Tax Policy
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Tax Policy 24/7
Corporate income tax
Personal income tax
Value-added tax
Excise tax
Export and import duties
Land use tax
Natural resources tax
Environment protection tax
Tax administration
Other taxes
/ Chính Sách Thuế
/ Giáo dục 24/7
Giáo dục 24/7
2 giờ trước
Where is the first-time taxpayer registration application submitted in Vietnam?
Where is the first-time taxpayer registration application submitted in Vietnam? What is the deadline for taxpayer registration for those registering directly in Vietnam?
Đăng ký thuế lần đầu
2 giờ trước
What are the working principles of the Innovation Council of the General Department of Taxation of Vietnam?
What are the working principles of the Innovation Council of the General Department of Taxation of Vietnam? Which agencies are included in the Innovation Council of the General Department of Taxation?
Tổng cục Thuế
2 giờ trước
What are regulations on the taxable prices of goods sold by installment in Vietnam from July 1, 2025?
What are regulations on the taxable prices of goods sold by installment in Vietnam from July 1, 2025? When is the VAT determined for goods sold by installment in Vietnam?
Giá tính thuế gtgt
2 giờ trước
What is the 2025 Tet holiday schedule in Vietnam? What does the State budget revenue include?
What is the 2025 Tet holiday schedule in Vietnam? What does the State budget revenue include? Can the tax authority organize State budget collection in Vietnam?
Tết Âm lịch 2025
3 giờ trước
From July 1, 2025, what are the cases where the technology transfer is exempt from VAT in Vietnam?
From July 1, 2025, what are the cases where the technology transfer is exempt from VAT in Vietnam?
Chuyển giao công nghệ
19 giờ trước
What is tax statement? When is the deadline for tax statement submission in Vietnam?
What is tax statement? When is the deadline for tax statement submission in Vietnam? What are the responsibilities of tax authorities in receiving tax statement dossiers in Vietnam?
Quyết toán thuế
19 giờ trước
Shall a VAT invoice be issued when transferring capital in Vietnam?
Shall a VAT invoice be issued when transferring capital in Vietnam? What are the principles of issuance, management, and use of invoices and records in Vietnam?
Chuyển nhượng vốn
19 giờ trước
What are the rights and responsibilities of taxpayers in Vietnam in 2025?
What are the rights and responsibilities of taxpayers in Vietnam in 2025?
Người nộp thuế
19 giờ trước
From July 1, 2025, shall business establishments with residual input VAT receive VAT refund upon dissolution in Vietnam?
From July 1, 2025, shall business establishments with residual input VAT receive VAT refund upon dissolution in Vietnam?
Hoàn thuế gtgt
19 giờ trước
Vietnam: From July 1, 2025, is the time for determining value-added tax for services the time of receiving payment?
From July 1, 2025: What is the method for calculating value-added tax in Vietnam? Is the time for determining value-added tax for services the time of receiving payment?
Thuế giá trị gia tăng
19 giờ trước
What is the latest state budget payment form in Vietnam in 2025?
What is the latest state budget payment form in Vietnam in 2025? How to prepare tax payment documents on the electronic portal of the General Department of Taxation of Vietnam?
Giấy nộp tiền vào ngân sách nhà nước
20 giờ trước
Is the Official Dispatch 188 on guidance for enterprises to prepare the 2025 tax report promulgated by the tax authority in Vietnam?
Is the Official Dispatch 188 on guidance for enterprises to prepare the 2025 tax report promulgated by the tax authority in Vietnam? What are regulations on the declaration of personal income tax finalization in Vietnam in Official Dispatch 188?
Quyết toán thuế TNCN
20 giờ trước
Https hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn: What is the Link to view the list of semifinalists in the competition "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh"?
Https hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn: What is the Link to view the list of semifinalists in the competition "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh"?
Đóng thuế tncn
20 giờ trước
What is the latest payment request form in Vietnam (Form 05-TT)?
What is the latest payment request form in Vietnam (Form 05-TT)? Shall small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam apply accounting policies under Circular 200/2014/TT-BTC?
Báo cáo tài chính
21 giờ trước
What is the penalty for operating a motorcycle on the sidewalk in Vietnam in 2025? How to calculate the registration fee for motorcycles in Vietnam?
What is the penalty for operating a motorcycle on the sidewalk in Vietnam in 2025? How to calculate the registration fee for motorcycles in Vietnam?
Lệ phí trước bạ xe máy
11:28 | 21/01/2025
According to the new Law on VAT, which goods and services are not eligible for the 0% tax rate in Vietnam?
According to the new Law on VAT, which goods and services are not eligible for the 0% tax rate in Vietnam? When is the time of determining VAT in Vietnam from July 1, 2025?
Thuế suất thuế gtgt
10:52 | 21/01/2025
What is the personal exemption in Vietnam in 2025?
What is the personal exemption in Vietnam in 2025? What are the principles for calculating personal exemptions for dependants in Vietnam?
Giảm trừ gia cảnh
10:49 | 21/01/2025
What is the electronic receipt format in Vietnam? What is the currency recorded on the electronic receipt?
What is the electronic receipt format in Vietnam? Where shall the collectors register before using electronic receipts in Vietnam?
Biên lai điện tử
10:41 | 21/01/2025
Is the authorization to issue receipts made in writing in Vietnam? What information does the written authorization to issue receipts contain?
Is the authorization to issue receipts made in writing in Vietnam? Is it necessary to notify the tax authority when the duration of the authorization to issue receipts ends in Vietnam?
