07:45 | 23/07/2024

Structure of the National Digital Transformation Department: Which agencies are included? What are the duties and powers of the National Digital Transformation Department?

Could you please provide information on the organizational structure of the National Digital Transformation Department and its responsibilities and powers? - Question from Mr. Sam (Thanh Hoa)

Which agencies comprise the organizational structure of the National Digital Transformation Agency?

According to Article 3 Decision 1925/QD-BTTTT in 2022 regarding the organizational structure and staffing of the National Digital Transformation Agency are as follows:

Leadership: The National Digital Transformation Agency includes a Director and Deputy Directors.

The Director is responsible to the Minister and to the law for the results of implementing the assigned functions, tasks, and powers.

The Deputy Directors assist the Director in directing and managing various operational aspects of the Agency, and they are accountable to the Director and to the law for their assigned tasks.

Organizational structure:

- Departments:

+ Office;

+ Investment Management Department;

+ Digital Platform and Data Department;

+ Digital Services Department;

+ Digital Policy Department.

- Subordinate units:

+ Government of Vietnam Digital Center;

+ National Digital Technology Center.

The functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the subordinate public service providers are developed by the Director and submitted to the Minister for decision.

The functions, tasks, and powers of the departments are specified by the Director.

The working relationship among the departments and subordinate units of the Agency is defined by the Director.

Note: The staffing numbers and number of employees of the National Digital Transformation Agency are developed by the Director and submitted to the Minister for decision.

Which agencies comprise the organizational structure of the National Digital Transformation Agency? What are the tasks and powers of the National Digital Transformation Agency?

Which agencies comprise the organizational structure of the National Digital Transformation Agency? What are the tasks and powers of the National Digital Transformation Agency? (Image from the Internet)

What are the tasks and powers of the National Digital Transformation Agency regarding national digital transformation?

According to Clause 1 Article 2 Decision 1925/QD-BTTTT in 2022 regarding national digital transformation are as follows:

- First: Advise and assist the Minister in carrying out the tasks of the Standing Committee of the National Digital Transformation Commission; operate the Standing Body of the Task Work Group assisting the National Digital Transformation Commission; aggregate, advise on the coordination of inter-ministerial activities among ministries, central authorities, and local authorities to implement guidelines, strategies, mechanisms, and policies to create a legal environment, and promote national digital transformation.

- Second: Preside over and cooperate with relevant agencies and units to develop, submit for the Minister's issuance, or to submit for the Minister’s presentation to competent authorities for issuance of legal documents on national digital transformation.

- Third: Preside over and cooperate with relevant agencies to develop, submit for the Minister's issuance, or to submit for the Minister's presentation to competent authorities for the issuance of targets, long-term, medium-term, and annual plans for national digital transformation, focusing on the development of digital government, digital economy, digital society, digital infrastructure, digital platforms, digital workforce, and cyber information security to meet the objectives of the development of digital government, digital economy, digital society on a national scale.

- Fourth: Regarding the promotion of development and use of national digital platforms: preside over and cooperate with relevant agencies and units in researching, submitting to competent authorities for issuance, updating the list of national digital platforms by stage; preside over and cooperate with relevant agencies and units to research and propose solutions to promote the use of digital platforms, supervise, measure, statistics, evaluate the use of digital platforms; act as a focal point to cooperate with key agencies, units, and businesses in developing national digital platforms regarding functional requirements, technical features.

- Fifth: Regarding digital data:

+ Preside over the connection, integration, and sharing of data through the national integrated data sharing platform;

+ Organize coordination, inspection, monitoring, and resolving issues in the process of data connection and sharing;

+ Provide guidance on implementing data governance, data sharing, and exploitation activities in state agencies, including open data;

+ Monitor the implementation of data governance activities, connection, sharing, and exploitation of data in state agencies in accordance with the law;

+ Carry out data collection, publication, management of the shared data catalog, the catalog of state agencies providing digital data, digital data provided and published, shared in accordance with the law and as assigned by the Minister.

- Sixth: Evaluate and rank the level of digital transformation of ministries, central authorities, local authorities, and the nation.

- Seventh: Preside over the construction, management, and operation of the national digital integrated data sharing platform; National Digital Data Portal; Government of Vietnam Cloud Platform and other digital platforms serving the development of the electronic Government of Vietnam, Digital Government of Vietnam, national digital transformation as assigned by the Minister.

What are the tasks and powers of the National Digital Transformation Agency regarding information and communications technology in smart cities?

According to Clause 3 Article 2 Decision 1925/QD-BTTTT in 2022 on information and communications technology in smart cities are as follows:

- First: Develop and guide, urge the implementation and application of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Reference Framework for smart city development in Vietnam.

- Second:

+ Propose the construction and implement the Scheme to build the TIN TUI ecosystem, applying ICT products and services in smart cities, pilot the deployment and use of smart city products and services developed by domestic businesses;

+ Coordinate with localities to implement pilot smart city development projects, guide localities to apply information technology to develop and provide smart city products and services.

See detailed content at: Decision 1925/QD-BTTTT in 2022


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