Methods and evaluation criteria on capacity, experience and techniques to rank investors in Vietnam according to public-private partnership in the transport sector?

May I ask if there will be online bidding in the near future, I don't know that when investors in Vietnam upload their bids online, the method and criteria for evaluating bids to rank investors according to the method What is a circular partner? Thank you!

Methods and criteria for evaluating the investor's capacity and experience in the bidding documents under the public-private partnership method?

According to Article 5 of Circular 09/2022/TT-BGTVT stipulating the method of assessing the investor's capacity and experience in the bid dossier as follows:

+ For independent investors in Vietnam: Comply with the provisions of Clause 3.1, Section 3, Part A, Chapter III, Appendix IV issued together with Circular 09/2021/TT-BKHDT;

+ For joint venture investors in Vietnam: Comply with the provisions of Clauses 3.1 and 3.2, Section 3, Part A, Chapter III, Appendix IV issued together with Circular No. 09/2021/TT-BKHDT.

- Evaluation criteria: Comply with the provisions in Appendix I issued together with this Circular.

Methods and evaluation criteria on capacity, experience and techniques to rank investors in Vietnam according to public-private partnership in the transport sector?

Methods and evaluation criteria on capacity, experience and techniques to rank investors in Vietnam according to public-private partnership in the transport sector? (Pictures from the internet)

Methods and criteria for technical evaluation of bids?

According to Article 6 of Circular 09/2022/TT-BGTVT stipulating methods and criteria for technical evaluation of bidding documents as follows:

- Evaluation method: Comply with the provisions of Clause 4.1, Section 4, Part A, Chapter III, Appendix IV issued together with Circular No. 09/2021/TT-BKHDT.

- Evaluation criteria: Comply with the provisions in Appendix II issued with this Circular

Methods and criteria for evaluating financial - commercial bids?

According to Article 7 of Circular 09/2022/TT-BGTVT stipulating methods and criteria for financial - commercial evaluation of bids as follows:

- Based on the scale and nature of the project, the bid solicitor must determine one of the following methods to compare and rank investors in Vietnam meeting financial - commercial requirements:

+ The method of comparison and ranking is based on the standard of state capital to support the construction of works and infrastructure systems (VGF) (not applicable to PPP projects with subprojects using public investment capital). as prescribed at point a, clause 5, Article 70 of the Law on PPP), other contents such as payback period, price, product fee and other relevant factors have been clearly defined in the Bidding Documents.

+ The investor who proposes the lowest state capital for construction support is ranked first and is proposed to win the bid.

+ In case an investor is eligible for incentives, the value of that investor's state capital in construction support must be calculated before performing the investor ranking step according to the formula specified in section CDI 26.3. Chapter II Part 1 Appendix IV issued together with Circular No. 09/2021/TT-BKHDT.

+ In case investors in Vietnam propose the same value of the state's capital contribution, investor ratings will be based on technical evaluation results. In case of using the scoring method, the Bid of the investor with the higher technical evaluation score will be ranked first. In case of using the pass and fail evaluation method, the investor's bid with less number of detailed non-essential criteria that is acceptable is ranked first.

- The method of comparison and ranking is based on price standards, fees for public products and services, other contents such as standards for assets and services under the project, contract performance time and other factors. relevant are clearly identified in the HSMT.

+ The investor who proposes the lowest prices and fees for public products and services shall be ranked first and be proposed to win the bid.

+ In case an investor is eligible for incentives, the price and fee for public products and services of that investor must be calculated before performing the investor ranking step according to the formula specified in section 26.3. Chapter II Part 1 Appendix IV of the application form issued together with Circular No. 09/2021/TT-BKHDT.

+ In case there are 02 or more investors in Vietnam that propose the same lowest price and fee for public products and services, investor ratings will be based on technical assessment. In case of using the scoring method, the bid from the investor with the higher technical evaluation score will be ranked first. In case of using pass and fail evaluation method, the investor's bid with less number of detailed non-essential criteria that is accepted as acceptable shall be ranked first.

- The method of comparison and ranking is based on the criteria of social benefits, state interests, and other relevant contents which have been clearly defined in the bidding documents.

The investor who proposes to pay the highest state budget or the shortest time to perform the contract is ranked first and is proposed to win the bid.

+ In case an investor is eligible for incentives, it must calculate the proposed value of payment to the state budget or the duration of the contract performance of that investor before performing the investor ranking step according to the criteria. formula specified in IDD section 26.3 Chapter II Part 1 Appendix IV of the application form issued together with Circular No. 09/2021/TT-BKHDT.

+ In case there are two or more investors in Vietnam who propose the highest level of budget payment or the shortest contract execution period, investor ranking will be based on technical assessment. In case of using the scoring method, the Bid of the investor with the higher technical evaluation score will be ranked first. In case of using pass and fail evaluation method, the investor's bid with less number of detailed non-essential criteria that is accepted as acceptable shall be ranked first.

- The method of comparison and ranking based on the combined criteria shall comply with the provisions in Appendix III issued with this Circular.

Thus, based on the scale and nature of the project and the evaluation criteria determined in accordance with the above regulations, the bid solicitor shall clearly state the contents of the financial-commercial evaluation as prescribed at Point 2.2.2. Section 2, Part B, Chapter III, Appendix IV issued together with Circular No. 09/2021/TT-BKHDT.

Circular 09/2022/TT-BGTVT takes effect from October 1, 2022.


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