02:55 | 26/05/2023

What are the tasks and powers of the High School Graduation Invigilation Board in 2023? What is the composition of Exam Places in high schools and other educational institutions in Vietnam?

I would like to ask what the composition of Exam Places in high schools and other educational institutions in Vietnam is. Question of An in Hue.

What are the tasks and powers of the High School Graduation Invigilation Board in 2023?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 20 of the Regulation issued together with Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, the High School Graduation Invigilation Board in 2023 has the following tasks and powers:

- The Manager of Invigilation Board shall be held accountable to the Chairperson of Exam Council in terms of invigilation practices; run the invigilation practices at the Exam Council, decide the time when the sealed envelopes are dispatched to invigilators, and make decision to deal with situations occurring in the exam sessions;

- Deputy Manager of Invigilation Board, members and secretaries shall take responsibility for their performance of tasks and powers as assigned or authorized by the Manager.

What are the tasks and powers of the High School Graduation Invigilation Board in 2023? What is the composition of Exam Places in high schools and other educational institutions in Vietnam?

What are the tasks and powers of the High School Graduation Invigilation Board in 2023? What is the composition of Exam Places in high schools and other educational institutions in Vietnam?

What is the composition of Exam Places in high schools and other educational institutions in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 20 of the Regulation issued together with Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BGDDT as amended by Clause 10, Article 1 of Circular No. 06/2023/TT-BGDDT, the Director of Department of Education and Training (DET) shall, based on the number of registered candidates at the Exam Council, facilities, and staff, set up Exam Places in high schools and other educational institutions that meet the requirements for administration of the exam.

Specifically, the composition includes:

- The Manager of the Exam Place: the head of a general school;

- 01 Deputy Manager: the head or dean of a general school where the Exam Place is located, in charge of facilities;

- Deputy Managers: heads of deans of other general schools;

- Secretaries of the Exam Place: secretaries of the Exam Council or teachers of general schools;

- Invigilators: teachers of general schools or lower secondary schools in the province; Supervisors: teachers of general schools;

- Security guards and staff: staff of the school where the Exam Place is located; healthcare staff and police officers (or military controllers in special cases);

According to that, compared with current regulations, military controllers only become members of the Exam Places in special cases.

In addition, there are a number of other regulations on the Manager of the Exam Place and Deputy Manager of the Exam Place as follows:

- The Manager of Exam Place shall initiate performance of tasks and powers in conjunction with invigilation practices at the Exam Place and be accountable for the performance to the Manager of Invigilation Board and the Chairperson of Exam Council;

- Deputy Managers, invigilators, supervisors and other members shall perform tasks assigned by the Manager of Invigilation Board and be accountable for such performance;

- For the performance of tasks at the Exam Place, the leader of Exam Place may use the seal of the high school or educational institution where the Exam Place is based.

How many papers will be required for the national high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of the Regulation on high school graduation exam promulgated together with Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, there are regulations on the national high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023 as follows:

The exam consists of 5 papers, including: 3 independent papers are: Mathematics, Literature, and Foreign Language; 1 paper of natural science (a combination of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology); 1 paper of social science (a combination of History, Geography, and Civic Education) with respect to students of compulsory education program at high school level or the papers of History and Geography with respect to students of continuing education program at high school level.

According to the above regulations, in the 2023 national high school exam, candidates will have to take 05 papers including:

- Mathematics, Literature, Foreign Language;

- 1 paper of natural science (a combination of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology);

- 1 paper of social science (a combination of History, Geography, and Civic Education) with respect to students of compulsory education program at high school level or the papers of History and Geography with respect to students of continuing education program at high school level.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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