08:21 | 31/10/2022

What are the tasks of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam in implementing educational programs? What units does the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam consist of?

I would like to ask: What are the tasks of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam in implementing educational programs? What units does the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam consist of? - Question from Ms. Ngoc (Hung Yen)

What function does the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam perform in a state agency?

According to the provisions of Article 1 of Decree No. 86/2022/ND-CP stipulating the position and function of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam in the governmental agency as follows:

The Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam is a governmental agency in charge of performing the state management of preschool education, general education, professional secondary education in pedagogy, pedagogical colleges, higher education and continuing education in educational objectives, programs, contents and methods; regulations on examination, admission, training, and diplomas/degrees and certificates; development of teachers and education managers; textbooks, syllabi and teaching materials; infrastructure facilities and equipment; education quality assurance and accreditation; state management of Vietnamese language and minority languages; state management of public services within the scope of its management.What are the tasks of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam in implementing educational programs? What units does the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam consist of?

What are the tasks of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam in implementing educational programs? What units does the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam consist of? (Image from the Internet)

What are the tasks of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam in implementing educational programs?

According to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 2 of Decree No. 86/2022/ND-CP on objectives and implementation of educational programs as follows:

Tasks and powers
3. Regarding educational objectives, programs and contents
a) Instruct and organize the fulfillment of educational objectives conformable with educational levels and training qualifications of the national educational system within the scope of its management;
b) Promulgate preschool education programs; stipulate standards, compiling and editing processes of preschool education programs;
c) Promulgate general education programs; stipulate standards, compiling and editing processes of general education programs; stipulate upper secondary education knowledge to be accumulated by students having lower secondary diplomas to attend vocational secondary programs in vocational education institutions;
d) Stipulate continuing education programs;
dd) Stipulate the formulation, appraisal and promulgation of training programs of higher education and pedagogical college levels; promulgate the list of training majors of higher education;
e) Promulgate pre-university training programs.

At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam also ensures the education quality according to the provisions of Clauses 11 and 12, Article 2 of Decree No. 86/2022/ND-CP as follows:

- Promulgate standards of higher education institutions, standards of training programs at different levels of higher education;

- Stipulate conditions, processes and procedures for opening and suspension of training majors at different levels of higher education and pedagogical college;

- Stipulate determination of enrolment targets of pedagogical college, university education, master education and doctoral education;

- Direct and instruct the performance of education quality assurance tasks by education and training institutions under its management.

- Stipulate standards for education quality evaluation; procedures and schedule of education quality accreditation at educational levels and training qualifications under its management; operating rules, conditions and standards of organizations and individuals providing education quality accreditation services; consider licensing education quality accreditation operations; issue and revoke certificates of education quality accreditation;

- Request the Government to stipulate conditions and procedures for establishment, licensing and suspension of operation, and dissolution of education quality accreditation organizations; stipulate conditions and procedures for operation of foreign education quality accreditation organizations in Vietnam;

- Issue establishment decisions or grant license for establishment and operation, suspension of operation, and dissolution of education quality accreditation organizations; issue and revoke decisions on recognition of operation of foreign education quality accreditation organizations in Vietnam; stipulate supervision and assessment of education quality accreditation organizations;

- Manage activities of accreditation of training programs and educational institutions. Provide guidelines for organizations, individuals and educational institutions on evaluation and accreditation of education quality; inspect and evaluate the implementation of regulations on education quality accreditation.

In addition, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam is also the body that stipulates standards for textbooks, syllabi and teaching materials as prescribed in Clause 5, Article 2 of Decree No. 86/2022/ND-CP as follows:

Tasks and powers
5. Regarding textbooks, syllabi and teaching materials
a) Stipulate standards and selection of toys and learning materials used in preschool education institutions;
b) Stipulate standards, compiling and editing processes of textbooks of general education; stipulate selection of textbooks in general education institutions;
c) Stipulate textbooks, syllabi and teaching materials of continuing education;
d) Stipulate compilation, selection, appraisal, approval and use of teaching materials and syllabi of higher education and pedagogical college.

What units does the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam consist of?

According to the provisions of Article 3 of Decree No. 86/2022/ND-CP on the organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, including 23 units as follows:

- Early Childhood Education Department.

- Primary Education Department.

- Secondary Education Department.

- Higher Education Department.

- Physical Education Department.

- Ethnic Education Department.

- Continuing Education Department.

- National Defense and Security Education Department.

- Political Education and Student Affairs Department.

- Personnel and Organization Department.

- Planning and Finance Department.

- Educational Facilities Department.

- Science, Technology and Environment Department.

- Legal Affairs Department.

- Office of the Ministry.

- Inspectorate.

- Quality Control Department.

- Teachers and Education Managers Department.

- Information Technology Department.

- International Cooperation Department.

- Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences.

- Education Times.

- Journal of Education.

In which, Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences, Education Times, Journal of Education are public service providers serving the Ministry’s performance of state management functions. The remaining organizations are Departments of the Ministry in charge of assisting the Minister in performing the state management functions.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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