What denouncer protection measures in Vietnam are there? What are the measures for protecting information in Vietnam?

I would like to ask what the denouncer protection measures in Vietnam are. - Question from Ms. Anh Hong (Ha Giang)

What denouncer protection measures in Vietnam are there?

Pursuant to Article 47 of the 2018 Law on Denunciation in Vietnam, there are measures for protecting denouncers as follows:

- Measures for protecting information

- Measures for protecting positions and jobs

- Measures for protecting life, health, property, honor and dignity

What denouncer protection measures in Vietnam are there? What are the measures for protecting information in Vietnam?

What denouncer protection measures in Vietnam are there? What are the measures for protecting information in Vietnam?

What are the measures for protecting information in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 56 of the 2018 Law on Denunciation in Vietnam, the measures for protecting information include:

Measures for protecting information
When receiving and transferring denunciation forms and settling denunciations, competent organizations and individuals shall, according to the current situation, adopt the following measures:
1. Keep denouncers’ full name, address, autograph and other personal information secret during the use of information and documents provided by denouncers;
2. Remove denouncers’ full name, address, autograph and other personal information secret from the denunciation form and enclosed documents and evidences before transferring it to the denunciation verifier;
3. Arrange a time and place and use appropriate methods for protecting denouncers’ information when working with denouncers and relevant organizations and individuals;
4. Adopt other measures prescribed by law;
5. Request relevant organizations and individuals to adopt necessary measures for protecting denouncers’ information.

According to the above provisions, measures for protecting information include the above measures.

What are the measures for protecting positions and jobs?

Pursuant to Article 57 of the 2018 Law on Denunciation in Vietnam, the measures for protecting positions and jobs include:

Measures for protecting positions and jobs
1. Measures for protecting positions of protected persons who are officials, public officials and public employees include:
a) Suspend, partially or totally invalidate the decision to impose disciplinary penalties or other decisions that infringe upon legitimate rights and interests of protected persons;
b) Restore protected persons’ position, job, incomes and other legitimate interests;
c) Consider reassigning protected persons to another authority with their consent in order to avoid victimization;
d) Within their jurisdiction, take actions against the persons who take revenge on or threaten protected persons, affecting their legitimate rights and interests or request a competent organization/individual to do so.
2. Measures for protecting job of protected persons who are working under an employment contract include:
a) request employers to stop violations; restore protected persons’ position, job, incomes and other legitimate interests;
b) take actions against violations against the law within their jurisdiction or request a competent organization/individual to do so.

Thus, the measures for protecting the protected person's position and jobs are divided into two cases:

- Measures for protecting positions of protected persons who are officials, public officials and public employees.

- Measures for protecting the jobs of protected persons who are working under an employment contract.

Thus, depending on each case, appropriate protective measures should be applied.

What are the measures for protecting life, health, property, honor and dignity?

Pursuant to Article 58 of the 2018 Law on Denunciation in Vietnam, the measures for protecting life, health, property, honor and dignity include:

Measures for protecting life, health, property, honor and dignity
1. Take protected persons to a safe place.
2. Provide personnel, vehicles and instruments to directly protect life, health, property, honor and dignity of protected persons in important areas.
3. Adopt necessary measures to prevent and take actions against any infringement upon or threat to life, health, property, honor and dignity of protected persons as prescribed by law.
4. Request persons who infringe upon or threaten life, health, property, honor and dignity of protected persons to stop doing so.
5. Adopt other measures prescribed by law.

According to the above provisions, the protection of life, health, property, honor and dignity includes the following measures:

- Take protected persons to a safe place.

- Provide personnel, vehicles and instruments to directly protect life, health, property, honor and dignity of protected persons in important areas.

- Adopt necessary measures to prevent and take actions against any infringement upon or threat to life, health, property, honor and dignity of protected persons as prescribed by law.

- Request persons who infringe upon or threaten life, health, property, honor and dignity of protected persons to stop doing so.

- Adopt other measures prescribed by law.


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