It is strictly forbidden for officials, civil servants, public employees and workers in the transport sector to drink alcohol before and during working hours and lunch breaks?

Recently, the whole country has stirred up about an officer of the Department of Transport of Bac Giang province causing a serious traffic accident. In order to correct the sense of traffic participation of cadres, civil servants and public employees working in the industry, the Ministry of Transport has issued the latest guidelines on the observance of regulations on prevention of harmful effects. of wine and beer.

It is strictly forbidden for officials, civil servants, public employees and workers in the transport sector to drink alcohol during and before working hours?

On June 8, 2022, the Ministry of Transport issued Official Letter 5693/BGTVT-ATGT in 2022 guiding the observance of regulations on prevention of harmful effects of alcohol and beer as follows:

- For cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees in the transportation industry in Vietnam

+ Strictly implementing the Law on Prevention and Control of Harmful Effects of Alcohol and Beer: It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol right before and during working hours, lunch breaks of working days and on duty days.

+ Be exemplary in strictly observing the regulations that if you drink alcohol, do not drive: on rest days, outside working hours, before driving a vehicle, you must not drink alcohol or beer; “Drink alcohol, beer - do not drive”; take strict measures against organizations and individuals violating regulations.

- The Departments of Transport, Department of Transport - Lao Cai Construction

+ Propagating and disseminating policies and laws on prevention and control of harmful effects of alcohol and beer; capacity training for the transport management staff of the Department, for the traffic inspectors, bus station managers, transport enterprises, and the Automobile Transport Association in the area on regulations of the law in road transport activities and measures to prevent and combat alcohol content violations.

+ Strengthening measures to control alcohol concentration for transport business drivers when vehicles leave and enter terminals; direct the Traffic Inspector of the Department to coordinate with the Traffic Police force to strengthen inspection and control at bus stations and strictly handle violations according to law provisions.

- Traffic Newspaper, Transport Magazine

+ Strengthen communication and dissemination of the Law on Prevention of Harmful Effects of Alcohol and Beer, regulations on traffic order and safety related to alcohol and beer, and causes and consequences of traffic accidents.

+ To warn about the harmful effects of alcohol and beer abuse on health, road users, causes and consequences of traffic accidents in order to raise awareness of the community and create a high consensus in traffic safety. society in complying with the provisions of the law on alcohol concentration.

- Universities and colleges majoring in Transport

+ Propaganda, education and information for pupils, students and trainees on the harmful effects of alcohol and beer use, causes and consequences of traffic accidents; research and integrate educational content on the harmful effects of alcohol and beer abuse into classroom and school-wide activities.

- Transport Union

+ Propagate and mobilize cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers in the transport sector to comply with the provisions of the law on alcohol and beer and the provisions of this official dispatch.

+ Researching and bringing the content of regulations on banning alcohol consumption right before and during working hours, lunch breaks of working days, and on duty days into the internal rules, regulations and standards for considering emulation and commendation titles of the trade union. member of the Transportation Industry in Vietnam.

Thus, the Ministry of Transport has issued new guidelines on the observance of regulations on prevention of harmful effects of alcohol according to the above content.

It is strictly forbidden for officials, civil servants, public employees and workers in the transport sector to drink alcohol before and during working hours and lunch breaks?

It is strictly forbidden for officials, civil servants, public employees and workers in the transport sector to drink alcohol during and before working hours and lunch breaks?

The Prime Minister requests agencies to comply with regulations on prevention of harmful effects of alcohol?

On June 3, 2022, the Prime Minister issued Official Dispatch 488/CD-TTg in 2022 with the content requesting relevant agencies:

- Direct the strict implementation of the Law on Prevention and Control of harmful effects of alcohol and beer; request cadres, civil servants, public employees, employees in agencies, units, officers, non-commissioned officers, professional soldiers, soldiers, people working in the people's armed forces, students, students strictly comply with the regulations on banning the consumption of alcohol and beer; exemplary in strictly complying with the regulations of having drunk alcohol and not driving; take strict measures against individuals and collectives that violate.

- The Ministry of Public Security directs the police of units and localities to strengthen patrolling, control, and strictly handle traffic drivers whose blood and breath have alcohol or drug concentrations.

- The Ministry of Health directs functional agencies of the Ministry, Department of Health and functional agencies of ministries, branches, People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to strengthen handling of violations of regulations on regulations. Law on prevention and control of harmful effects of alcohol and beer according to the provisions of Decree No. 117/2020/ND-CP.

- Central and local news agencies and press agencies should strengthen propaganda on the Law on Prevention of Harmful Effects of Alcohol and Beer and the causes and consequences of traffic accidents in general and traffic accidents due to alcohol content violations in particular to raise people's awareness, seriously implement "Drink, beer - don't drive". Promote propaganda on social networks, digital infrastructure and in prime time frames on television.

- The National Traffic Safety Committee continues to monitor and check that member agencies, Traffic Safety Committees of provinces and centrally run cities strictly implement Directive No. 03/CT-TTg dated May 16. January 2020 of the Prime Minister on strengthening the implementation of the Law on Prevention of Harmful Effects of Alcohol and Beer, Decree No. 100/2019/ND-CP, Decree No. 123/2021/ND-CP; periodically summarize and report to the Prime Minister on implementation results./.

Accordingly, the Prime Minister has assigned the above-mentioned tasks to relevant agencies to comply with regulations on prevention of harmful effects of alcohol.

What behaviors will be strictly prohibited in the prevention of harmful effects of alcohol?

Pursuant to Article 5 of the Law on Prevention and Control of Harmful Effects of Alcohol and Beer 2019 stipulates as follows:

“Article 5. Prohibited acts in the prevention and control of harmful effects of alcohol and beer”
1. Instigating, inciting, enticing or forcing others to drink alcohol.
2. Persons under 18 years of age drink alcohol or beer.
3. Selling, supplying and promoting alcohol and beer to people under 18 years old.
4. Employing a person who is under 18 years old who is directly involved in the production, trading of alcohol and beer.
5. Cadres, civil servants, public employees, employees in agencies and organizations, officers, non-commissioned officers, professional soldiers, soldiers, people working in the people's armed forces, students , students drink alcohol, beer right before, during working, studying and taking breaks between working and studying hours.
6. Driving a vehicle with alcohol in the blood or breath.
7. Advertise alcohol with an alcohol content of 15 degrees or more.
8. Providing inaccurate or false information about the effects of alcohol and beer on health.
9. Promotion in the business of alcohol and beer with an alcohol content of 15 degrees or more; using alcohol or beer with an alcohol content of 15 degrees or more for promotion in any form.
10. Using raw materials, additives and processing aids that are not allowed to be used in food; raw materials, food additives, food processing aids of poor quality and of unknown origin for the production and preparation of wine and beer.
11. Trading in alcohol without a license or without registration; Sell ​​wine and beer by vending machine.
12. Trading in, stockpiling, transporting fake, smuggled alcohol and beer of poor quality, of unknown origin or origin, illegally importing alcohol and beer.
13. Other prohibited acts related to alcohol and beer as prescribed by law.”

Thus, when carrying out the prevention of harmful effects of alcohol, individuals and organizations are not allowed to perform the above-mentioned acts.


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