02:40 | 22/05/2023

What are the minimum requirements for implementation of distance education program in Vietnam? Who are the candidates eligible for distance education program in Vietnam?

What are the minimum requirements for implementation of distance education program in Vietnam? Who are the candidates eligible for distance education program in Vietnam? Question of Mr. An in Hue.

What are the minimum requirements for implementation of distance education program in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 3 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular No. 10/2017/TT-BGDDT specifically stipulating as follows:

Minimum requirements for implementation of distance education program
1. Distance education systems of higher education institutes have been completely constructed to match chosen distance education forms.
2. Implementation of distance education program must be stated in missions, visions, guidelines and developmental plans of higher education institutes and must be approved by Governing Boards or Boards of Directors. Higher education institutes may implement distance higher education programs with respect to majors obtaining permission to accept students taking formal higher education degree programs.
3. Distance education programs have been completely constructed, including course map and detailed course syllabus meeting requirements of training programs and consistent with form of distance education. Within same education major, distance education course curricula may be similar to those of formal higher education program.
4. Structure of personnel in charge of distance education activities must be capable of managing and overseeing teaching, learning, student examination, testing, assessment and degree granting activities. A testing department must be established with a complete question bank, carrying out independent testing procedures.
5. Distance education rules of higher education institutes must conform to provisions of these Regulations and other relevant law provisions.
6. The faculty must be well equipped with knowledge and must be trained in teaching and managerial skills and methods.
7. Facilities, equipment, libraries and study materials must be adequately provided in order to implement distance education:
a) Having technical rooms spacious enough to install distance education equipment and staff rooms providing necessary amenities for administrators and faculty;
b) Providing equipment fit into specified distance education form;
c) Installing the technical systems used for performing distance education activities, including following instructions; providing information relating to the distance education; arching and transmitting the contents of distance education programs to students; supervising, managing and assessing the students through their learning process; archiving and securing information on learning activities and student’s learning timeline and personal files; connect information between students and faculty via information technology system;
d) Having assessment and examination systems to enable assessment of class participation or end-of-course or end-of-subject assessment according to the form of distance education; controlling and verifying studying, taking of examinations, tests and implementing of tasks assigned during the learning process of students; accurately assessing learning results of students;
dd) Website must be regularly updated and publicize education quality commitments, quality assurance conditions, tuition fees and other payments received from students;
e) Having libraries or e-libraries providing the number of books, textbooks, reference materials and specialized digital adequate to assist students in their learning and studying activities;
g) Running entities producing study materials used in the distance education. Adequately furnished with primary and supplementary study materials satisfactory to specified distance education methods to cover at least 2/3 of modules of distance education programs in first few years and devise plans to construct and develop study materials for remaining courses.
8. Information technology application system must be installed to manage online all of information in enrolling, training, testing, graduation considering and degree-granting process of each student.
9. Complying with applicable regulations of Ministry of Education and Training on application of information technology in online training management and organization of higher education institutes choosing the computer network-based education form.

Thus, distance education program must meet the above minimum requirements.

What are the minimum requirements for implementation of distance education program in Vietnam? Who are the candidates eligible for distance education program in Vietnam?

What are the minimum requirements for implementation of distance education program in Vietnam? Who are the candidates eligible for distance education program in Vietnam?

Who are the candidates eligible for distance education program in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular No. 10/2017/TT-BGDDT as follows:

Academic enrolment
1. Based on applicable rules and regulations on formal higher education enrolment; enrolment of students taking teacher training programs at the formal junior college level and provisions thereof, higher education institutes shall develop and issue rules and regulations for distance education enrolment.
2. Eligible candidates:
a) Vietnamese citizens: comply with provisions of regulation on formal higher education enrolment; junior college enrolment for formal teachers;
b) Foreign citizens: comply with regulations of higher education institutes.

Thus, the candidates eligible for distance education program in Vietnam include:

- Vietnamese citizens: comply with provisions of regulation on formal higher education enrolment; junior college enrolment for formal teachers;

- Foreign citizens: comply with regulations of higher education institutes.

In addition, directors of national universities, regional universities, institutions; principals of higher education institutes (hereinafter referred to as “heads of higher education institutes”) shall decide enrolment methods: entrance exams; admission; or a combination between entrance exam and admission according to regulation on formal higher education admission; junior college admission for formal teacher.

How must the distance education program ensure facilities and equipment?

Pursuant to Clause 7 Article 3 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular No. 10/2017/TT-BGDDT specifically stipulating as follows:

Minimum requirements for implementation of distance education program
7. Facilities, equipment, libraries and study materials must be adequately provided in order to implement distance education:
a) Having technical rooms spacious enough to install distance education equipment and staff rooms providing necessary amenities for administrators and faculty;
b) Providing equipment fit into specified distance education form;
c) Installing the technical systems used for performing distance education activities, including following instructions; providing information relating to the distance education; arching and transmitting the contents of distance education programs to students; supervising, managing and assessing the students through their learning process; archiving and securing information on learning activities and student’s learning timeline and personal files; connect information between students and faculty via information technology system;
d) Having assessment and examination systems to enable assessment of class participation or end-of-course or end-of-subject assessment according to the form of distance education; controlling and verifying studying, taking of examinations, tests and implementing of tasks assigned during the learning process of students; accurately assessing learning results of students;
dd) Website must be regularly updated and publicize education quality commitments, quality assurance conditions, tuition fees and other payments received from students;
e) Having libraries or e-libraries providing the number of books, textbooks, reference materials and specialized digital adequate to assist students in their learning and studying activities;
g) Running entities producing study materials used in the distance education. Adequately furnished with primary and supplementary study materials satisfactory to specified distance education methods to cover at least 2/3 of modules of distance education programs in first few years and devise plans to construct and develop study materials for remaining courses.

Thus, the distance education program must ensure the minimum requirements and conditions for facilities and equipment mentioned above.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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