What are the requirements of practitioners after participating in the nursing professional training program in Vietnam?

Hi Lawnet! After participating in the nursing professional training program in Vietnam, what are the requirements of nursing practitioners in Vietnam? Thank you!

What are the requirements that must be achieved for practitioners after participating in the nursing training program according to the nursing professional title standards in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Section II of the Program promulgated together with Decision 1731/QD-BYT in 2022, the objectives and requirements for the training program according to the nursing professional title standards are as follows:

1. Objectives
1.1. General objective
Update and supplement general knowledge about state management and nursing professional skills to meet the standards of nursing professional titles, contribute to improving the quality of the nursing team.
1.2. Detail objective
After completing the program, practitioners can:
1) Analyze and apply some basic knowledge on relevant state management, professional ethics and skills in people's health care activities, contributing to improving the quality of the nursing team.
2) Update necessary professional and professional knowledge and capacity, associated with nursing's duties according to the requirements of the job position, to meet assigned tasks.
3) Improve the necessary ethical qualities of nurses, ensuring the completion of health care work for the people.
2. Requirements for the program
2.1. Ensure reasonableness and science among the knowledge contents, stick to the tasks and standards of qualifications, professional and professional competencies of nurses of all grades, ensure that they do not overlap with other programs and the results are not duplicated. structure in an open direction for easy updating and supplementation;
2.2. Balance and reasonable between theory and practice skills training;
2.3. Construction topics must be realistic for practitioners to apply to their daily work.”

Accordingly, the training program according to the standards of nursing profession titles is conducted in accordance with the above requirements and after the completion of the program will achieve the objectives set out above.

What are the requirements of practitioners after participating in the nursing professional training program in Vietnam?

What are the requirements for the compilation of teaching materials in the training program according to the nursing professional title standards in Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 1, Section VI, Program promulgated together with Decision 1731/QD-BYT in 2022, there are requirements in compiling documents as follows:

1. For document compilation
- The compiled documents must be based on the standards of nursing professional titles and the requirements of practice in each period;
- The content of the document must ensure a combination of theory and practice; knowledge, experience and practical skills; unduplicated;
- The documents must be regularly supplemented, updated and enhanced, in accordance with reality;
- The topics developed must ensure practicality; scientific content, suitable for learners' level and in the direction of opening and updating healthcare science."

Accordingly, the compilation of teaching materials in the training program according to the standards of nursing professional titles is carried out according to the above content.

Case study to be required for teaching in the nursing curriculum according to the nursing professional title standards in Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section VI, Program promulgated together with Decision 1731/QD-BYT in 2022, there are requirements for lecturers and practitioners in the training program according to the standards of nursing profession titles such as:

2. For teaching-learning
2.1. For lectures
- Lectures of this Program must meet the standards of lecturers as prescribed in Decree No. 101/2017/ND-CP dated September 1, 2017 on training and restraining officials, Decree 89/2021/ND-CP dated October 18, 2021 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree 101/2017/ND-CP dated September 1, 2017 of the Government on mining training and restraining officials and public employees and Circular No. 01/2018/TT-BNV dated January 8, 2018 of the Ministry of Home Affairs guiding a number of articles of Decree No. 101/2017/ND-CP dated January 8, 2018 September 1, 2017 of the Government on training and restraining officials and public employees and current regulations;
- Lectures use active teaching methods, gives case study, examples that are close to reality and suitable to the implementation of health care work of agencies and organizations;
- In class discussions, lecturers play the role of guides and suggestions to promote the practical experience and problem-solving ability of all practitioners; orient and control so that the discussion content adheres to the set learning objectives.
- For the teaching of topics on skill, it is necessary to strengthen discussion and problem solving for practitioners to exchange in class.
2.2. For practitioners
- Practitioners must research, discuss and do case studies at the request of the lecturer;
- Participate in planned learning activities. In case of missing more than 20% of the theoretical study time, failing the final exam and essay, the practitioners will not be granted a certificate.

Accordingly, lecturers and practitioners participating in training programs according to the standards of nursing professional titles must meet the above requirements.


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