Instructions on how to overcome memory loss, stress, anxiety and depression after COVID-19 from the Ministry of Health of Vietnam?

I have insomnia leading to stress and memory loss, fatigue after contracting COVID-19, do not know if the Ministry of Health of Vietnam has any specific instructions to overcome my above situation? I sincerely thank!

How to control problems related to attention, memory and clear thinking?

Pursuant to the attached Instruction Document Decision 1242/QD-BYT dated May 18, 2022 of The Ministry of Health of Vietnam instructs as follows:

- Minimize distractions: try to work in a quiet environment without distractions. You can use earplugs if needed. If you get distracted reading text, highlight parts of the text using paper or using your finger as a marker.

Complete activities with less fatigue: When you're doing something that requires thinking skills, plan it for a time when you're less tired. For example, if you feel more tired in the afternoon, do your work in the morning.

Take frequent breaks: If the problem is made worse by fatigue, work for shorter periods and take breaks.

Set yourself reasonable goals and targets: Having something definite and clear to work towards will help you stay motivated. Make sure you set realistic goals that are achievable. For example, read only five pages of a book a day.

- Have a schedule: Try to set up a daily and weekly work schedule for yourself. It can be helpful if you plan activities ahead of time. It can also be helpful to take notes, or break things down into manageable chunks.

- Use incentives: When you reach a goal or goal, reward yourself - try doing something very simple, such as drinking a cup of tea or coffee, watching TV or walking walk.

- Do one activity at a time: Do not rush or try to absorb too much information at once, as this can lead to errors in information processing.

- Help: Using lists, notes, diaries, and calendars can help support your memory and habits.

- Brain exercises: you can try new hobbies, solve puzzles, word and number games, memory or reading exercises to help you think. Start with brain exercises that challenge you but are achievable and increase the difficulty when you can. This is important to keep you motivated.

- In addition, measures to improve fitness, strategies to reduce stress can improve brain fog such as: getting enough sleep and on time, exercising, relaxing; Positive thinking, reasonable diet, avoidance of psychoactive substances such as alcohol, beer, stimulants, ... Manage

Instructions on how to overcome memory loss, stress, anxiety and depression after COVID-19 from the Ministry of Health of Vietnam?

Instructions on how to overcome memory loss, stress, anxiety and depression after COVID-19 from the Ministry of Health of Vietnam?

Problems of stress, anxiety, depression and sleep like that any?

Pursuant to the attached Instruction Document Decision 1242/QD-BYT dated May 18, 2022 of The Ministry of Health of Vietnam instructs as follows:

Relaxation: Relaxation helps save the limited energy you have during your recovery from illness. . That helps you manage your anxiety and improve your mood. Here are some examples of a relaxation technique.

Grounding Technique

- Breathe slowly and slowly and ask yourself:

- Think of the answer to yourself slowly, one sentence at a time, and spend at least 10 seconds focusing on each question one at a time.

- It's important to remember that your symptoms are a natural part of recovering from COVID-19. Worrying and thinking about your symptoms can make you feel worse. For example, if you focus on headaches, you are likely to experience more headaches.

- Practice relaxation techniques

- Choose a quiet place, the light is soft or not too bright, you lie flat, stretch your limbs and relax completely. Mind yourself and focus on the thought of “quiet whole body” while paying attention to your breathing. You can do this over and over until you feel comfortable or slowly fall asleep.

Also, it's important to know that symptoms are often related: an increase in one symptom can lead to an increase in another. If you feel tired, your ability to concentrate will suffer, which in turn affects your memory, which leads to increased feelings of anxiety, and as a result you are tired. As you can see, this becomes a vicious cycle. Just an improvement in one symptom leads to an improvement in another.

How to improve sleep problems after Covid-19 from the guidance of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam?

Pursuant to the attached Instruction Document Decision 1242/QD-BYT dated May 18, 2022 of The Ministry of Health of Vietnam guiding some simple things you can do to help improve the problem

- Sleep hygiene:

+ Have good sleep habits and wake up at regular intervals, using an alarm if necessary to remind you;

+ You or your family and caregivers can try to make sure that your surroundings don't disturb you, for example too much light or noise;

+ Try to stop using electronic devices such as phones and tablets an hour before bedtime;

+ Do not or limit the use of substances affecting sleep such as: alcohol, beer, coffee, tobacco, .. or other psychoactive substances;

Try to use relaxation techniques to fall asleep.

Alternative relaxation techniques: Examples of relaxation techniques include meditation, focusing on images, herbal baths, tai chi, yoga, and music.

Staying connected to society is important for your mental health. Talking to other people helps you relieve stress and supports you.

Eating healthy and gradually returning to daily activities or hobbies is a good way to help improve your mood.

* Some simple measures to help you:

- Spend more time relaxing, you can choose jobs that create interest for you (listening to music, arranging flowers, taking care of bonsai.)

- Spendingappropriate time to exercise, play sports, and exercise. If you don't exercise, you should gradually form this habit.

- Stay calm before medical information, select official sources of information.

- Share with loved ones and seek help from a mental health professional when you have problems such as persistent fatigue, excessive anxiety or boredom, loss of interest in things, prolonged poor sleep, Or have negative thoughts.


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