In the near future, high school students and university students in Vietnam must know the basic skills of searching and giving first aid to victims in case of fire and explosion?

Currently, the fire prevention and fighting work in our country is still limited. In some cases, when the authorities arrived, it was too late. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Training has advocated the implementation of activities to equip students with knowledge and skills in fire prevention and fighting. Accordingly, what skills will students and students be equipped with?

Organization of education of knowledge and skills of fire prevention through life skills education activities?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

“Article 4. Methods and forms of organizing education on knowledge and skills of fire prevention and fighting and rescue
1. For preschool education
a) Integrating through child rearing, care and education activities.
b) Using visual and illustrative educational methods through physical development education activities.
2. For general education and continuing education
a) Integrate in the content of the course's lessons in the main educational program.
b) Through experiential activities, experiential activities - Career guidance, life skills education activities and in club activities and summer activities.
3. For higher education
a) Integrating in the subject of national defense and security education and extracurricular activities.
b) Coordinate with functional units in fire prevention, fighting, rescue and rescue to organize training activities, practice and rehearsals suitable to the contents of training programs of schools. .”

Thus, based on each different level of education, to apply methods and forms of organizing fire prevention and fighting knowledge and skills for students according to the above regulations.

In the near future, high school students and university students in Vietnam must know the basic skills of searching and giving first aid to victims in case of fire and explosion?

In the near future, high school students and university students in Vietnam must know the basic skills of searching and giving first aid to victims in case of fire and explosion?

In the near future, high school students and university students in Vietnam will have to know the skills of searching for victims and rescuing victims in case of fire and explosion?

Pursuant to Article 5 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

“Article 5. Requirements to be achieved for preschool children and students, trainees and students
1. For preschool children
a) Be aware of fire sources, heat sources and some objects that can cause fire and explosion.
b) Know how to avoid fire sources, heat sources and some incidents that can cause fire and explosion.
c) Recognizing fire alarm signals and means and taking appropriate action when hearing fire alarm signals.
2. For elementary school students
a) Recognizing signs of fire and risk of accidents. Recognize fire alarm signals and be skilled at alarming when a fire occurs.
b) Know escape skills in a fire, how to choose an exit, how to use respiratory protection equipment, and protect the body in case of fire or explosion.
c) Use and practice extinguishing fires with model fire extinguishers, practice escape skills in smoke and toxic gas environments.
d) Know how to prevent and give first aid to common accidents and incidents.
3. For junior high school students
a) Identify causes and measures to prevent and fight fires and prevent common incidents and accidents.
b) Know the skills to escape in case of fire and explosion.
c) Practice and proficiently use fire prevention, fighting and rescue skills with model equipment.
4. For high school students, students studying general education programs in vocational and continuing education centers, continuing education and general technical centers
a) Master a number of measures and principles to control fire safety; know a number of skills to escape from traffic, in elevators and escalators when there are fire and explosion incidents.
b) Know some basic skills to search for victims, rescue victims, give first aid to victims in case of fire, explosion and other incidents and accidents.
c) Proficiently use portable fire extinguishers and conventional fire fighting equipment with different fire sources (with model or actual equipment).
5. For students
a) Master a number of measures and principles to control fire safety; master a number of skills to escape from traffic, in elevators and escalators when there are fire and explosion incidents.
b) Proficient in some basic skills to search for victims, rescue victims, give first aid to victims in case of fire, explosion and other incidents and accidents.
c) Be able to use basic fire fighting, rescue and rescue means and equipment available at home, school and public areas.
d) To be granted a certificate of professional training in fire prevention and fighting and rescue in accordance with current law (if required) after being inspected and evaluated by a competent police agency. qualified."

Thus, when implementing the work of equipping students with knowledge and skills of fire prevention and fighting at educational institutions, it is necessary to meet the requirements according to the above content. Accordingly, for high school students, after being equipped with knowledge and skills of fire prevention and fighting, they must know the basic skills of searching and giving first aid to victims when a fire occurs.

What are the principles of fire prevention and fighting?

Pursuant to Article 4 of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting 2001 stipulates the principles of fire prevention and fighting as follows:

- Mobilize the synergy of the entire population to participate in fire prevention and fighting activities.

- In fire prevention and fighting activities, prevention is the main thing; must actively and proactively prevent and minimize the occurrence of fires and damage caused by fires.

- To have forces, means, plans and other conditions ready so that when a fire occurs, the fire can be extinguished promptly and effectively.

- All fire prevention and fighting activities must first be carried out and solved by on-site forces and means.

Thus, the current fire prevention and fighting work is carried out according to the above principles.

Circular 06/2022/TT-BGDDT will take effect from June 26, 2022.

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