07:44 | 23/07/2024

Sample Application for Land Use Rights Certificate? In what cases will a Land Use Rights Certificate be issued?

Sure, here is the translation of the Vietnamese text into English in the style of a legal document:---Could you please inform me under which circumstances a certificate of land use rights will be issued according to current regulations? Could you provide me with the latest application form for the issuance of a land use rights certificate? Thank you!---

What is the Certificate of Land Use Rights, Ownership of Housing, and Other Assets Attached to Land?

Based on Article 97 of the 2013 Land Law, it is stipulated as follows:

“Article 97. Certificate of Land Use Rights, Ownership of Housing, and Other Assets Attached to Land

1. The Certificate of Land Use Rights, Ownership of Housing, and Other Assets Attached to Land is issued to individuals who have the rights to use the land, own housing, and other assets attached to the land according to a uniform sample throughout the country. The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment shall specifically prescribe the form of the Certificate of Land Use Rights, Ownership of Housing, and Other Assets Attached to Land.

2. Certificates of Land Use Rights, Certificates of Ownership of Housing and Homestead Land Use Rights, Certificates of Ownership of Housing, and Certificates of Ownership of Construction Works issued according to the land law, housing law, construction law before December 10, 2009, still hold legal validity and do not need to be exchanged for the Certificate of Land Use Rights, Ownership of Housing, and Other Assets Attached to Land; if the holder requests, these certificates may be exchanged for the unified certificate as per this Law.”

Thus, the Certificate of Land Use Rights is granted to individuals with rights to use the land according to a uniform sample throughout the country.

Latest application form for the 2022 Certificate of Land Use Rights? In which cases will the Certificate of Land Use Rights be issued?

*Latest application form for the 2022 Certificate of Land Use Rights? In which cases will the Certificate of Land Use Rights be issued?*

In which cases will the Certificate of Land Use Rights be issued?

Based on Article 99 of the 2013 Land Law, it is stipulated as follows:

“Article 99. Cases of Land Use Receiving Certificate of Land Use Rights, Ownership of Housing, and Other Assets Attached to Land

1. The State shall issue Certificates of Land Use Rights, Ownership of Housing, and Other Assets Attached to Land in the following cases:

a) Individuals currently using land meeting the conditions for issuance of Certificates of Land Use Rights, Ownership of Housing, and Other Assets Attached to Land as prescribed in Articles 100, 101, and 102 of this Law;

b) Individuals who are allocated or leased land by the State after this Law takes effect;

c) Individuals who receive land use rights through conversion, transfer, inheritance, gift; those who receive land use rights as collateral for debt recovery;

d) Individuals using land following land dispute resolution, court judgements, execution orders from competent authorities, or resolutions of land disputes, complaints, denouncements made by competent state agencies;

e) Successful bidders for land use rights;

f) Individuals using land within industrial parks, clusters, export processing zones, high-tech zones, economic zones;

g) Individuals purchasing housing, and other assets attached to land;

h) Individuals whose housing, tied with homestead land, is liquidated or priced by the State; those purchasing housing from the State;

i) Individuals requesting for partitioning or merging land plots; groups, household members, couples, organizations that are subdividing or merging their existing land use rights;

*k) Individuals requesting for reissuance or reissuance of lost Certificates.”

2. the Government of Vietnam shall provide detailed regulations on this Article.”

The State shall issue land use certificates as specified above.

Latest Application Form for the Certificate of Land Use Rights?

Currently, the application form for the Certificate of Land Use Rights is prescribed in Form No. 04a/DK, Appendix 01 issued with Circular 24/2014/TT-BTNMT as follows:

Download the application form for the Certificate of Land Use Rights: Here.


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