Controlling inflationary pressure, ensuring supply-demand balance, stabilizing prices of essential commodities, especially gasoline and oil prices in Vietnam?

I wonder if the National Assembly has mentioned anything about balancing gasoline and oil prices in Vietnam? Thank you!

What is the socio-economic development situation in the first months of 2022?

In subsection 2.1, Section 2, Resolution 63/2022/QH15 on the third session, the XV National Assembly noted:

- Regarding the results of socio-economic development in the first months of 2022, under the leadership and drastic direction of the Party, the National Assembly and the Government have issued correct and timely decisions, creating a fundamental premise. for economic recovery and development.

- GDP in the first quarter increased by 5.03% and continued to grow quite well in the second quarter; total import-export turnover in 5 months reached more than 305 billion USD, up 16.1% over the same period in 2021, trade balance was in surplus; State budget revenue has reached more than 57% of the year estimate, up 18.7% over the same period in 2021.

- Macro-economy is stable, major balances are ensured; interest rate level, basic exchange rate is stable.

- The situation of COVID-19 epidemic is basically well controlled nationwide. Culture, sports and tourism continued to have positive changes, leaving many good impressions.

- Life, employment, social security, national defense, security, social order and safety are guaranteed; foreign affairs and international integration are expanded and strengthened.

- The fight against corruption and negativity has been promoted; Violations in the stock market, corporate bond, and real estate market have been identified, strictly handled, controlled and sanctified

Controlling inflationary pressure, ensuring supply-demand balance, stabilizing prices of essential commodities, especially gasoline and oil prices in Vietnam?

Controlling inflationary pressure, ensuring supply-demand balance, stabilizing prices of essential commodities, especially gasoline and oil prices in Vietnam? (picture from internet)

What are the limitations in socio-economic development in the first months of 2022?

In subsection 2.1, Section 2, Resolution 63/2022/QH15 on the third session, the XV National Assembly noted:

- Besides the achieved results, the major balances of the economy also have potential risks; national target programs, a number of tasks to implement fiscal and monetary policies to support socio-economic recovery and development have been slow to be implemented; the forecasting of state budget revenue is not close to reality;

- The allocation, assignment of estimates and disbursement of public investment capital in some ministries, central agencies and localities are still slow;

- Expenses for transferring budget sources are still large; the implementation of a number of conclusions and recommendations of the State Audit, inspection agencies and other functional agencies has not been strict; risk of bad debt, high inflation; production and business are still facing difficulties; divestment and equitization of state-owned enterprises have not seen any positive changes; there are still many serious violations in bidding, procurement of medical supplies and equipment; Some tasks to ensure social security have not been implemented in a timely and effective manner...

What are the tasks and solutions to overcome limitations in socio-economic development in the first months of 2022?

In subsection 2.1, Section 2, Resolution 63/2022/QH15 on the third session, the XV National Assembly noted:

The National Assembly requested the Government and agencies to continue implementing synchronously, promptly and comprehensively the goals, tasks and solutions set forth by the Party, National Assembly and Government, with a focus on the following tasks and solutions:

- Keep abreast of developments and forecast the impact of the world economic and political situation and policy moves of the central banks of countries, especially major economies, to our country, continuously update the growth and inflation scenarios in order to promptly have appropriate and practical solutions to ensure macroeconomic stability;

- Focus on completing all the guiding documents; speeding up, drastically and effectively implementing the program on economic and social recovery and development. Speed ​​up the implementation and disbursement of public investment capital; effectively and synchronously implement national key projects and works and 03 national target programs; expeditiously finalize documents detailing regulations, implementation guidelines and a group of specific criteria and norms to ensure the implementation of national target programs in localities; proactively control and respond to risks, ensure the balance of the state budget, overspending and public debt;

- To curb inflationary pressure, control bad debts and have fundamental and sustainable solutions to direct the economy's resources into production and business; ensuring the balance of supply - demand, stabilizing the prices of essential commodities, especially gasoline and oil prices in Vietnam; study policies to support gasoline and oil prices in Vietnam for a number of specific subjects; supply chain maintenance; ensure power supply for production, business and daily life;

- Continue to restructure the economy in association with renewing the growth model, harmonizing economic development, society and environmental protection, between fiscal policy and monetary policy; directing drastically, creating drastic changes in the divestment and equitization of state-owned enterprises; converting public non-business units into joint stock companies.

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