Tax Policy
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/ Chính Sách Thuế
/ Giáo dục 24/7
Giáo dục 24/7
09:04 | 06/03/2025
How to check for camera fines 2025? What are 02 ways to check camera fines in Vietnam? Which types of motorcycles and cars are subject to excise tax in Vietnam?
How to check for camera fines 2025? What are 02 ways to check camera fines in Vietnam? Which types of motorcycles and cars are subject to excise tax in Vietnam?
Chịu thuế tiêu thụ đặc biệt
09:00 | 06/03/2025
What are regulations on deferment of registration fees in Vietnam in 2025? What is the procedure for deferment of registration fees in Vietnam in 2025?
What are regulations on deferment of registration fees in Vietnam in 2025? What is the procedure for deferment of registration fees in Vietnam in 2025?
Lệ phí trước bạ
08:31 | 06/03/2025
Vietnam issues Official Dispatch 1767 BTC TCCB of 2025 on principles for resolving policies on early retirement, termination of employment as per Decree 178?
Vietnam issues Official Dispatch 1767 BTC TCCB of 2025 on principles for resolving policies on early retirement, termination of employment as per Decree 178? Are pension subject to PIT in Vietnam?
Chịu thuế TNCN
15:02 | 05/03/2025
What is the download link for software HTKK 5.3.0? What is the latest update for related-party transaction declaration in Vietnam?
What is the download link for software HTKK 5.3.0? What is the latest update for related-party transaction declaration in Vietnam?
Phần mềm HTKK
15:00 | 05/03/2025
HTKK 5.3.0 software update: Related-party transaction declaration in Vietnam according to Circular 132
HTKK 5.3.0 software update: Related-party transaction declaration in Vietnam according to Circular 132? What are principles for taxpayers when applying related-party transaction in Vietnam?
Phần mềm HTKK
14:45 | 05/03/2025
What are 06 changes in the 2025 Law on organizing the local government of Vietnam? Does the merger and change of administrative units at the commune level in Ho Chi Minh City require re-registration of electronic invoice usage information?
What are 06 changes in the 2025 Law on organizing the local government of Vietnam? Does the merger and change of administrative units at the commune level in Ho Chi Minh City require re-registration of electronic invoice usage information?
Sử dụng hóa đơn điện tử
14:38 | 05/03/2025
Vietnam issues the Law on organizing the local government 2025: What are the regulations for the organizational structure of the Tax Department of Vietnam from March 1, 2025?
Vietnam issues the Law on organizing the local government 2025: What are the regulations for the organizational structure of the Tax Department of Vietnam from March 1, 2025?c
Cơ cấu tổ chức
14:35 | 05/03/2025
Vietnam issues Decree 34 of 2025 amending Decrees in the maritime in Vietnam: What is the VAT rate applicable when a vessel is sold to a foreign organization?
Vietnam issues Decree 34 of 2025 amending Decrees in the maritime in Vietnam: What is the VAT rate applicable when a vessel is sold to a foreign organization?
Mức thuế suất
14:31 | 05/03/2025
Is land used for building private schools in urban areas subject to non-agricultural land use tax in Vietnam?
Is land used for building private schools in urban areas subject to non-agricultural land use tax in Vietnam?
Chịu thuế sử dụng đất
09:59 | 05/03/2025
Are incomes from organizing extra class exempt from income tax in Vietnam?
Are incomes from organizing extra class exempt from income tax in Vietnam?
Miễn thuế thu nhập cá nhân
09:55 | 05/03/2025
What are the conditions for taking the 2025 exams for tax procedure practicing certificates in Vietnam?
What are the conditions for taking the 2025 exams for tax procedure practicing certificates in Vietnam? What application for taking the 2025 exam for tax procedure practicing certificates include?
Nhân viên đại lý thuế
09:48 | 05/03/2025
Which allowances are exempt from personal income tax in Vietnam in 2025? What are regulations on service allowances for high-level leaders of Vietnam?
Which allowances are exempt from personal income tax in Vietnam in 2025? What are regulations on service allowances for high-level leaders of Vietnam?
Tính thuế tncn
09:40 | 05/03/2025
What is the total amount of imported gasoline subject to the environmental protection tax in Vietnam?
What is the total amount of imported gasoline subject to the environmental protection tax in Vietnam?
Thuế bảo vệ môi trường
09:35 | 05/03/2025
What is the maximum quantity for goods that are grant aid to be exempt from export and import duties in Vietnam?
What is the maximum quantity for goods that are grant aid to be exempt from export and import duties in Vietnam?
Hàng hóa viện trợ
09:29 | 05/03/2025
What level of credit provision allows enterprises providing financial leasing to receive a 2% VAT reduction in Vietnam?
What level of credit provision allows enterprises providing financial leasing to receive a 2% VAT reduction in Vietnam?
Giảm thuế GTGT
09:29 | 05/03/2025
Vietnam: Are entities which are not household businesses allowed to calculate tax under periodic declarations?
Vietnam: Are entities which are not household businesses allowed to calculate tax under periodic declarations?
Phương pháp kê khai
09:11 | 05/03/2025
Are travelling traders required to submit copies of documents proving the origin of goods in their tax declaration dossier in Vietnam?
Are travelling traders required to submit copies of documents proving the origin of goods in their tax declaration dossier in Vietnam?
Hồ sơ khai thuế
09:05 | 05/03/2025
What is the new driving license form in Vietnam from March 1, 2025? What is the current fee for issuing a driving license in Vietnam?
What is the new driving license form in Vietnam from March 1, 2025? What is the current fee for issuing a driving license in Vietnam?
