevention and control of COVID-19 as follows:

- Organize many forms of vaccination to meet people's needs, in accordance with the actual conditions of the locality and vaccination units such as: injection points at health facilities, injection points/mobile injection vehicles in the community, home injection team for people unable to get to the injection site; Immunization is carried out in accordance with the professional guidance of the Ministry of Health.

- For fixed injection points, mobile injection sites, arrange vaccination procedures in accordance with regulations; ensure readiness to handle, emergency post-injection reactions.

- Monitor, handle and promptly and fully report adverse events after vaccination according to regulations of the Ministry of Health.

- Depending on the number of people due to vaccinate for the second booster shot (4th dose), arrange injection sites; notify the injection schedule (place, time, object) to the people, creating favorable conditions for people to easily access the injection site.

- All injection points have ready equipment, medicine, and emergency equipment. Arrange an out-of-hospital emergency network and ambulances of hospitals on duty at designated locations to promptly support injection sites when situations arise.

- Mobile emergency teams are ready to receive and provide initial treatment before being transferred to hospital for severe complications after vaccination against COVID-19.

Accordingly, Ho Chi Minh City will organize vaccination against Covid-19 in many forms, in which there will be injection points and mobile injection vehicles in the community to serve the vaccination work. Covid-19.

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