Ủy nhiệm lập biên lai
10:34 | 21/01/2025
How to determine the the environmental protection fee in Vietnam? What is the list of environmental protection activities eligible for incentives and assistance in Vietnam?
What is the list of environmental protection activities eligible for incentives and assistance in Vietnam? How to determine the the environmental protection fee in Vietnam?
Nộp thuế bảo vệ môi trường
10:21 | 21/01/2025
How to declare and pay environmental protection tax on imported gasoline, oil, and lubricants for purposes other than resale in Vietnam?
How to declare and pay environmental protection tax on imported gasoline, oil, and lubricants for purposes other than resale in Vietnam?
Thuế bảo vệ môi trường
10:19 | 21/01/2025
Are gasoline-powered cars subject to environmental protection tax in Vietnam?
Are gasoline-powered cars subject to environmental protection tax in Vietnam? What is the environmental protection tax declaration form?
Thuế bảo vệ môi trường
10:09 | 21/01/2025
What is the VAT declaration form for taxpayers engaging in business operations using the credit-invoice method in Vietnam?
What is the VAT declaration form for taxpayers engaging in business operations using the credit-invoice method in Vietnam?
Tờ khai thuế gtgt
10:03 | 21/01/2025
What is the plan for reorganizing and dowsizing the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam according to Report 219/BC-BNV?
What is the plan for reorganizing and dowsizing the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam according to Report 219/BC-BNV? What are regulations on the position and function of the General Department of Taxation of Vietnam?
Tinh gọn bộ máy
17:12 | 20/01/2025
Vietnam: What does the PIT finalization application include?
What does the PIT finalization application include? When is the deadline for submitting the tax finalization application in Vietnam?
Quyết toán thuế TNCN
17:10 | 20/01/2025
Which insurance services are exempt from VAT in Vietnam from July 1, 2025?
Which insurance services are exempt from VAT in Vietnam from July 1, 2025? What are the principles for provision and use of insurance services in Vietnam?
Dịch vụ bảo hiểm
17:07 | 20/01/2025
What is the list of 42 severe diseases eligible for personal income tax reduction in Vietnam?
What is the list of 42 severe diseases eligible for personal income tax reduction in Vietnam? How to determine personal income tax reduction for taxpayers suffering from severe diseases in Vietnam?
Giảm thuế thu nhập cá nhân
16:53 | 20/01/2025
What are 3 requirements when transmitting e-invoice data to tax authorities directly in Vietnam?
What are forms of invoice in Vietnam? What are 3 requirements when transmitting e-invoice data to tax authorities directly in Vietnam?
Hóa đơn điện tử
16:49 | 20/01/2025
May the tax authority-ordered printed invoices be destroyed by shredding method in Vietnam?
What is the latest form for the application to purchase the tax authority-ordered printed invoices in Vietnam? May the tax authority-ordered printed invoices be destroyed by shredding method in Vietnam?
Hóa đơn do cơ quan thuế đặt in
16:40 | 20/01/2025
Are corporate income tax and contributions to the state budget subject to accounting in Vietnam?
How to determine the income for calculating corporate income tax in Vietnam? Are corporate income tax and contributions to the state budget subject to accounting in Vietnam?
Thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp
Đăng ký thuế lần đầu
Tổng cục Thuế
Giá tính thuế gtgt
Tết Âm lịch 2025
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Quyết toán thuế
Chuyển nhượng vốn
Người nộp thuế
Hoàn thuế gtgt
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Quyết toán thuế TNCN
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Biên lai điện tử
Ủy nhiệm lập biên lai
Nộp thuế bảo vệ môi trường
02 mẫu viết chi tiết Bản kiểm điểm đảng viên 2024 đối với cá nhân không giữ chức vụ lãnh đạo? Đảng viên ra nước ngoài học tập từ ngân sách nhà nước đóng đảng phí bao nhiêu?
Cách viết 2 Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên năm 2024 mẫu 2A, 2B? Đảng viên trong Công đoàn Việt Nam đóng đảng phí bao nhiêu?
02 cách điền Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên 2024 cho cá nhân không giữ chức vụ lãnh đạo? Đảng viên trong cơ quan đại diện Việt Nam ở nước ngoài đóng đảng phí bao nhiêu?
Tổng hợp 2 cách viết Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên 2024? Đảng viên là sinh viên thì đóng mức đảng phí là bao nhiêu?
Tải và hướng dẫn viết Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên 2024? Đảng viên là sinh viên thì đóng đảng phí bao nhiêu?
Tổng hợp 3 cách viết mẫu 2A Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên 2024? Đảng viên trong cơ quan hành chính đóng đảng phí bao nhiêu?
Tổng hợp 15 mẫu vẽ tranh Cuộc thi Ý tưởng trẻ thơ 2024 2025 đẹp nhất? Tiền thưởng từ Cuộc thi Ý tưởng trẻ thơ có đóng thuế TNCN không?
Cách ghi Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên cuối năm 2024 hoàn chỉnh? Trích và nộp đảng phí thu được ở ngoài nước như thế nào?
Cách viết hoàn chỉnh Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên cuối năm 2024 mẫu 2A? Đảng viên là công an thì đóng đảng phí bao nhiêu?
03 cách viết Bản kiểm điểm cá nhân đảng viên cuối năm 2024 đối với cá nhân giữ chức vụ lãnh đạo? Mức đảng phí mà đảng viên là học sinh phải đóng?
Corporate income tax
Personal income tax
Value-added tax
Excise tax
Export and import duties
Land use tax
Natural resources tax
Environment protection tax
Tax administration
Other taxes