Ho Chi Minh City targets the number of non-public high schools to reach 14% by the end of 2022?

In order to improve the quality of training and invest in the development of educational infrastructure for international integration, the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City has issued a plan to attract and mobilize social resources. investment association for education and training development. So, what is the specific goal of this Plan?

By the end of 2022, the number of non-public high schools in Ho Chi Minh City will reach 14%?

Pursuant to Section I of the Plan 1958/KH-SGDĐT in 2022 issued by the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City, the following objectives were set:

- General objective

+ Increasing the mobilization of social resources, creating a clear and substantive change in the attraction, use and management of resources of individuals and organizations at home and abroad to invest in development. education and training, improving the quality of education and training human resources to meet the requirements of the industrial revolution 4.0 and international integration.

- Detail goal

To step up the mobilization of society's resources, promote the development of non-public educational institutions to reach the rate of 39.00% of establishments and 32.50% of learners by the end of 2022. Specifically. :

+ For preschool education: Especially in industrial parks, export processing zones, areas with rapid urbanization or where the number of children of preschool and kindergarten age increases rapidly due to migration. mechanical people:

Striving to the end of 2022, the number of non-public preschool educational institutions will reach 67.50% with the number of children attending 57.50%.

For general education:

Striving to the end of 2022, the rate of non-public high schools will be 14.00% and the number of students enrolled will reach 7.50%.

Accordingly, the goal of the Plan to increase the mobilization of social resources for investment in education and training development in Ho Chi Minh City in 2022 is implemented in accordance with the above provisions.

Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh đặt mục tiêu số trường phổ thông ngoài công lập đạt tỷ lệ 14% vào cuối năm 2022?

Ho Chi Minh City targets the number of non-public high schools to reach 14% by the end of 2022?

Complete mechanisms and policies to mobilize social resources to invest in education and training development in Ho Chi Minh City in 2022?

Pursuant to subsection 1, section II, Plan 1958/KH-SGDĐT in 2022 promulgated by the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City as follows:

- Reviewing the system of documents and policies on socialization issued by the City People's Committee, systematizing regulations on mobilizing social resources for education according to each field and issue group. specific topics, detecting overlapping, contradictory and missing regulations; advise and propose the direction to amend, supplement, replace or abolish accordingly; promptly update new and relevant guidelines and orientations on socialization.


+ Advise and propose solutions to create conditions for investors to use land that is not included in the educational planning to build private high schools to meet the needs of educational socialization and attract investment in the field of education. education and reduce population pressure on the City's public school system.

+ Proposing to review the Regulations on standard facilities for preschools, primary schools, junior high schools, high schools and high schools with many levels of education (issued together with Circular No. 13/2020/ TT-BGDDT dated May 26, 2020 of the Ministry of Education and Training) when applied in Ho Chi Minh City, including regulations on the minimum area of ​​8-10 m2/student.

+ For fields of educational activities related to foreign-invested short-term educational institutions, foreign language centers, informatics, life skills education and extracurricular activities, translation Study abroad consulting services, representative offices: Advising on completing the legal framework on regulations on physical facilities (specific standards for classrooms, function rooms, teaching equipment) personnel facts (specific criteria for teachers: types of teaching certificates equivalent to professional pedagogical certificates: TESOL, TKT,...);

- Advising on completing the legal framework on legal status, rights, responsibilities and obligations of individuals and organizations investing in education and non-public educational institutions; on the use of funding sources outside the State budget;

- Advise on renovating the mechanism of resource allocation, management and state budget allocation in the direction that the State ensures investment in essential public non-business services (preschool education, general education, etc.). ); switching from support for educational institutions to direct support for policy beneficiaries, from support according to the average allocation mechanism to the state-ordered mechanism;

- Advise on formulating and promulgating policies on the rights of teachers and educational administrators recruited and working at non-public educational institutions (including vocational training institutions). non-public enterprises) in Ho Chi Minh City, ensuring at least equal to the interests of teachers working at public educational institutions.

Thus, in order to improve mechanisms and policies on mobilizing social resources to invest in education and training development in Ho Chi Minh City in 2022, it is necessary to follow the above contents. .

Investing in the development of educational infrastructure in the form of a public-private partnership?

Pursuant to subsection 3 of the Plan 1958/KH-SGDĐT in 2022 promulgated by the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City as follows:

- Continue to innovate the management mechanism for public non-business units providing public non-business services in terms of organization, personnel, finance, assets, income distribution, cooperation, joint venture, association..., focusing on the following solutions:

+ To step up the provision of public services in the field of education according to the market mechanism, clearly identify service providers that do not use the state budget, and decide on guaranteed revenues and rates. to cover reasonable and accumulated expenses;

+ Renovate the structure of using the State budget in the direction of increasing investment to ensure the physical foundations of educational institutions, enhancing the autonomy and accountability of educational institutions to gradually increase revenue sources to ensure regular expenditures;

+ Promote the application of the autonomy mechanism of public educational institutions;

+ To gradually pilot investment in the form of public-private partnership (PPP) in education, in the immediate future, projects to develop educational infrastructure.

Thus, the promotion of autonomy for public educational institutions is carried out according to the above contents.

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