Lệ phí cấp giấy phép lái xe
08:47 | 05/03/2025
The 2025 pardon decision of the President of Vietnam issued? How many years of imprisonment shall be imposed on tax evasion in Vietnam?
The 2025 pardon decision of the President of Vietnam issued? How many years of imprisonment shall be imposed on tax evasion in Vietnam?
Trốn thuế
08:19 | 05/03/2025
Is the income from sale of a house subject to personal income tax in Vietnam in 2025? How to calculate personal income tax for income from sale of a house of Vietnamese residents?
Is the income from sale of a house subject to personal income tax in Vietnam in 2025? How to calculate personal income tax for income from sale of a house of Vietnamese residents?
Đóng thuế tncn
09:28 | 04/03/2025
Delivery note forms issued by the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam: How to compile them?
What is the use of a delivery note in Vietnam? What is the delivery note form issued by the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam? How to download them?
Phiếu xuất kho
08:58 | 04/03/2025
How to calculate personal income tax on irregular income in Vietnam in 2025?
How to calculate personal income tax on irregular income in Vietnam in 2025? How to avoid 10% personal income tax withholding on irregular income in Vietnam?
Tính thuế tncn
08:52 | 04/03/2025
How much is the licensing fee for household businesses organizing extra classes in Vietnam in 2025?
How much is the licensing fee for household businesses organizing extra classes in Vietnam in 2025?
Đóng thuế môn bài
08:42 | 04/03/2025
Vietnam: What are cases where e-invoices are not required to have full content such as name, address, TIN?
Vietnam: What are cases where e-invoices are not required to have full content such as name, address, TIN?
Hóa đơn điện tử
08:36 | 04/03/2025
Vietnam issues Circular 12/2025/TT-BCA on exams, issuance of driving licenses: How much is the fee for issuing and renewing a motorcycle driving license in Vietnam?
Vietnam issues Circular 12/2025/TT-BCA on exams, issuance of driving licenses: How much is the fee for issuing and renewing a motorcycle driving license in Vietnam?
Lệ phí
08:34 | 04/03/2025
Vietnam issues Decree 55/2025/ND-CP on the authority and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam
Vietnam issues Decree 55/2025/ND-CP on the authority and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam: What is the Organizational Structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology According to Decree 55/2025/ND-CP?
Giao dịch điện tử
08:30 | 04/03/2025
What is the address of Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department? What are the position and functions of the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department?
What is the address of Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department? What are the position and functions of the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department?
Cục Thuế
08:26 | 04/03/2025
From July 1, 2025, which cases will not be eligible for input VAT deduction in Vietnam?
From July 1, 2025, which cases will not be eligible for input VAT deduction in Vietnam? What is the method of VAT deduction in Vietnam from July 1, 2025?
Khấu trừ thuế gtgt đầu vào
08:07 | 04/03/2025
What is profit before tax? How to calculate profit before tax in Vietnam?
What is profit before tax? How to calculate profit before tax in Vietnam?
Lợi nhuận trước thuế
08:04 | 04/03/2025
How long must one contribute to insurance to receive a pension in Vietnam? Is Personal Income Tax applicable to the pension in Vietnam?
How long must one contribute to insurance to receive a pension in Vietnam? Is Personal Income Tax applicable to the pension in Vietnam?
Đóng thuế tncn
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Chịu thuế TNCN
Phần mềm HTKK
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Trốn thuế
Đóng thuế tncn
Phiếu xuất kho
Nghị định 168 bãi bỏ hoàn toàn quy định xử phạt giao thông trong Nghị định 100?
Tổng hợp 16+ bài mẫu viết thư UPU lần thứ 54 2025 ngắn gọn và ấn tượng nhất? Cá nhân đạt giải nhất từ Cuộc thi viết thư UPU lần thứ 54 năm 2025 thì có phải đóng thuế TNCN?
02 mẫu viết chi tiết Bản kiểm điểm đảng viên 2024 đối với cá nhân không giữ chức vụ lãnh đạo? Đảng viên ra nước ngoài học tập từ ngân sách nhà nước đóng đảng phí bao nhiêu?
Cách viết 2 Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên năm 2024 mẫu 2A, 2B? Đảng viên trong Công đoàn Việt Nam đóng đảng phí bao nhiêu?
02 cách điền Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên 2024 cho cá nhân không giữ chức vụ lãnh đạo? Đảng viên trong cơ quan đại diện Việt Nam ở nước ngoài đóng đảng phí bao nhiêu?
Tổng hợp 2 cách viết Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên 2024? Đảng viên là sinh viên thì đóng mức đảng phí là bao nhiêu?
Tải và hướng dẫn viết Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên 2024? Đảng viên là sinh viên thì đóng đảng phí bao nhiêu?
Lịch chiếu phim Na Tra 2: Ma Đồng Náo Hải tại Việt Nam? Nhập khẩu, phát hành và chiếu phim chịu thuế suất thuế GTGT bao nhiêu?
Tổng hợp 15 mẫu vẽ tranh Cuộc thi Ý tưởng trẻ thơ 2024 2025 đẹp nhất? Tiền thưởng từ Cuộc thi Ý tưởng trẻ thơ có đóng thuế TNCN không?
Tổng hợp 3 cách viết mẫu 2A Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên 2024? Đảng viên trong cơ quan hành chính đóng đảng phí bao nhiêu?
Corporate income tax
Personal income tax
Value-added tax
Excise tax
Export and import duties
Land use tax
Natural resources tax
Environment protection tax
Tax administration
Other taxes